Majority of House GOP, including 3 Black Republican grifters voted to reinstate confederate monument at Arlington National Cemetary


Jun 10, 2018
This is one of the reasons the majority of blacks don't vote Republican. Unbelievable. Then, it is sad and shameful that 3 black congressman voted to reinstate that crap. This is exactly what I'm talking about. This is what I'm saying all along. They unhold white supremacy. Why anyone would erect a confederate moment at the prestigious Arlington National Cemetary in the first place is beyond me. Isn't that a cemetery for US soldiers? You are not going to attract blacks to a political party this way. This has been the republican way since 1968. Anyone here that defends this confederate movement reinstatement is full of crap and you know it.
Who is Benjamin Banneker?
If you and others, mostly right wingers including the black grifters would not fight the existence of black history month, you would know who Benjamin Banneker was. That’s how I first heard of him years ago.

Banneker was a free black dude in the 1700s. He is known for building the first working clock in the US. All out of wood. He was also a mathematician, astronomer, wrote an almanac etc. He was also worked with the French dude, Pierre L’Enfant as part of the team hired by Thomas Jefferson to lay out the District of Columbia. There are some schools that are named after him. There one in Gary, Indiana.

Look up Lewis Latimer. Another black dude that should have a statue instead of Stonewall Jackson or Robert E. Lee.
What are you talking about?

Poor black families pocketbooks getting screwed by Biden Green Energy Inflation and failing border policies to the tune of $7-10,000 per year. Black family members are dying from fentanyl poisoning due to Biden's policy. Illegal aliens let in by Biden are raping & killing American citizens,.........and your concern is posting about an insignificant meaningless monument because you are a race baiter.

Could you be more tone deaf to reality??
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How many ancestors of white men captured by the Muslims and sold into slavery in Africa that invented something can you name? How many are now millionaires? I bet I can name over 100 black Americans who are millionaires. Knowing this why do you always shout race?

The Muslims sold more blacks into slavery in Asia than in the Americas. How many black Asian millionaires can you name? Why don't you protest against slavery in Asia and Africa, which is still prevalent today? Is it because it doesn't affect you? Well, slavery in America did not affect the Abolitionists.

I am sorry your black brothers captured other black villages and sold the captives to Muslim slave traders, and many were brought to America. Why aren't you thanking the white Christian men who gave their lives to free your brothers? Do you know how many lost their lives?
Poor black families pocketbooks getting screwed by Biden Green Energy Inflation and failing border policies to the tune of $7-10,000 per year. Black family members are dying from fentanyl poisoning due to Biden's policy. Illegal aliens let in by Biden are raping & killing American citizens,.........and your concern is posting about an insignificant meaningless monument.

Could you be more tone deaf to reality??
My necessary expenses have gone up $12k to $14k a year. I work with many non-profits and they say sex trafficking and child trafficking have skyrocketed.
This is one of the reasons the majority of blacks don't vote Republican. Unbelievable. Then, it is sad and shameful that 3 black congressman voted to reinstate that crap. This is exactly what I'm talking about. This is what I'm saying all along. They unhold white supremacy. Why anyone would erect a confederate moment at the prestigious Arlington National Cemetary in the first place is beyond me. Isn't that a cemetery for US soldiers? You are not going to attract blacks to a political party this way. This has been the republican way since 1968. Anyone here that defends this confederate movement reinstatement is full of crap and you know it.
45 people shot and 7 killed this weekend in Chicago. Mostly black. How much column inch did the failing WaPo dedicate to that story.

