Lineup Today...

Is the best lineup we have with TKR, Heide, Fletcher, Colvin and Smith. Have Harris and Cox on deck for ball handling. We should score a lot of points with this lineup and Colvin much improved defense should be the line up going forward IMO.
This is my favorite lineup but I recognize it’s not our best lineup in all situations . We will have matchups where it makes sense to have TKR at 4 and a big like berg. And there’s going to be matchups we want a second ball handler for example when we are getting pressed then we may need cox or Harris in there
We beat Marshall in boards by just one. TKR had just 3. For that reason I’d rather see Berg or Burgess at the 5 and TKR at the 4.
Stats wise I think our best lineup is the big three with Colvin and Furst.
I was happy to see Furst jump Berg in the rotation.

He just as a better awareness of what's going on offensively and defensively out there.