Down 68-38 at half. Oklahoma has hit 14-20 from three. Young has 25 pts and 10 assists at half. Wow.
Christian James had 19 in the first half on 5/6 threes ... Their center was 2/3 threes and 11 rebounds with a couple of 2sShut down that one guy and you shut down Oklahoma. I would love to see Dakota covering him.
Shut down that one guy and you shut down Oklahoma. I would love to see Dakota covering him.
of course they do, as do most teams with a star who has double digit assists. Belichek has made a super-bowl living off of shutting down the #1 offensive weapon of the other team. No disputing that philosophy .... But 19 points in the first half would be damn good for most players on most teams.But the other guys feed off Trae. You hinder him and they suffer.