I lived across from a cemetery in Alexandria, VA which was a predominantly unmarked graves of confederate and Union soldiers. It’s a reminder of our history. History has both good and bad and both must be remembered. Take a look at those countries which have erased their past. They tend to be on the authoritarian and theocracy bent. Stop letting your overlords distract you with shiny pieces. Ask them to solve the real problems. 45 shot and 7 killed. Mostly black. In city, county, and state governed for generations by democrats. Who is doing the deflecting?
This is one of the reasons the majority of blacks don't vote Republican. Unbelievable. Then, it is sad and shameful that 3 black congressman voted to reinstate that crap. This is exactly what I'm talking about. This is what I'm saying all along. They unhold white supremacy. Why anyone would erect a confederate moment at the prestigious Arlington National Cemetary in the first place is beyond me. Isn't that a cemetery for US soldiers? You are not going to attract blacks to a political party this way. This has been the republican way since 1968. Anyone here that defends this confederate movement reinstatement is full of crap and you know it.
Right? It's like people defending "Palestinians". Just nothing but racism.
45 people shot and 7 killed this weekend in Chicago. Mostly black. How much column inch did the failing WaPo dedicate to that story.

I lived across from a cemetery in Alexandria, VA which was a predominantly unmarked graves of confederate and Union soldiers. It’s a reminder of our history. History has both good and bad and both must be remembered. Take a look at those countries which have erased their past. They tend to be on the authoritarian and theocracy bent. Stop letting your overlords distract you with shiny pieces. Ask them to solve the real problems. 45 shot and 7 killed. Mostly black. In city, county, and state governed for generations by democrats. Who is doing the deflecting?
As with good history, you learn about the bad history in history books. Erecting statues and monuments is honoring the person supposedly of good deeds. What good deeds have Stonewall Jackson, Robert E. Lee has done to deserve statues and schools name after them? Tell me what have they done? There are even US military bases named after these assholes like Fort Hood and Fort Bragg to name a few and the repubs don’t even want them to be renamed. These people have killed US soldiers and we have statues named after them? Are you kidding me? You right wingers call yourselves patriots? Give me a break. Put aside white supremacy for a moment, these soldiers are literally traitors. And y’all want to honor them. How about I erect a statue of Nat Turner? I bet y’all don’t even know what he did anyway. Y’all are historically challenged. Then try and twist the history when y’all do talk about it.
45 people shot and 7 killed this weekend in Chicago. Mostly black. How much column inch did the failing WaPo dedicate to that story.

I lived across from a cemetery in Alexandria, VA which was a predominantly unmarked graves of confederate and Union soldiers. It’s a reminder of our history. History has both good and bad and both must be remembered. Take a look at those countries which have erased their past. They tend to be on the authoritarian and theocracy bent. Stop letting your overlords distract you with shiny pieces. Ask them to solve the real problems. 45 shot and 7 killed. Mostly black. In city, county, and state governed for generations by democrats. Who is doing the deflecting?
Yes, or no. Should they reinstate the monuments of the US traitors at the Arlington National Cemetary?
45 people shot and 7 killed this weekend in Chicago. Mostly black. How much column inch did the failing WaPo dedicate to that story.

I lived across from a cemetery in Alexandria, VA which was a predominantly unmarked graves of confederate and Union soldiers. It’s a reminder of our history. History has both good and bad and both must be remembered. Take a look at those countries which have erased their past. They tend to be on the authoritarian and theocracy bent. Stop letting your overlords distract you with shiny pieces. Ask them to solve the real problems. 45 shot and 7 killed. Mostly black. In city, county, and state governed for generations by democrats. Who is doing the deflecting?

