I happened to see this announcement of a public hearing on the local news today... The Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission is having a public session later today to take input on a proposal about Indianapolis Power and Light spending a bunch of money to install charging stations specifically for the electric rental cars like they have downtown on a trial program.
Hearing Set For Electric Car Rates - Newsroom - Inside INdiana Business with Gerry Dick[/B]
Site for Indiana's only statewide business television program containing streaming video segments, real time Indiana business news and links to Indiana's latest business content.
So I am not against electric cars but this is a screw job to all of us rate payers of IPL... from what they said on the news is this program will raise our rates of around $.50 a month... the problem is this like many other rate increase things never get repealed... so we will each pay about $6 a year for others to rent electric cars.and the rate increase becomes permanent.. my issue is we have HUGE rate increases that are going to be forced on us over the next few years... some projections say the conversion from coal to natural gas or more pollution control on the coal generators will raise our electric rates up to 40%.. and that's with gas rates staying at historic lows like they are now. So if you pay $75 a month now in a few years this will be $110 or more without extra rate increases like this one.
I am not against electric cars but I think they should stand economically on their own, either customers will pay the costs for renting these electric cars or they won't. I personally don't feel the need to subsidize it when I don't see any benefit. So I am against a rate hike on ALL of us to pay for this service.
Mayor Ballard made a big photo event when this program was kicked off a couple of months ago downtown. But of course there was no mention that this program might cost every one of us like a new tax. Also the company renting the cars is a for profit corporation. This would be no different than AVIS coming into indy and requesting each of us give them $6 a year with no plans to pay back or stop the subsidy. And its not even a US based company doing this program.
So they offer the ability to comment to the regulatory committee online at this page.
http://www.in.gov/oucc/2361.htm (linked in this post)
It is the following cause number
Cause No. 44478
you need that in the form as that's how they track the comments submitted.
I have attached the petition to this email for your convenience if you want to read it. But of course they don't tell you how much all of this will cost..that's where they were saying on the news it would cost each household about $.45 to $.75 per month. This is one of those stealth taxes that can be placed on all of us and we never know it was put on us. We just see our electric bill getting larger every month.
This is one of those items I am betting the pro electric car people will make sure they get lots of positive comments submitted to be able to push it through. And the ballard administration is the one that created the petition. The reality is if not many people show any opposition to this petition is we will be paying more for our electricity here in a few months to pay for this program.
It will take you less than 5 minutes to register your comments or thoughts at the page I linked above.
The other regulatory group involved has already said this rate increase should be rejected. But I look for the City to make another push on this one.
Please feel free to forward this message to others you think might want to have input to this issue.
Yet another permanent tax
Hearing Set For Electric Car Rates - Newsroom - Inside INdiana Business with Gerry Dick[/B]
Site for Indiana's only statewide business television program containing streaming video segments, real time Indiana business news and links to Indiana's latest business content.
So I am not against electric cars but this is a screw job to all of us rate payers of IPL... from what they said on the news is this program will raise our rates of around $.50 a month... the problem is this like many other rate increase things never get repealed... so we will each pay about $6 a year for others to rent electric cars.and the rate increase becomes permanent.. my issue is we have HUGE rate increases that are going to be forced on us over the next few years... some projections say the conversion from coal to natural gas or more pollution control on the coal generators will raise our electric rates up to 40%.. and that's with gas rates staying at historic lows like they are now. So if you pay $75 a month now in a few years this will be $110 or more without extra rate increases like this one.
I am not against electric cars but I think they should stand economically on their own, either customers will pay the costs for renting these electric cars or they won't. I personally don't feel the need to subsidize it when I don't see any benefit. So I am against a rate hike on ALL of us to pay for this service.
Mayor Ballard made a big photo event when this program was kicked off a couple of months ago downtown. But of course there was no mention that this program might cost every one of us like a new tax. Also the company renting the cars is a for profit corporation. This would be no different than AVIS coming into indy and requesting each of us give them $6 a year with no plans to pay back or stop the subsidy. And its not even a US based company doing this program.
So they offer the ability to comment to the regulatory committee online at this page.
http://www.in.gov/oucc/2361.htm (linked in this post)
It is the following cause number
Cause No. 44478
you need that in the form as that's how they track the comments submitted.
I have attached the petition to this email for your convenience if you want to read it. But of course they don't tell you how much all of this will cost..that's where they were saying on the news it would cost each household about $.45 to $.75 per month. This is one of those stealth taxes that can be placed on all of us and we never know it was put on us. We just see our electric bill getting larger every month.
This is one of those items I am betting the pro electric car people will make sure they get lots of positive comments submitted to be able to push it through. And the ballard administration is the one that created the petition. The reality is if not many people show any opposition to this petition is we will be paying more for our electricity here in a few months to pay for this program.
It will take you less than 5 minutes to register your comments or thoughts at the page I linked above.
The other regulatory group involved has already said this rate increase should be rejected. But I look for the City to make another push on this one.
Please feel free to forward this message to others you think might want to have input to this issue.
Yet another permanent tax