New Poll on Obama and Other Recent Presidents


Gold Member
Jul 30, 2001
New Haven, CT
This poll was taken by Quinnipiac University, with a sample of 1,446 people. The sample QU tends to use leans left.

Interestingly, Ronald Reagan is seen as the best President since 1945.

Please read and comment.

Originally posted by SDBoiler1:
This poll was taken by Quinnipiac University, with a sample of 1,446 people. The sample QU tends to use leans left.

Interestingly, Ronald Reagan is seen as the best President since 1945.

Please read and comment.
It's a popularity poll. People are far more likely to have a strong positive/negative opinion of a president they can remember. So, the two most recent are going to both be marked as the worst. Nobody has a strong opinion of Ford, anymore.
33 percent is the number

that rank Obama low. When you add up all the TP folks, and the strong Republicans, guess what you are going to get, around 33 percent (actually you should get a somewhat higher number quite frankly, like low 40s).

So, folks on the right think Obama is the worst President.

You don't say?!
Re: 33 percent is the number

There wasn't much to remember about Ford. People do remember Carter, and generally seem to think he was a decent man but a bad President. People remember Reagan for pulling America out of the doldrums of the Carter years and getting Americans to think about the USA positively once again.

GWB was not a great President, but he is better than what we have now. This President will be judged by history to be an epic fail.
This post was edited on 7/2 3:09 PM by SDBoiler1
Re: 33 percent is the number

Originally posted by SDBoiler1:

There wasn't much to remember about Ford. People do remember Carter, and generally seem to think he was a decent man but a bad President. People remember Reagan for pulling America out of the doldrums of the Carter years and getting Americans to think about the USA positively once again.

GWB was not a great President, but he is better than what we have now. This President will be judged by history to be an epic fail.
This post was edited on 7/2 3:09 PM by SDBoiler1
You think the guy who dropped the Middle East into the current situation and heralded in the recession was better than BO? Are you serious?
Re: 33 percent is the number

With regards to the question of "who was the best President since WW2", Obama had 8 percent, Bush finished with 1. Truth is, both are towards the bottom over all.
Re: 33 percent is the number

Originally posted by BoilersRock:
With regards to the question of "who was the best President since WW2", Obama had 8 percent, Bush finished with 1. Truth is, both are towards the bottom over all.

And which is which probably depends on your party lean. For example, I dislike Obama more than Bush, but I acknowledge that Bush was not a good president at all. Fortunately, our system doesn't allow that one individual to have enough authority to do real, lasting, internal harm on his own. Obama doesn't seem to understand some of this as he keeps vowing to do as much as he can without congressional approval. The problem he has is that the system is built specifically to limit his ability to do that, as it should be.

That said, I argued with my Father-In-Law about Obama's "abuse" of Executive Orders. He's used far less than Bush. And not a single one aimed at ACA in the last two years. My FIL thought he'd changed ACA on his own, in truth it's been agencies that implement the changes. Fine line, but the various arguments and threat of a lawsuit for abuse of executive authority are ridiculous because his name isn't on the vast majority of the things he's accused of changing.
Re: 33 percent is the number

Please, the Middle East situation is roughly the same as it was, except the Baathists (Sunnis) were in power before. Now, you have the majority in power and the extremists aren't happy about it. Who "dropped us into this"? Really, it started with Papa Bush, and probably well before that... you know, whenever we decided we needed their oil and prioritized Israel.

Did Clinton herald in the "recession" (really a stagnation coupled with a market crash) in 2000-2002?