Lived in Chicago for 20 years in the 90s-2000s. Lived on the northside, worked on the southside, the worst hoods of Chicago. It was the exact same every. single. year. And it continues today. Once the warm weather hits, the guns get hot on the south and west sides. 95% of those shot/killed in Chicago are black.
But that's not what's important to people like BNI. What's important is looking for opportunities to claim victimhood, oppression, and searching for examples of white supremacy. Because the problems in black society aren't black society's fault. They're the fault of the white man keeping them down (at least that's what the race hustlers sell them, including chief race hustler Biden. Just listen to his recent graduation speech at Howard).
Lived in Chicago for 20 years in the 90s-2000s. Lived on the northside, worked on the southside, the worst hoods of Chicago. It was the exact same every. single. year. And it continues today. Once the warm weather hits, the guns get hot on the south and west sides. 95% of those shot/killed in Chicago are black.
But that's not what's important to people like BNI. What's important is looking for opportunities to claim victimhood, oppression, and searching for examples of white supremacy. Because the problems in black society aren't black society's fault. They're the fault of the white man keeping them down (at least that's what the race hustlers sell them, including chief race hustler Biden. Just listen to his recent graduation speech at Howard).
The topic I started was about congress voting to reinstate the racist and despicable confederate monument at the Arlington National Cemetery. Because y'all are so racist, y'all either justified the vote or deflect to the crime in Chicago. That's one of largest deflections I've seen on this board. Since y'all want to talk about the crime in Chicago, why don't congress write a bill that will decrease the crime instead of voting to reinstate a stupid confederate monument.

I'll ask you. Should the traitorous confederate monument be reinstated at the Arlington National Cemetery?

Wouldn't a statue of Benjamin Banneker or Lewis Latimer me better that a statue of Stonewall Jackson or Robert E. Lee?
I'll ask you. Should the traitorous confederate monument be reinstated at the Arlington National Cemetery?
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Yes, or no. Should they reinstate the monuments of the US traitors at the Arlington National Cemetary?
Updated count from the weekend. 71 shot. 9 killed.

And I have already told you my position about destroying history. I know the first thing the Taliban did was destroy all the statues and monuments. Leftest cities have “panels” that decide what to rename and take down. That’s pretty scary. I don’t want some random making a decision on what is and is not acceptable. That’s a very slippery slope.

Now your turn. 71 shot. 9 killed. Total Democratic control at city, county and state.
Updated count from the weekend. 71 shot. 9 killed.

And I have already told you my position about destroying history. I know the first thing the Taliban did was destroy all the statues and monuments. Leftest cities have “panels” that decide what to rename and take down. That’s pretty scary. I don’t want some random making a decision on what is and is not acceptable. That’s a very slippery slope.

Now your turn. 71 shot. 9 killed. Total Democratic control at city, county and state.
First of all, you are a stone cold racist for wanting to keep up those idiotic confederate statues.

What does 71 shot, 9 killed have to do with this anyhow?

Another question. Were the NFL players wrong for kneeling during the National Anthem? If so, why?
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First of all, you are a stone cold racist for wanting to keep up those idiotic confederate statues.

What does 71 shot, 9 killed have to do with this anyhow?

Another question. Were the NFL players wrong for kneeling during the National Anthem? If so, why?
I'll that this one JoetBoiler if you don't mind:

Do you consider the pro-palestian/Hamas crowd to all be anti-Semites?

What does 71/9 have to do with anything? It's the fact that you're more bent out of shape about a statue than you are about 71 people (mostly black) getting shot in a single weekend in a city controlled by Democrats (who supposedly care about the black community more than Republicans).

Any yes, the players were wrong for kneeling. You want to protest, you protest on your own time and not when you're on the clock.
Is the kneeling phase over? I don't see anyone doing it anymore. Sounds like it was a lot of virtue signaling to me.
First of all, you are a stone cold racist for wanting to keep up those idiotic confederate statues.

What does 71 shot, 9 killed have to do with this anyhow?

Another question. Were the NFL players wrong for kneeling during the National Anthem? If so, why?
I agree with you, the statues belong in a museum not on any government property. You accused another poster of deflecting from the issue. I accuse you of deflecting from the issue of horrible governance in Democratic cities. I lived in Chicago for many years. Chicago is a disgrace in its governance and its school system. No Republicans anywhere in sight. You are so upset about statues but don't seam be upset that black lives are being ruined by the city leaders in major cities. I agree that the far right Republicans are really bad but so are the far left Democrats.

Before you call me a racist because I disagree with you on some things like you do with anyone who doesn't agree with you, I believe you are RACIST.

