So, ignoring the fact that most PD outfits across the country are overworked, underpaid, underresourced and in several states you can be on food stamps and welfare but still not be "poor" enough to qualify for a public defender...
In Louisiana, you have had repeated cuts to the PD system resulting in clients being turned away (again these are clients the state itself says are poor enough to qualify) due to lack of resources and funds. GOV Jindal's shrink government policies have resulted in a massive shortfall, and one of the ways the state is looking to make up said shortfall is increase taxes....nah, I'm kidding, they are looking to cut more government including the PD system.
At what point does one say, "cut government" has happened enough? We aren't even talking federal gov at this Kansas and LA we are talking massive state gov's that working out for the economies of those two states?
But I digress, anyone here have thoughts on cutting a PD system that's already too understaffed to do its job properly? Does everyone agree that we even need a PD system? If so, should it be resourced at the same level as the prosecutors office? 75%? 50%?
So, ignoring the fact that most PD outfits across the country are overworked, underpaid, underresourced and in several states you can be on food stamps and welfare but still not be "poor" enough to qualify for a public defender...
In Louisiana, you have had repeated cuts to the PD system resulting in clients being turned away (again these are clients the state itself says are poor enough to qualify) due to lack of resources and funds. GOV Jindal's shrink government policies have resulted in a massive shortfall, and one of the ways the state is looking to make up said shortfall is increase taxes....nah, I'm kidding, they are looking to cut more government including the PD system.
At what point does one say, "cut government" has happened enough? We aren't even talking federal gov at this Kansas and LA we are talking massive state gov's that working out for the economies of those two states?
But I digress, anyone here have thoughts on cutting a PD system that's already too understaffed to do its job properly? Does everyone agree that we even need a PD system? If so, should it be resourced at the same level as the prosecutors office? 75%? 50%?