If you've ever read "the Tipping Point", you'll know about how NYC got rid of train taggers. Every night they'd bring the spray painted cars into the sheds, put a new coat on over it and send them back out. They did this for a couple of months until the taggers finally gave up (or ran out of paint). Pretty simple strategy, you clean it up as soon as it's done and it goes away. I don't know why GBI is letting the small penis turd's barely legible hick scribbles stay up as long as they do, unless they think it will drive business to the pay board (and it won't). If it's just one person policing, they could appoint moderators to take out the trash pretty quickly. Did somebody say the same guys running what used to be Peegs are running this now as well? That might explain a lot. Chances are the slack jawed booger eating moron isn't even an IU fan, just somebody that needs do to this for his own gratification into his dirty gym sock while waiting for the power to come back on in the trailer.
There, that about covers it.