Mueller Subpoenaed for July 17

This will be a circus with both sides having agendas to pursue. It will be interesting as hell. If Mueller sticks to the script that he wrote in his report the Dems could get hammered IMO. The Reps will be loaded for bear to expose a lot of stuff from behind the scenes that was rumored but never came out.
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This will be a circus with both sides having agendas to pursue. It will be interesting as hell. If Mueller sticks to the script that he wrote in his report the Dems could get hammered IMO. The Reps will be loaded for bear to expose a lot of stuff from behind the scenes that was rumored but never came out.

I don't see this as a positive for the Dems in their pursuit for impeachment.
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This will be a circus with both sides having agendas to pursue. It will be interesting as hell. If Mueller sticks to the script that he wrote in his report the Dems could get hammered IMO. The Reps will be loaded for bear to expose a lot of stuff from behind the scenes that was rumored but never came out.
Know how I know you haven't read any of the report? Jesus people, if you've taken the time to actually see any of the report, it's terrible for Trump and his associates.
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Sorry, I meant to have included in the original post the language of the following cover letter from the Congressional Committees to Mr. Mueller accompanying the subpoenae -

June 25, 2019

The Hon. Robert S. Mueller III
Special Counsel
U.S. Department of Justice
950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20530

Dear Special Counsel Mueller:

Attached please find subpoenas from the House Judiciary Committee and the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence to compel your testimony on July 17, 2019. Over the course of discussions about your appearance before Congress, we have consistently communicated our Committees’ intention to issue these subpoenas, if necessary, and we now understand it is necessary to do so.

We further understand that there are certain sensitivities associated with your open testimony. In particular, the Special Counsel’s Office referred several criminal investigations to other offices at the Department of Justice, and certain matters are ongoing. Your office, moreover, admirably limited public comment while the Special Counsel’s Office’s work was ongoing. You have also explained that you prefer for the Special Counsel’s Office’s written work to speak for itself.

Nevertheless, the American public deserves to hear directly from you about your investigation and conclusions. We will work with you to address legitimate concerns about preserving the integrity of your work, but we expect that you will appear before our Committees as scheduled.

Love the cavalier approach to a clear foreign attack on the American electoral process. As the saying goes "Just keep on keepin' on."
LOL as if that's what this will be about...3 years later and still can't accept the results.
Love the cavalier approach to a clear foreign attack on the American electoral process. As the saying goes "Just keep on keepin' on."

There was influence by Foreign Governments. Cyber influence, hacking of the DNC e-mails, made up Dossier by foreigners that our FBI accepted as fact,
the Clinton foundation receiving millions from foreigner governments, just to name a few.
Hopefully, Mr. Mueller reads an essay in the Atlantic by his former subordinate and GHW Bush Dep. Atty. Gen. Donald Ayer, wherein Mr. Ayer opines -
Thus, if the arduous task Mueller undertook as special counsel included informing the American people and Congress about the facts and law surrounding the president’s conduct in a way they would be likely to understand, he is not yet done. He needs to be more direct about what the investigation found. And there seems little doubt that an unambiguous direct statement by Mueller of his own prosecutorial judgment based on the work of his team and their assessment of the law—as other independent counsels have provided—would carry enormous weight, and do much to set the public record straight. He needs to tell us whether, in his view, the president obstructed justice.
His full essay -
Hopefully, Mr. Mueller reads an essay in the Atlantic by his former subordinate and GHW Bush Dep. Atty. Gen. Donald Ayer, wherein Mr. Ayer opines -
Thus, if the arduous task Mueller undertook as special counsel included informing the American people and Congress about the facts and law surrounding the president’s conduct in a way they would be likely to understand, he is not yet done. He needs to be more direct about what the investigation found. And there seems little doubt that an unambiguous direct statement by Mueller of his own prosecutorial judgment based on the work of his team and their assessment of the law—as other independent counsels have provided—would carry enormous weight, and do much to set the public record straight. He needs to tell us whether, in his view, the president obstructed justice.
His full essay -

