Iron Recommendation Question for Golfers

Bullwhip Griffith

Mar 31, 2005
Peru IN
Been playing Ping Eye 2s since 1996, but it's really time for an upgrade. I don't know if the grooves are wearing down, if the shafts are just worn (is that possible) or I'm just tired of the weak lofts (I know my four iron is a modern day five iron, or even six, but windy days I struggle).

Just curious if anyone has gotten a new set of irons in the past couple of seasons they really like.

I'm a 9-11 handicapper with a medium to high draw ball flight. Struggle on windy days, esp into the wind.

Any suggestions?
I'd go with the 6. Wind is up a little bit, and that green is about 10 feet downhill. The 5 would be too much club.
I got Ping G20's and they are super forgiving and have helped me gain confidence in my game. It'll be my 3rd season with them this year so I'm hoping to get to a 14-15 handicap this year. I've tried all sorts of irons at my local golf shop but always came back to Ping. I can pipe my 4 iron down the middle where most of my friends can't do very often with their 4 iron. If only I could not shank my drives every time....

You can't go wrong with Ping in my opinion. I'm not saying anything you don't know already. Happy shopping!

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