BTW. I have Black people in my family including my grandchildren. Also, some jews. I love all of them dearly. I don't care what the color of anyones skin is. I judge them by the content of their character. Guess you don't know or care who said that.
I'll that this one JoetBoiler if you don't mind:

Do you consider the pro-palestian/Hamas crowd to all be anti-Semites?

What does 71/9 have to do with anything? It's the fact that you're more bent out of shape about a statue than you are about 71 people (mostly black) getting shot in a single weekend in a city controlled by Democrats (who supposedly care about the black community more than Republicans).

Any yes, the players were wrong for kneeling. You want to protest, you protest on your own time and not when you're on the clock.
Is the kneeling phase over? I don't see anyone doing it anymore. Sounds like it was a lot of virtue signaling to me.
As far as anti-Semitic? There is a difference between anti-Semitic and anti-Israeli policy. Anti-Semitic is hating the Jewish people in which must Muslims do. Of course you have pockets non-Muslims world wide that hate the Jews. This includes the white supremacists and others here in the US. As far as the Israeli-Hamas war, I feel that most Americans that are against this war fall into the anti-Israeli policy category. Particularly when they see Palestinian women and children being killed trying to get to Hamas. So, no if you don’t hate the Jewish people but are against killing Palestinian women and children that it is anti-Semitic.

So, if the NFL players were wrong, some calling them traitors, for kneeling during the National Anthem, was it wrong for naming schools/US military bases and erecting statues/monuments after confederate soldiers that literally killed US soldiers? It’s a fact that they were traitors.
I agree with you, the statues belong in a museum not on any government property. You accused another poster of deflecting from the issue. I accuse you of deflecting from the issue of horrible governance in Democratic cities. I lived in Chicago for many years. Chicago is a disgrace in its governance and its school system. No Republicans anywhere in sight. You are so upset about statues but don't seam be upset that black lives are being ruined by the city leaders in major cities. I agree that the far right Republicans are really bad but so are the far left Democrats.

Before you call me a racist because I disagree with you on some things like you do with anyone who doesn't agree with you, I believe you are RACIST.

BTW. I have Black people in my family including my grandchildren. Also, some jews. I love all of them dearly. I don't care what the color of anyones skin is. I judge them by the content of their character. Guess you don't know or care who said that.
How can I deflect when I started the topic about confederate monuments? Deflecting is when I respond to someone’s topic by bringing up another issue that has nothing to do with the original topic. I responded to the big cities crime problem several times.

Now you just called me a racist. I said nothing racist nor did I put down any racial or ethnic group. So, how am I a racist. Y’all do this everytime. Call me a racist when I’m the one raising attention to racism. That’s ridiculous.
Am not in favor of confederate statues in any place of honor. They were traitors plain and simple and caused the needless suffering of many Americans.
I'd be good with having them in a Civil War Museum. Let's learn about them and the deeds of the government they defended.
I became politically agnostic after reading the Elsberg Papers. LBJ purposely planned an escalation to the Vietnam War to appease Big Government and make himself a heck of a lot richer. Why do we have statues, buildings, and streets named LBJ? The Confederate soldiers at least had a just cause for which they fought.

Is there a pattern that keeps us in continued war? Obama gave money to countries that chanted death to America. He gave money to Iran in exchange for a nuclear treaty. He allowed Iran access to their money, which was frozen. He gave ransom money for hostages. In 2016, my biggest fear was WW III with N Korea or Islamic terrorists. Trump stopped that and put sanctions on their oil trade, and as a result, Iran's country was like Russia. They were both hurting for money to be aggressive in war and fund terrorist groups. Trump was able to orchestrate the Abrahamic Accords, and the world was at peace.

