

Redshirt Freshman
Nov 16, 2011
60 years ago, Lebanon was a prosperous, peaceful, predominantly Christian country. In its heyday Lebanon was often compared to Switzerland due to it culture and economy, driven by tourism, commerce and banking. Its capital Beirut attracted so many tourists that it was known as "the Paris of the Middle East".

Lebanon magnanimously opened its borders to Muslim refugees in the second half of the 20th century, mostly for neighboring countries experiencing conflict. These people were humble and grateful but the next generation was much more militant and wanted Sharia Law for the country. Various Muslim groups, including the PLO, grew and developed militias. Then came the Lebanese Civil War in 1975, which was actually a holy war of Christians versus Muslim groups.

The Lebanese Civil War officially ended in 1990 but for all practical purposes it continues to this day. Beirut is in ruins and terrorist attacks by Hezbollah occur on a daily basis. Any Westerner who travels there risks being kidnapped or killed.

If France continues to immigrate Muslims, it will become the next Lebanon.

This post was edited on 1/10 12:42 PM by buygreekbonds
I don't know

I mean I get that you are trying to reach the top of the stupidity pile here, but GMM already has the Muslims are evil schtick covered AND he has the racists and homophobe angle covered as well.

You're just one-note, and that's not going to cut it around here. You've got to diversify your bigotry.
Originally posted by buygreekbonds:

In its heyday Lebanon was often compared to Switzerland due to it culture and economy, driven by tourism, commerce and banking. Its capital Beirut attracted so many tourists that it was known as "the Paris of the Middle East".

This post was edited on 1/10 12:42 PM by buygreekbonds
From Wikipedia: " its heyday, Lebanon was compared to Switzerland,[12]"

Well informed, you are. I mean, people who form arguments based solely on Wikipedia, in fact plagiarizing directly from it, are paragons of informed discussion.

Give up on the Muslim pilot thing? Finally recognize your own stupidity on that one?
I actually don't have a problem

with citing wiki, particularly for non-controversial things. Several studies have showed that for non-controversial things, wiki is actually about as good as more established sources. Obviously, if you are linking something controversial, much more prone to being edited by one side or another.

I agree that plagiarizing from it on a chat board is beyond lame. Just say, from wiki: ...

None of us are "Experts" in much at all, except maybe in our jobs, and even then, that's narrow. Citing online, even wiki is mighty fine, pretending you didn't, ain't. Of course, he misses Jordan, Qatar, and other places that are stable, non-violent, safe places to live or visit.
Re: I actually don't have a problem

Originally posted by qazplm:

I agree that plagiarizing from it on a chat board is beyond lame. Just say, from wiki: ...

None of us are "Experts" in much at all, except maybe in our jobs, and even then, that's narrow. Citing online, even wiki is mighty fine, pretending you didn't, ain't.
Yeah, that's my point. It's disingenuous, if not downright dishonest.
So....... Lebanon better off or worse off because they imported numerous Muslims?

Of course, he misses Jordan, Qatar, and other places that are stable, non-violent, safe places to live or visit.

If those places were overwhelmingly populated with White Christians, and instead of being foreign countries were US states, you and the rest of the left would ceaselessly mock them, insult them, demonize them, and harass them until they bowed to your demands. But since they're not majority White Christian you'll look past their flaws you'd never tolerate in a Western society.

Anything to defend Islam.
Re: So.......


There will millions of Muslims there in the first place. It's on the friggin' Arabian peninsula, for crying out loud, and when the original Lebanese government was founded, two of the top three positions in the government were mandated for a Shi'a and a Sunni Muslim.
Re: Laughable

Originally posted by GMM:
Of course, he misses Jordan, Qatar, and other places that are stable, non-violent, safe places to live or visit.

If those places were overwhelmingly populated with White Christians, and instead of being foreign countries were US states, you and the rest of the left would ceaselessly mock them, insult them, demonize them, and harass them until they bowed to your demands. But since they're not majority White Christian you'll look past their flaws you'd never tolerate in a Western society.
How so?
poor GMM

attacked for being an avowed racist and bigot. What is this world/forum coming to?

Thankfully, he has you to defend him.
Re: poor GMM

Originally posted by qazplm:
attacked for being an avowed racist and bigot. What is this world/forum coming to?

Thankfully, he has you to defend him.
No, that's weak. I'm not defending anyone. GMM doesn't need my defense.

A "avowed racist and bigot". *Yawn*

Unfortunately race hustlers like Sharpton and Jackson have beaten you to that game.

yes "avowed" as in he freely admits it. Repeatedly.
Re: Laughable

Originally posted by Purdue85

"The South" hasn't treated anyone like anything.

Actually, he has a point, in spite of the rancor directed at GMM on this forum.
Ummm, the south hasn't treated anyone like anything? Did you miss, I don't know, all of American history?

GMM is just fine on his own. The rancor is deserved, and no, he's not right. He's just opinionated just like you and me.
Re: Laughable

10 bucks says he calls it the War of Northern Aggression.

....not "avowed" in the way you mean it. I simply acknowledge that the term "racist" is a modern invention by the left and its purpose is to intimidate, shame, and ultimately control normal white people. We're all supposed to believe there are universal principles behind the term but there aren't. The Al Sharptons of the world would fit that universal definition but the left never calls them racist. Why? Well, because Al and his ilk aren't normal white people.
Re: Laughable

Originally posted by gr8indoorsman:
Originally posted by Purdue85

"The South" hasn't treated anyone like anything.

Actually, he has a point, in spite of the rancor directed at GMM on this forum.
Ummm, the south hasn't treated anyone like anything? Did you miss, I don't know, all of American history?

GMM is just fine on his own. The rancor is deserved, and no, he's not right. He's just opinionated just like you and me.
Eh? People make "the south". It's a lot like "corporations". It's an attempt to paint make a target. Talk about specific people, if you want to be taken seriously.

And, yes... every poster on this forum has faults, even you and other radicals like qaz.
Sharpton and his ilk are racists.

Originally posted by GMM:
....not "avowed" in the way you mean it. I simply acknowledge that the term "racist" is a modern invention by the left and its purpose is to intimidate, shame, and ultimately control normal white people. We're all supposed to believe there are universal principles behind the term but there aren't. The Al Sharptons of the world would fit that universal definition but the left never calls them racist. Why? Well, because Al and his ilk aren't normal white people.
As evidenced by his selective outrage.
It all depends......

.....on what the meaning of the word "racist" is.

The term is a modern invention of the left. Now, we're all supposed to believe in some universal definition of that word that applies equally to everybody. Well, how have the authors of that term applied it? Certainly not equally. No, they pretty much reserve it for their political opponents or people they despise. Which usually means normal white people.

"even you and other radicals like qaz."

You know what they say, to an idiot, everyone looks like a genius.

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