I'm so sick and tired of the rhetoric.
Mueller was supposed to look into Russian interference in the 2016 election.
This circus turned into a direct and partisan attack on Trump. Mueller knew back in July of 2016 Trump did not collude with Russia.
He needs to investigate who supplied the false information to obtain a warrant on Trump.
Who paid for this information and what FBI subpoenaed evidence was intentionally destroyed while obtaining that information.
Why were so many individuals given immunity so this information could not be reveled.
I'm so sick and tired of the rhetoric.
Mueller was supposed to look into Russian interference in the 2016 election.
This circus turned into a direct and partisan attack on Trump. Mueller knew back in July of 2016 Trump did not collude with Russia.
He needs to investigate who supplied the false information to obtain a warrant on Trump.
Who paid for this information and what FBI subpoenaed evidence was intentionally destroyed while obtaining that information.
Why were so many individuals given immunity so this information could not be reveled.
I suspect that in your heart of hearts that you have a real feel for why Atty. Gen. Barr has been making the attempts at limiting or preventing the Mueller group from open and frank testimony. I know that you will reply that the reason is because it's all out there already and so forth, but I think that you still know really why.
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I suspect that in your heart of hearts that you have a real feel for why Atty. Gen. Barr has been making the attempts at limiting or preventing the Mueller group from open and frank testimony. I know that you will reply that the reason is because it's all out there already and so forth, but I think that you still know really why.
I don't even know wtf he's talking about. A warrant on Trump? Some serious Qanon stuff there.
There was influence by Foreign Governments. Cyber influence, hacking of the DNC e-mails, made up Dossier by foreigners that our FBI accepted as fact,
the Clinton foundation receiving millions from foreigner governments, just to name a few.
" Made up Dossier" ?? The FBI " accepted as fact " the conclusion that the information contained therein was worthy of further investigation, NOT " as fact". Nice try.
"The Clinton Foundation received $'s from foreigner (sic) governments" ?? And that resulted in what charges for illegality, may we ask ?? Again, nice try.
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This will be a circus with both sides having agendas to pursue. It will be interesting as hell. If Mueller sticks to the script that he wrote in his report the Dems could get hammered IMO. The Reps will be loaded for bear to expose a lot of stuff from behind the scenes that was rumored but never came out.
So, there's behind the scenes stuff that, up until NOW, has " never (come) out ". Wow. There's the Dept. of Justice. There's the Inspector General's Office. There's various Senate committees capable of conducting investigations. But the GOP decided to wait until the Mueller appearance to introduce their " loaded for bear " expose ??!!!! Damn !! Looks like the Dems'll be out back by the woodshed now !!!
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I suspect that in your heart of hearts that you have a real feel for why Atty. Gen. Barr has been making the attempts at limiting or preventing the Mueller group from open and frank testimony. I know that you will reply that the reason is because it's all out there already and so forth, but I think that you still know really why.
Barr has publically stated he will support Muellers decision either way.
" Made up Dossier" ?? The FBI " accepted as fact " the conclusion that the information contained therein was worthy of further investigation, NOT " as fact". Nice try.
"The Clinton Foundation received $'s from foreigner (sic) governments" ?? And that resulted in what charges for illegality, may we ask ?? Again, nice try.

It was a fabricate report compiled by foreigners to have a direct impact on our election. Foreigners paid by the DNC and the HRC campaign. The unverifiable report enabled the FBI to spy on a presidential candidate of the opposing party of the sitting POTUS. And this after the opposing candidate, of the same party as the sitting POTUS, was given a pass on mishandling of classified information and destroying subpoenaed evidence. If the Russians were so interested in getting HRC out of the political picture why did they give the Clintons millions of dollars. Law enforcement 101, follow the money.
It was a fabricate report compiled by foreigners to have a direct impact on our election. Foreigners paid by the DNC and the HRC campaign. The unverifiable report enabled the FBI to spy on a presidential candidate of the opposing party of the sitting POTUS. And this after the opposing candidate, of the same party as the sitting POTUS, was given a pass on mishandling of classified information and destroying subpoenaed evidence. If the Russians were so interested in getting HRC out of the political picture why did they give the Clintons millions of dollars. Law enforcement 101, follow the money.
This is why Mueller needs to testify. Hopefully it will reach the uninformed.
It was a fabricate report compiled by foreigners to have a direct impact on our election. Foreigners paid by the DNC and the HRC campaign. The unverifiable report enabled the FBI to spy on a presidential candidate of the opposing party of the sitting POTUS. And this after the opposing candidate, of the same party as the sitting POTUS, was given a pass on mishandling of classified information and destroying subpoenaed evidence. If the Russians were so interested in getting HRC out of the political picture why did they give the Clintons millions of dollars. Law enforcement 101, follow the money.
Fact-checking 101: Just another post that confirms to all that you're a walking encyclopedia of misinformation.
How about: WHICH Russians gave precisely WHICH Clinton(s) or entity how many " millions " for exactly WHAT purpose, and WHEN ??
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Sometimes ya' just have to laugh. The linked story was, in fact, printed in the Chicago Tribune. The CITY of Chicago is not dominated by republicans. Which means WHAT exactly, given the fact this syndicated piece came from the op-ed section of The Washington Post , and was written by the ever-popular MARC THIESSEN - a right wing journalist who has always had a hard-on for the Clintons the size of the Washington Monument. One of these days, BoilerJS, you MIGHT just figure out the difference between straight reporting and opinion journalism. MIGHT.
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LOL as if that's what this will be about...3 years later and still can't accept the results.
Help us out , here, TSB : If (some people) " can't accept the results" of the "16 election, what are the tangible consequences of this ?? Are there multiple recounts still in progress ? Are multiple litigants involved in ongoing suits to have the result overturned ?? Other than observing, on a weekly basis, the evidence that the election winner should be institutionalized, what seems to be our big problem, here ??
Help us out , here, TSB : If (some people) " can't accept the results" of the "16 election, what are the tangible consequences of this ?? Are there multiple recounts still in progress ? Are multiple litigants involved in ongoing suits to have the result overturned ?? Other than observing, on a weekly basis, the evidence that the election winner should be institutionalized, what seems to be our big problem, here ??
He’s heard Hannity say it 50 times a day and liked how it sounded.
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Help us out , here, TSB : If (some people) " can't accept the results" of the "16 election, what are the tangible consequences of this ?? Are there multiple recounts still in progress ? Are multiple litigants involved in ongoing suits to have the result overturned ?? Other than observing, on a weekly basis, the evidence that the election winner should be institutionalized, what seems to be our big problem, here ??
it's not a big problem. It's the insane hypocrisy of the left on full display. That you are blind to it and its comedy is no surprise to me though...carry on.
Sometimes ya' just have to laugh. The linked story was, in fact, printed in the Chicago Tribune. The CITY of Chicago is not dominated by republicans. Which means WHAT exactly, given the fact this syndicated piece came from the op-ed section of The Washington Post , and was written by the ever-popular MARC THIESSEN - a right wing journalist who has always had a hard-on for the Clintons the size of the Washington Monument. One of these days, BoilerJS, you MIGHT just figure out the difference between straight reporting and opinion journalism. MIGHT.

