JTaylor hurt again

He is fine.....just precautionary.

JT only knows one speed and this is the coaches and doctors protecting him from himself.

He knows his assignments on both ends and has the experience and understandings of everyone on the team.

Him missing a few practices is just to assure he is full go when it counts.

Plus this gives more practice time for Haarms, Ewing and Wheeler to develop in the system and learn what JT already knows.

He will be fine and sooooooo looking forward to watching him on the court this year contributing to our winning season.

Boiler Up!
He is fine.....just precautionary.

JT only knows one speed and this is the coaches and doctors protecting him from himself.

He knows his assignments on both ends and has the experience and understandings of everyone on the team.

Him missing a few practices is just to assure he is full go when it counts.

Plus this gives more practice time for Haarms, Ewing and Wheeler to develop in the system and learn what JT already knows.

He will be fine and sooooooo looking forward to watching him on the court this year contributing to our winning season.

Boiler Up!

I think its more about making sure he gets the needed work in when possible and then letting him rest on days where putting the stress isn't worth it (focus on offensive sets or wing/perimeter defending for example). The key is getting him to the season healthy because once that happens, practices will be mostly walk-throughs and maintaining conditioning and strength levels. He is a necessary cog in the wheel that'll make Purdue go....and that cog can't get there if it breaks before the trip starts.
I think its more about making sure he gets the needed work in when possible and then letting him rest on days where putting the stress isn't worth it (focus on offensive sets or wing/perimeter defending for example). The key is getting him to the season healthy because once that happens, practices will be mostly walk-throughs and maintaining conditioning and strength levels. He is a necessary cog in the wheel that'll make Purdue go....and that cog can't get there if it breaks before the trip starts.

Like I said they stated it was precautionary. However I remember them saying that about him before too. This kid completely changes us on both ends of the floor. Let him rest for as long as it takes for him to feel 100%
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Don't year Robbie walked around in a back brace most of the year outside of games and practices. I'm sure with our staff and the strength guy....having him in a boot to relieve stress and pressure, especially with classes and walking around more than in the summer is just in the plan to get him through the season.
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Don't year Robbie walked around in a back brace most of the year outside of games and practices. I'm sure with our staff and the strength guy....having him in a boot to relieve stress and pressure, especially with classes and walking around more than in the summer is just in the plan to get him through the season.
He's hood my son told me today
I think it should be pointed out he was placed in the boot after an examination by our trainers and doctors! They wouldn't just place him ina boot for no reason! Yes, the reports say it's precautionary, but the last time I saw a doctor, I didn't leave with a precautionary boot!
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I think it should be pointed out he was placed in the boot after an examination by our trainers and doctors! They wouldn't just place him ina boot for no reason! Yes, the reports say it's precautionary, but the last time I saw a doctor, I didn't leave with a precautionary boot!
No he is fine my son is roommates with him and my son said bcuz of his history they gonna play it safe with him rest him. Also talked to the coaches he is just fine
No he is fine my son is roommates with him and my son said bcuz of his history they gonna play it safe with him rest him. Also talked to the coaches he is just fine
Smart play here.

Kid is a rebound machine.

I bet it makes you feel better about how the coaches would treat your son in a similar situation and not run him into the ground for the sake of practice.
Smart play here.

Kid is a rebound machine.

I bet it makes you feel better about how the coaches would treat your son in a similar situation and not run him into the ground for the sake of practice.
Absolutely trust me they are well taken care of Josh the Strength and conditioning knows his stuff and all of them in good hands
I think it should be pointed out he was placed in the boot after an examination by our trainers and doctors! They wouldn't just place him ina boot for no reason! Yes, the reports say it's precautionary, but the last time I saw a doctor, I didn't leave with a precautionary boot!
The last time you saw a doctor you weren't going to be participating in Big Ten college basketball practices.

Stop speculating when there is good information right here to draw from.
The last time you saw a doctor you weren't going to be participating in Big Ten college basketball practices.