Biden gets placed in office. He restores the Nuclear Treaty. He grants foreign aid to many countries, including China. He allows Iran access to their frozen assets. He gives money for hostages. He lifts sanctions on Iran, so Iran has billions now. Thus Iran funds the Hoodies, enabling supply shortages due to the problems in the Red Sea. Iran is also funding Hezbollah and Hamas, which has learned the importance of hostages. The Taliban can provide the weapons for the war. Where did they get them? That's right, Biden pulled the military out of Afghanistan first. Do you know how many Afghans loyal to the US were killed? Are any in prison along with US citizens? Why does the media not mention this? My biggest fears are with China, Iran, Russia, and N Korea.

We need Trump!
I became politically agnostic after reading the Elsberg Papers. LBJ purposely planned an escalation to the Vietnam War to appease Big Government and make himself a heck of a lot richer. Why do we have statues, buildings, and streets named LBJ? The Confederate soldiers at least had a just cause for which they fought.

Is there a pattern that keeps us in continued war? Obama gave money to countries that chanted death to America. He gave money to Iran in exchange for a nuclear treaty. He allowed Iran access to their money, which was frozen. He gave ransom money for hostages. In 2016, my biggest fear was WW III with N Korea or Islamic terrorists. Trump stopped that and put sanctions on their oil trade, and as a result, Iran's country was like Russia. They were both hurting for money to be aggressive in war and fund terrorist groups. Trump was able to orchestrate the Abrahamic Accords, and the world was at peace.

Biden gets placed in office. He restores the Nuclear Treaty. He grants foreign aid to many countries, including China. He allows Iran access to their frozen assets. He gives money for hostages. He lifts sanctions on Iran, so Iran has billions now. Thus Iran funds the Hoodies, enabling supply shortages due to the problems in the Red Sea. Iran is also funding Hezbollah and Hamas, which has learned the importance of hostages. The Taliban can provide the weapons for the war. Where did they get them? That's right, Biden pulled the military out of Afghanistan first. Do you know how many Afghans loyal to the US were killed? Are any in prison along with US citizens? Why does the media not mention this? My biggest fears are with China, Iran, Russia, and N Korea.

We need Trump!
You need some serious intervention. You need some serious cult deprogramming.
I became politically agnostic after reading the Elsberg Papers. LBJ purposely planned an escalation to the Vietnam War to appease Big Government and make himself a heck of a lot richer. Why do we have statues, buildings, and streets named LBJ? The Confederate soldiers at least had a just cause for which they fought.

Is there a pattern that keeps us in continued war? Obama gave money to countries that chanted death to America. He gave money to Iran in exchange for a nuclear treaty. He allowed Iran access to their money, which was frozen. He gave ransom money for hostages. In 2016, my biggest fear was WW III with N Korea or Islamic terrorists. Trump stopped that and put sanctions on their oil trade, and as a result, Iran's country was like Russia. They were both hurting for money to be aggressive in war and fund terrorist groups. Trump was able to orchestrate the Abrahamic Accords, and the world was at peace.

Biden gets placed in office. He restores the Nuclear Treaty. He grants foreign aid to many countries, including China. He allows Iran access to their frozen assets. He gives money for hostages. He lifts sanctions on Iran, so Iran has billions now. Thus Iran funds the Hoodies, enabling supply shortages due to the problems in the Red Sea. Iran is also funding Hezbollah and Hamas, which has learned the importance of hostages. The Taliban can provide
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Thanks for the laugh, Uncle Pav.

Does it bother you that buildings in the US are named after LBJ?
As much as a racist LBJ was, he took the time and had several meetings with MLK and the other civil rights leaders that led to the 1964 and 1965 Voting Rights and Civil Rights Bills being signed. However, the fact on how bad he and Westmorland jacked up the Viet Nam war I wouldn’t name anything after LBJ. I’m not bothered that there are buildings named after him as much as I am bothered about naming monuments, schools, and military bases after the confederate soldiers. Naming military bases after these assholes is horrible.
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As far as anti-Semitic? There is a difference between anti-Semitic and anti-Israeli policy. Anti-Semitic is hating the Jewish people in which must Muslims do. Of course you have pockets non-Muslims world wide that hate the Jews. This includes the white supremacists and others here in the US. As far as the Israeli-Hamas war, I feel that most Americans that are against this war fall into the anti-Israeli policy category. Particularly when they see Palestinian women and children being killed trying to get to Hamas. So, no if you don’t hate the Jewish people but are against killing Palestinian women and children that it is anti-Semitic.

