"Native Son" commits terror attack in Denmark


Oct 29, 2001
Way to run interference for Islam, New York Times.

COPENHAGEN - After killing a Danish film director in a Saturday afternoon attack on a Copenhagen cafe and then a Jewish night guard at a synagogue, the 22-year-old gunman responsible for Denmark's worst burst of terrorism in decades unleashed a final fusillade outside a four-story apartment building before dawn on Sunday.

Cornered by the police in a narrow street near the railway station in Norrebro, a heavily immigrant, shabby-chic district of Denmark's capital, the Danish-born attacker opened fire and was killed in a burst of return fire, the police said.

Yes, the "Danish-born gunman" did this. Not the "Jew-hating Islamic jihadist". No, that would be racist or something to identify him for who he really was.

A few dozen paragraphs into this story and......

Like the Paris gunmen, the 22-year-old responsible for the weekend's killings in Copenhagen was born in the country he sought to terrorize, into a Muslim immigrant family.

What will it take for the West to stop importing Muslims? What will it take to recognize the suicidal impulse behind Multiculturalsim?

Final paragraph:

Ms. Thorning-Schmidt sought to calm tensions after the attacks, saying, "This is not a war between Islam and the West."

There's a reason why the term "Useful Idiot" exists.

Terror Attacks by a Native Son Rock Denmark
My God, you really should put your efforts into something more productive. Your "issues" are both non-issues. He was a gunman (they use your favorite word "terrorism" in the same flipping sentence). And he was born in Denmark (it would be newsworthy if he came in from out of the country to carry this out).
Another poor, down trodden, racially discriminated against misunderstander of islam. I'm sure his islamic parents and their imam were beacons of light for the islamic tradition of killing Jews and blasphemers.
To paraphrase Archie Bunker, would it make you feel any better if dey wuz trown outta windas?

Yes, he used a gun. He could've used a knife or a hatchet or bomb or a car........ The purpose was not to kill with a gun but to kill. Yes, he was born in Denmark. Is that why he murdered? No, he murdered because he was a ISLAMIC JIHADIST. To refer to him as "native born" or merely a "gunman" is to shield his ideology. That was, and is, the goal for the mouthpieces of the left like the NYT. Acknowledging the truth of Islam is a threat to their worldview.

(it would be newsworthy if he came in from out of the country to carry this out).

Why? Would 9/11 have been somehow less newsworthy if the jihadists were born here?
Originally posted by GMM:

(it would be newsworthy if he came in from out of the country to carry this out).

Why? Would 9/11 have been somehow less newsworthy if the jihadists were born here?
I think it would've been MORE newsworthy had they been American-born and it certainly would've been mentioned ad nauseum by media and jihadists alike.

Originally posted by GMM:
Way to run interference for Islam, New York Times.

COPENHAGEN - After killing a Danish film director in a Saturday afternoon attack on a Copenhagen cafe and then a Jewish night guard at a synagogue, the 22-year-old gunman responsible for Denmark's worst burst of terrorism in decades unleashed a final fusillade outside a four-story apartment building before dawn on Sunday.

Cornered by the police in a narrow street near the railway station in Norrebro, a heavily immigrant, shabby-chic district of Denmark's capital, the Danish-born attacker opened fire and was killed in a burst of return fire, the police said.

Yes, the "Danish-born gunman" did this. Not the "Jew-hating Islamic jihadist". No, that would be racist or something to identify him for who he really was.

A few dozen paragraphs into this story and......

Like the Paris gunmen, the 22-year-old responsible for the weekend's killings in Copenhagen was born in the country he sought to terrorize, into a Muslim immigrant family.

What will it take for the West to stop importing Muslims? What will it take to recognize the suicidal impulse behind Multiculturalsim?

Final paragraph:

Ms. Thorning-Schmidt sought to calm tensions after the attacks, saying, "This is not a war between Islam and the West."

There's a reason why the term "Useful Idiot" exists.
C'mon... either that, or more government funding...

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