Stop speculating when there is good information right here to draw from.
I agree with Wolegib. No speculation here, at least not more than in the article. "Routine checkup that revealed something of concern".
Let's take up a collection and get him a Rascal to get around campus so he's not having to walk on that foot any more than necessary.
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I agree with Wolegib. No speculation here, at least not more than in the article. "Routine checkup that revealed something of concern".
Again you all making more than what it is no routine checkup it's a long season 5 days of practices they the coaches who has known him for the last 4 years knows his history and all felt it was a good idea to rest him so that nothing does happen. He is just fine will be playing 1st game nov 1st. Everything you read not always true until you get facts why I share what I no and not to much facts that don't put this kid in a bad light in the eyes of FANS. Support him ,encourage him not wish him all the best but not make more of something you have no facts to support your opinions
Absolutely trust me they are well taken care of Josh the Strength and conditioning knows his stuff and all of them in good hands
I enjoy reading all your posts, but situations like this are where I especially value your contributions to the messageboard.
better than the Bat phone to Commissioner Gordon. I guess you gotta be 50+ to appreciate this post. Haha. ;)
I bet giving my foot is too. I think I read it in the NCAA footnotes.
http:// http://
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Again you all making more than what it is no routine checkup it's a long season 5 days of practices they the coaches who has known him for the last 4 years knows his history and all felt it was a good idea to rest him so that nothing does happen. He is just fine will be playing 1st game nov 1st. Everything you read not always true until you get facts why I share what I no and not to much facts that don't put this kid in a bad light in the eyes of FANS. Support him ,encourage him not wish him all the best but not make more of something you have no facts to support your opinions

Let's just add a fact! My son was misdiagnosed by three team doctors and ended up seeing a specialist in St. Louis before his leg injury was properly diagnosed and corrective actions were applied! All through that year of hell, my son and the coaches said he was fine and all he needed was some rest! So if a doctor prescribes a boot but the player says he's fine, I tend to believe the player is not being totally forthcoming about the truth of his condition! I'm confident Taylor doesn't want to be thought of as continuing injury risk! I walked around for two years and never complained before having knees surgery! Inside information is only as accurate as the source it came from! I doubt the real story will be told! It will be obvious by his play on the court! Will his minutes be limited because of precautionary measures as well? I hate to speculate like this, but Taylor has a very long injury history and many times previous injuries reoccur !

As I said, his play on the court will prove he is healthy or it will add to the speculation he is lying about his real health! A lot of athletes play through injuries because they don't want to hear the negative comments or they fear losing playing time. From my vantage point, there are many other possible precautionary measures that could be implemented than walking around in a boot!
In other words, I believe you to be telling the truth. I believe your son may be telling you the truth as he knows it! But I'm not so sure Taylor is being totally forecoming to your son as to the extent of his injury and what the doctors found! I have a medical condition that requires daily medication, but if a friend asks me how it's going, I'll lie and say I feel fine! I did the same thing when I was 18!
Is Blough or Jones 100%? I'm sure they will both play! I'm sure they will also say publically they are fine! Is Taylor going to see a doctor every week as just a precautionary measure? The WUG was last month! Yet he waited until now to put on a boot? There had to be a logical reason ! And there had to be a reason he saw a doctor to begin with! I'm not buying the story he's just fine.
Let's just add a fact! My son was misdiagnosed by three team doctors and ended up seeing a specialist in St. Louis before his leg injury was properly diagnosed and corrective actions were applied! All through that year of hell, my son and the coaches said he was fine and all he needed was some rest! So if a doctor prescribes a boot but the player says he's fine, I tend to believe the player is not being totally forthcoming about the truth of his condition! I'm confident Taylor doesn't want to be thought of as continuing injury risk! I walked around for two years and never complained before having knees surgery! Inside information is only as accurate as the source it came from! I doubt the real story will be told! It will be obvious by his play on the court! Will his minutes be limited because of precautionary measures as well? I hate to speculate like this, but Taylor has a very long injury history and many times previous injuries reoccur !