So, if the NFL players were wrong, some calling them traitors, for kneeling during the National Anthem, was it wrong for naming schools/US military bases and erecting statues/monuments after confederate soldiers that literally killed US soldiers? It’s a fact that they were traitors.

So, are you anti-Israeli policy? I know Bob is.

You do realize that Confederate soldiers were US soldiers, right? There were two groups of American soldiers fighting each other: The Confederates and the Union.
So, are you anti-Israeli policy? I know Bob is.

You do realize that Confederate soldiers were US soldiers, right? There were two groups of American soldiers fighting each other: The Confederates and the Union.
Even though I follow Psalm 122, I’ve always felt that if the Palestinians had their own State, a lot of this violence towards Israel for decades would have ended. However, if I remember right I think Yasser Arafat of the PLO rejected a offer for an independent State.

As far as your dumb comment that the confederate soldiers were US soldiers, do all of us a favor and stay out of any discussions about US history.

When the confederates seceded from the US, they even had their own constitution. The fools that fought for the confederacy were no longer US soldiers. What the southern states did was illegal according to the 1869 Supreme Court decision. Even for the sake or argument they were considered US soldiers, they killed real US soldiers so why still honor these folks with monuments, schools and military bases.
Even though I follow Psalm 122, I’ve always felt that if the Palestinians had their own State, a lot of this violence towards Israel for decades would have ended. However, if I remember right I think Yasser Arafat of the PLO rejected a offer for an independent State.
The residents of Gaza have been offered their own state, but there is one condition that is the sticking point and that they have repeatedly refused to accept:
  • That they recognize Israel as a state that has a right to exist.
Even without the acceptance of Israel's right to exist, since 2006 there have ZERO Jews in Gaza, and that has included Israeli military and police. Yes, Israel has blockaded Gaza entry into Israel since 2006, just as Egypt has done since 2010. Yet Hamas has not regularly launched rockets into Egypt and they did not invade Egyptian land.
I can't believe that there are three posters with presumed college degrees who do not understand that the just cause the South fought for was the State's rights over certain federal laws that were unfair to them. A big problem was that the money they were taxed was all going to the northern states.

I am grateful that one person did take the time to research the Ellsberg Papers.

However, again, the historical knowledge here is abysmal. Richard Nixon was the highest political person who helped the civil rights movement in the fifties. However, when running for President, MLK asked Nixon for a fair on some arrest, and Nixon, knowing this would get national attention, did not respond. Bobby Kennedy did courageously respond and got his brother to act on it. LBJ saw how black voters responded to this and endorsed the Civil Rights Bill; however, it was the Republicans who voted for it and deserve the credit. LBJ is infamous for sayings words to the effect that he endorsed the Bill because he knew the niggas would vote for him for the next two hundred years. Now, sixty years later, it appears the dinosaur, Barry Goldwater, was right. There should have been a better way. The Bill evolved into the division of the black families with way too many single-parent homes. What many white people don't understand is that in the fifties, the black divorce rate was lower than whites, and they went to Church a lot more often. If blacks understood history more clearly, the majority would vote for Trump. When President, their dollar went further. Trump gave generously to black colleges, helped establish entrepreneurs, and passed many more judicial reform laws that were unjust to blacks. BTW, studies showed that police were tougher regarding black deaths were false.
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I can't believe that there are three posters with presumed college degrees who do not understand that the just cause the South fought for was the State's rights over certain federal laws that were unfair to them. A big problem was that the money they were taxed was all going to the northern states.
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