It won't change with UK

Jul 18, 2013
That seven UK players are going pro (with 2 or 3 of them being big men) really shouldn't figure into whether or not A. J. declares or not.

Because next year, another 5 to 7 Kentucky players will be declaring for the NBA also, and 2 or 3 of those will be big men. It never (until the rule is fixed) changes for Kentucky.

Yes, Duke has its one-and-doners this year, but to compare Duke to Kentucky is ridiculous.
It won't change because UK is good for ratings, not unlike Tiger Woods in his prime. Both UK and Duke are polarizing teams that fans tune in to root for or against.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
While I do not follow the NBA/NBA Draft very closely, I've seen a couple places now that people consider the 2015 draft class stronger than what will be in the 2016. Not sure how exactly that's determined and how big of a difference it is, but throwing it out there.
Haven't been able to watch the video, but the article about Hammons implies that he's only interested if he'd be a projected first round pick. It says it twice in the article, but not within any of AJ's quotes. Did AJ himself say that? Or is it just assumed since that's the guaranteed money.
I've said this before: You guys can make fun of Derrick Willis all you want. If he wants to transfer to Purdue, I would be glad to drive down and get him. He would help us a ton.