Jumbotron Heros - their return


Redshirt Freshman
Jul 18, 2004
Dream with me, with the talent amassed by CJB and team, should we return the jumbotron hero marketing campaign?

My opinion - heck yeah!

If we brought it back, who should star and with what power?

CJB - Master Chief at the controls
Bell & Moore - Wonder Twins, ability to be anywhere, everywhere
Bailey - The Hammer, hard hitting

Who else?
Dream with me, with the talent amassed by CJB and team, should we return the jumbotron hero marketing campaign?

My opinion - heck yeah!

If we brought it back, who should star and with what power?

CJB - Master Chief at the controls
Bell & Moore - Wonder Twins, ability to be anywhere, everywhere
Bailey - The Hammer, hard hitting

Who else?
Lorenzo Neal is my #1 choice after Moore.
Dream with me, with the talent amassed by CJB and team, should we return the jumbotron hero marketing campaign?

My opinion - heck yeah!

If we brought it back, who should star and with what power?

CJB - Master Chief at the controls
Bell & Moore - Wonder Twins, ability to be anywhere, everywhere
Bailey - The Hammer, hard hitting

Who else?
I’m with you on this one. It’s marketing, it’s promotion and you have to think like your audience to win your audience. Don’t young people identify with Marvel comics and identify with a different reality. I am probably not creative enough to come up with some examples for 4 and 5 star recruits but imagine a 4 or 5 star linebacker coming into R-A stadium and the Jumbotron has their “superhero alter-ego” playing on it. And through the world of social media our marketing team can learn quite a bit about a ‘different side’ to that player before they come to visit and what does that say subconsciously to the recruit about how this football staff values them enough and connects with them enough to have a pretty accurate feel on what the player identifies with?