Maybe a dumb question...


May 6, 2008
because I seldom watch, but when did the women's game go to quarters? I just turned on the Purdue BTT game and noticed that. By the way, they should not be playing these games in that big of a venue. CFH is probably 95% empty. I'm not sure the crowd would fill up a HS gym.
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I'm watching the girls, maybe Painter should ask Versyp how to break the press...just a thought. BTFU.
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I'm watching the girls, maybe Painter should ask Versyp how to break the press...just a thought. BTFU.
It wasn't Matt''s fault. Players didn't listen, were not quick enough and you had a Layman who will play in the NBA with deceivingly long arms messing everything up. Maryland will eat Indiana's lunch on Sunday. They have NO IDEA how good Maryland is and the match-up nightmares they will encounter will knock them back on their _sses and I just can't wait to watch it unfold, lol, rotfl, lm_ao.
I caught a snippet of a girls game the other day as well and wondered the same thing about playing in quarters.
I'm watching the girls, maybe Painter should ask Versyp how to break the press...just a thought. BTFU.
The women's team has a hell of a point guard in Wilson. She is aa confident dribbler and scorer. On top of that she is aggressive and smart. You should listen to her post game analysius. Great kid!

Girls game went to quarters either this year or last year. I think the men should go to quarters as well seeing as they are the ONLY form of basketball that now does halves and not quarters.
How does the tv timeouts work in quarters? I'm sure they didn't get rid of any but just one right in the middle of the quarter makes alot of sense to me. Then you have 3 breaks each half instead of 4 which speeds things up. Even if you wanted to double the length of the break for the quarter to make up for the one tv timeout I think that would help the game keep its flow.
Overall, I think the change to quarters has made the women's game a more enjoyable to watch this year.

The media timeouts are the first whistle under the 5-min mark of each quarter. I believe the media TO goes away if a team calls a timeout before that media TO is supposed to occur.

In addition to the TO reduction, the foul/bonus structure with quarters leads to a smoother game. They shoot 2 shots after the 5th foul of each 10 min quarter. That eliminates the situation in the men’s game where we see teams get in the bonus with 7-8 mins left (sometimes 10+ mins) & the game grinds to a halt because a team is shooting FTs every 2nd or 3rd possession. I’d rather see 2-3 mins of bonus at the end of every quarter than 5-10 mins of continuous bonus at the end of each half.

My only concern: across the board, NCAA teams are absolutely atrocious at running end of half and end of game offense. I’m concerned going to quarters will mean 2x the incompetence in those situations (though maybe more reps would lead to better execution).
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Overall, I think the change to quarters has made the women's game a more enjoyable to watch this year.

The media timeouts are the first whistle under the 5-min mark of each quarter. I believe the media TO goes away if a team calls a timeout before that media TO is supposed to occur.

In addition to the TO reduction, the foul/bonus structure with quarters leads to a smoother game. They shoot 2 shots after the 5th foul of each 10 min quarter. That eliminates the situation in the men’s game where we see teams get in the bonus with 7-8 mins left (sometimes 10+ mins) & the game grinds to a halt because a team is shooting FTs every 2nd or 3rd possession. I’d rather see 2-3 mins of bonus at the end of every quarter than 5-10 mins of continuous bonus at the end of each half.

My only concern: across the board, NCAA teams are absolutely atrocious at running end of half and end of game offense. I’m concerned going to quarters will mean 2x the incompetence in those situations (though maybe more reps would lead to better execution).

Or two times the hilarity to watch guys like Izzo and Crean lose their ish' on the sideline!