My pint exactly. You can find articles everywhere by anyone stating an opinion.
Linky, LInky.
Journalism has become opinionated.
And a perfect example of opinionated journalism is the Mueller report.
Research the background of the individuals that wrote that.
My pint exactly. You can find articles everywhere by anyone stating an opinion.
Linky, LInky.
Journalism has become opinionated.
And a perfect example of opinionated journalism is the Mueller report.
Research the background of the individuals that wrote that.
It's very easy to tell you haven't spent one second of time reading the actual report.
It's very easy to tell you haven't spent one second of time reading the actual report.
Good lord. BoilerJS, were the dozens of charges brought as a result of the investigatory function of the Mueller team classified as " journalism " or as federal indictments ?? indy35 is right: you never read one word of the Justice Dept.'s findings and summaries.
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it's not a big problem. It's the insane hypocrisy of the left on full display. That you are blind to it and its comedy is no surprise to me though...carry on.
It MUST still be a problem. The question of whether or not the left "accepts" the election results is measured how, exactly ?? By the mere existence of criticism in the way Trump acts as President ?? WHAT THE HELL is your connection to the words " insane hypocrisy" to that fact of US political life ?? What forms does that " hypocrisy " take ?? Huh ?
It MUST still be a problem. The question of whether or not the left "accepts" the election results is measured how, exactly ?? By the mere existence of criticism in the way Trump acts as President ?? WHAT THE HELL is your connection to the words " insane hypocrisy" to that fact of US political life ?? What forms does that " hypocrisy " take ?? Huh ?
Another LWNJ fake news investigation ends with a fart and a whimper.
Another LWNJ fake news investigation ends with a fart and a whimper.
Unfortunately for Michael "the fixer" Cohen and Donald Trump, the entire charming episode of the Donald, Stormy Daniels and the 6-figure hush money payoff became part of the public record. We heard Melania was thrilled, as well. The "fart & a whimper " simply meant that there would be no campaign finance charges brought. BFD . Just exactly what comprised the " fake news" characterization of all of this ? It happened. Everybody knows the story wasn't fake.

Well,...…..except you.
Unfortunately for Michael "the fixer" Cohen and Donald Trump, the entire charming episode of the Donald, Stormy Daniels and the 6-figure hush money payoff became part of the public record. We heard Melania was thrilled, as well. The "fart & a whimper " simply meant that there would be no campaign finance charges brought. BFD . Just exactly what comprised the " fake news" characterization of all of this ? It happened. Everybody knows the story wasn't fake.

Well,...…..except you.
The fake news that he did something illegal. That he'll be charged. That he'll be locked up. He won't survive his term. He'll be impeached...blah blah blah you all look like loons more and more, every minute of every day. Whipped up into a frenzy by a dishonest media. You can't even recognize how you are played.
The fake news that he did something illegal. That he'll be charged. That he'll be locked up. He won't survive his term. He'll be impeached...blah blah blah you all look like loons more and more, every minute of every day. Whipped up into a frenzy by a dishonest media. You can't even recognize how you are played.
You can't even recognize that your pre-frontal cortex function is roughly equivalent to that of a cocker spaniel. There was scant reporting that he WOULD be charged. Just might. None that he would be "locked up" ;most everybody has accepted the conclusion from a previous Justice Dept. memo that you can't CHARGE, let alone imprison a sitting president !! Impeachment/surviving the term was described in the realm of POSSIBILITY, not as an inevitable outcome. " Loons" you say ?? The loon-in-chief is having his mid-afternoon snack, right about now, at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.
Helps when you have an AG willing to be a puppet and will completely excuse law breaking from his side.
Are you referring to mayors of sanctuary cities? I mean if they weren't democrats.