As I said, his play on the court will prove he is healthy or it will add to the speculation he is lying about his real health! A lot of athletes play through injuries because they don't want to hear the negative comments or they fear losing playing time. From my vantage point, there are many other possible precautionary measures that could be implemented than walking around in a boot!
Why are you pushing something you no nothing if I actually spoke to the coaches both coaches and only reason I didn't speak to painter he was at that function in Carmel ind. I spoke to the kid himself so those are the facts sir. Are you a trainer or doctor are in in there practices have spoken to that kid have you even spoken to the coaches but yet you and only you on this board wanna make more of this than it is why I come on this board and give you the casual fan the truth. You kinda come off as this high and mighty person that thinks they no everything and that is a total turn off. I use to like reading your post but now I don't bcuz you seem to be very sure of yourself that sends a negative respond to some of the posters on this board. I am who I am I pretend to be nothing more than a voice to share what I no and share dialogue and opinions when it comes to purdue basketball. I just happen to be a parent of a player on the team that is the only difference I share on this board other than that I give my opinions just like every person who shares there opinions on this board whether right or wrong we are entitled to our opinions. Fact is well all no when season begins that is facts and until than don't make more of this than what you trying to make it is bcuz all you doing is putting bad vibes out here about a young man that is happy to be finally playing and ready to help this team win some games. He doesn't need any more people even on message board spreading rumors about his health he's fine is what I no. You probably gonna take what I say personal no need to I'm only telling you how I feel to me and if you wanna post a comment on what I said I welcome your response. I'm not here to disrespect you that's not what i meant to do but to let you no from what was told to me by 2 of the coaches that he is fine and he'll be ready for the start of the season. This young man has been through enough he has worked hard to get back on the court after 3 years not playing so the coaches playing it safe bcuz he will be very valuable this season they want a healthy Taylor that can play a full season bcuz he hasn't played a full season yet. Cut him some slack plz
Is Blough or Jones 100%? I'm sure they will both play! I'm sure they will also say publically they are fine! Is Taylor going to see a doctor every week as just a precautionary measure? The WUG was last month! Yet he waited until now to put on a boot? There had to be a logical reason ! And there had to be a reason he saw a doctor to begin with! I'm not buying the story he's just fine.
My son broke his ankle 2015 after 8 games in 10 days it was sore and he sat a couple of days for precautionary reason does that mean he is lying about an injury that happened 2 years ago no but coaches playing it safe bcuz of his history of that injury you wanna play if safe to make sure he is ready for the season. I mean my goodness let it go we will see when season starts no matter what happens. ypu seem very educated and you kinda let us all no that but you don't no it all I don't no it all but I'm just an average mother who graduated HS didn't graduate from college wish I had but doing the best I can to raise my son to treat people like you want to be treated and you sir who probably graduated with your degree who probably live a comfortable life but on this board you come off to me only me as if yon no everything and what you say I have to believe it. I enjoy your perspective of your opinions but now not do much bcuz now you come off as a person on this board very high on yourself and now to me it's a turn off. Again I respect your views and opinions and what you offer on this board but there will come a time we will agree to disagree and it's ok. You gonna post a message that will try to defend your position I no it's coming but as I said b4 this is how I feel and if what I said offended you not my intention ok
Treed. You have your opinions and I have mine! We both have sons who are college athletes! And I know how many times my son has not been as truthful to his mother as he could have been! You are stating what you believe is the truth because you believe your son and Taylor are telling you the truth and the entire story! What I'm saying is I don't believe Taylor is telling you or your son the entire story! I'm not saying he's lying! I'm just saying each of us knows more about our personal health than we wil ever reveal to others! What if Taylor was actually feeling discomfort in his foot? Do you believe he would be totally forthcoming about it?

And I will agree with you on one point! I also don't like know it all people who come to a board and start arguing with every poster! And never admit they may be wrong.

And when I read a person's posts that basically says I know this for a fact, I will call them out and ask them to prove their positions! This past week on Facebook over 1,000+ people all shared the quote from the NFL rule book found on pages 62 and 63 about players being respectful during the national anthem! It sounded great and truthful until you opened up the rule book and those pages talked about tackling and dead ball fouls! That original post looked all knowing, but it was a lie! But people still believed it! And yes I called them out for sharing the lie!

So if I disagree with somebody here, I will call them out and ask for either additional proof or further clarification! And I won't look to see who that poster is before doing so!

I seek information, opinions, facts and the truth! And I ask why! Why did Taylor start wearing a boot? Is he going to wear it all year as a precautionary measure? Does he see the doctor every week? Or only when his foot hurts? Yes, he's receiving a lot of medical care and attention! But if he were truly 100% healthy, would he be receiving that same amount of care? I come to sports forums to find the information the coaches and media will never reveal! Castleton or Dow? Painter is never going to say which one he preferred !

And no, I'm not going to cut any player or poster any slack! As has been previously posted, the views expressed on this forum are rather tame compared to views expressed on other forums. I may not have experience as a player or coach, but I have a lot of experience in reading sports forums posts!

And when a poster says a player is wearing a boot, or if a starter is benched or not playing, many people will ask why and speculate! This board was not kind to either Cline or Stephens! Some people speculated! Others said it was none of our business! While others posted the police reports! And to be truthful, I thought Cline deserved to be suspended for the entire year for his off the court actions! I felt the same way about the football player who punched out his teammate !

I disagree with a lot of people here, but I disagree with their message rather than dissing the person! To me being called high and mighty is dissing my education and values! Getting an education was my mother's #1 value and priority! Above all other things, she wanted me to have the best education possible! We couldn't afford Northwestern! An education was my way out of the trailer park and seeking the respectability she never had! She gave everything she had to ensure I received an education! it took her 22 years to get her college degree, but she did so!

