Indiana All Stars Highlights

Casey and Jace are at the Indiana All Stars event tonight at Kokomo. Here is a playlist of the highlights they have gathered.

What I wrote on the other site-

Landing Mullins off the game I saw would be great for Purdue. Sisley is a stud that can shoot with really good size. His first few shots were impressive. He did seem to be a player that needed to be a focal point and part of that is probably being a 4. I expected him to be good and he was.

Mullins was a player I didn't know what to expect and I really like him...a LOT based upon one game. His quick release and overall quickness were impressive and will carry to college well. He is frail, but has nice height for a 2 or 3 with shooting, quickness and athleticism. He seemed a bit more "unique" than Sisley who is also very good!

Jack's court savvy put him in spots for open jumpers which he did well. I was told a couple of years ago that he didn't dribble much and wondered how a shooter got open looks when he doesn't put it on the court much. You would think the D would be in his jock. HIs catch and shoot was on target and made a nice cut to the basket and so you start to get a feel on his ability to score. His assist numbers I can't reason...unless he sees double teams and just finds the player not defended. Still, if he doesn't put it on the court, one players should be able to defend him. I can see him being deadly in sets to create open looks for him.

First time seeing Fine. Better athlete than typical walk-on. I assume he turned down some scholly's at much smaller schools to go to Purdue. They sure let a lot go inside last night. I figured it was hot enough the refs didn't want the clock stopped. ;)