When things go well, this is a friendly board ! But when we lose, people become very argumentative! And posters will attack the coaches , the players, and the other posters! Me? I just like to speculate and over analyze? I want to know why we lost to Michigan and Kansas and what our fix action is! I want to know why we lost on JJJ! I want to know why Langford doesn't like us! I can accept differing opinions if they are backed up with facts! I had an argument with Wabash about the assist to TO ratio and I asked why that stat was so important!

Their our sum poeple who are grammer police! These yer is know different then others! Rsther than arguing with thee content, they argue with how its ritten! Grammer olice have exited long before the exitsnce of sports! They will never go a weigh! They have there place in society! On of them once told me that my posts Wood be taken more seriosly if I lerned to spill! Others have dissed me four my typin and spacing problems! And it is always fun to correct airs of those grammer olice!

I'm ok if we lose and happy if we win. But most importantly I seek knowledge! I've watched a few games! And we will disagree on other issues!

I don't ask for or provide personal knowledge unless a poster asks or questions me! I've never asked a person about their education level or personal wealth! Maybe I come across as high and mighty! Maybe others come across to me as know it alls!
Treed. You have your opinions and I have mine! We both have sons who are college athletes! And I know how many times my son has not been as truthful to his mother as he could have been! You are stating what you believe is the truth because you believe your son and Taylor are telling you the truth and the entire story! What I'm saying is I don't believe Taylor is telling you or your son the entire story! I'm not saying he's lying! I'm just saying each of us knows more about our personal health than we wil ever reveal to others! What if Taylor was actually feeling discomfort in his foot? Do you believe he would be totally forthcoming about it?

And I will agree with you on one point! I also don't like know it all people who come to a board and start arguing with every poster! And never admit they may be wrong.

And when I read a person's posts that basically says I know this for a fact, I will call them out and ask them to prove their positions! This past week on Facebook over 1,000+ people all shared the quote from the NFL rule book found on pages 62 and 63 about players being respectful during the national anthem! It sounded great and truthful until you opened up the rule book and those pages talked about tackling and dead ball fouls! That original post looked all knowing, but it was a lie! But people still believed it! And yes I called them out for sharing the lie!

So if I disagree with somebody here, I will call them out and ask for either additional proof or further clarification! And I won't look to see who that poster is before doing so!

I seek information, opinions, facts and the truth! And I ask why! Why did Taylor start wearing a boot? Is he going to wear it all year as a precautionary measure? Does he see the doctor every week? Or only when his foot hurts? Yes, he's receiving a lot of medical care and attention! But if he were truly 100% healthy, would he be receiving that same amount of care? I come to sports forums to find the information the coaches and media will never reveal! Castleton or Dow? Painter is never going to say which one he preferred !

And no, I'm not going to cut any player or poster any slack! As has been previously posted, the views expressed on this forum are rather tame compared to views expressed on other forums. I may not have experience as a player or coach, but I have a lot of experience in reading sports forums posts!

And when a poster says a player is wearing a boot, or if a starter is benched or not playing, many people will ask why and speculate! This board was not kind to either Cline or Stephens! Some people speculated! Others said it was none of our business! While others posted the police reports! And to be truthful, I thought Cline deserved to be suspended for the entire year for his off the court actions! I felt the same way about the football player who punched out his teammate !

I disagree with a lot of people here, but I disagree with their message rather than dissing the person! To me being called high and mighty is dissing my education and values! Getting an education was my mother's #1 value and priority! Above all other things, she wanted me to have the best education possible! We couldn't afford Northwestern! An education was my way out of the trailer park and seeking the respectability she never had! She gave everything she had to ensure I received an education! it took her 22 years to get her college degree, but she did so!

When things go well, this is a friendly board ! But when we lose, people become very argumentative! And posters will attack the coaches , the players, and the other posters! Me? I just like to speculate and over analyze? I want to know why we lost to Michigan and Kansas and what our fix action is! I want to know why we lost on JJJ! I want to know why Langford doesn't like us! I can accept differing opinions if they are backed up with facts! I had an argument with Wabash about the assist to TO ratio and I asked why that stat was so important!

Their our sum poeple who are grammer police! These yer is know different then others! Rsther than arguing with thee content, they argue with how its ritten! Grammer olice have exited long before the exitsnce of sports! They will never go a weigh! They have there place in society! On of them once told me that my posts Wood be taken more seriosly if I lerned to spill! Others have dissed me four my typin and spacing problems! And it is always fun to correct airs of those grammer olice!

I'm ok if we lose and happy if we win. But most importantly I seek knowledge! I've watched a few games! And we will disagree on other issues!

I don't ask for or provide personal knowledge unless a poster asks or questions me! I've never asked a person about their education level or personal wealth! Maybe I come across as high and mighty! Maybe others come across to me as know it alls!
Listen sir I did not read this response at all bcuz it seems you want the last word and I'm giving it to you I'm done with this conversation and I'm moving on. You had your say that you posted this at 1am in the mourning to get this off your chest hope you feel better. Continuing blessings to you
Happy Friday everyone. Three day weekend for state employees for a silly holiday Monday-but I'll take it-yes!
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Treed. You have your opinions and I have mine! We both have sons who are college athletes! And I know how many times my son has not been as truthful to his mother as he could have been! You are stating what you believe is the truth because you believe your son and Taylor are telling you the truth and the entire story! What I'm saying is I don't believe Taylor is telling you or your son the entire story! I'm not saying he's lying! I'm just saying each of us knows more about our personal health than we wil ever reveal to others! What if Taylor was actually feeling discomfort in his foot? Do you believe he would be totally forthcoming about it?

And I will agree with you on one point! I also don't like know it all people who come to a board and start arguing with every poster! And never admit they may be wrong.

And when I read a person's posts that basically says I know this for a fact, I will call them out and ask them to prove their positions! This past week on Facebook over 1,000+ people all shared the quote from the NFL rule book found on pages 62 and 63 about players being respectful during the national anthem! It sounded great and truthful until you opened up the rule book and those pages talked about tackling and dead ball fouls! That original post looked all knowing, but it was a lie! But people still believed it! And yes I called them out for sharing the lie!

So if I disagree with somebody here, I will call them out and ask for either additional proof or further clarification! And I won't look to see who that poster is before doing so!

I seek information, opinions, facts and the truth! And I ask why! Why did Taylor start wearing a boot? Is he going to wear it all year as a precautionary measure? Does he see the doctor every week? Or only when his foot hurts? Yes, he's receiving a lot of medical care and attention! But if he were truly 100% healthy, would he be receiving that same amount of care? I come to sports forums to find the information the coaches and media will never reveal! Castleton or Dow? Painter is never going to say which one he preferred !

And no, I'm not going to cut any player or poster any slack! As has been previously posted, the views expressed on this forum are rather tame compared to views expressed on other forums. I may not have experience as a player or coach, but I have a lot of experience in reading sports forums posts!

And when a poster says a player is wearing a boot, or if a starter is benched or not playing, many people will ask why and speculate! This board was not kind to either Cline or Stephens! Some people speculated! Others said it was none of our business! While others posted the police reports! And to be truthful, I thought Cline deserved to be suspended for the entire year for his off the court actions! I felt the same way about the football player who punched out his teammate !

I disagree with a lot of people here, but I disagree with their message rather than dissing the person! To me being called high and mighty is dissing my education and values! Getting an education was my mother's #1 value and priority! Above all other things, she wanted me to have the best education possible! We couldn't afford Northwestern! An education was my way out of the trailer park and seeking the respectability she never had! She gave everything she had to ensure I received an education! it took her 22 years to get her college degree, but she did so!

When things go well, this is a friendly board ! But when we lose, people become very argumentative! And posters will attack the coaches , the players, and the other posters! Me? I just like to speculate and over analyze? I want to know why we lost to Michigan and Kansas and what our fix action is! I want to know why we lost on JJJ! I want to know why Langford doesn't like us! I can accept differing opinions if they are backed up with facts! I had an argument with Wabash about the assist to TO ratio and I asked why that stat was so important!

Their our sum poeple who are grammer police! These yer is know different then others! Rsther than arguing with thee content, they argue with how its ritten! Grammer olice have exited long before the exitsnce of sports! They will never go a weigh! They have there place in society! On of them once told me that my posts Wood be taken more seriosly if I lerned to spill! Others have dissed me four my typin and spacing problems! And it is always fun to correct airs of those grammer olice!

I'm ok if we lose and happy if we win. But most importantly I seek knowledge! I've watched a few games! And we will disagree on other issues!

I don't ask for or provide personal knowledge unless a poster asks or questions me! I've never asked a person about their education level or personal wealth! Maybe I come across as high and mighty! Maybe others come across to me as know it alls!
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