Immigration in Ohio

Ok, so we should be happy Biden has sent $175 billion and not $350 billion of US taxpayers money to Ukraine?

I think Putin endorses Harris because he knows she's soft and will likely continue to do what Biden's done, which is drain resources.

But, I'll wait for Putin to come out and say he doesn't back Harris instead of hearing it from one of his minions that it was a joke.
I'm happy to see you admit an exaggerated lie. X2 makes the math easy.

I'm not happy that there was an invasion of a sovereign country struggling to free itself from the invader and its authoritarian and corrupt strongman.

I am happy the US is playing the world's policeman in this case and supporting a young democracy.........and I have no problem with my tax dollars being spent.

We've been sending military supplies and weapons from stockpiles whose replacements get made by American workers.

I would think you would be more outraged by your tax dollars that are being spent on the interest on our national debt........approximately $900 billion this year........that neither party seems to want to address.

What Biden has done is bring together a coalition of countries to support Ukraine and stop Russia, against overwhelming odds, from absorbing Ukraine back into the motherland while also strengthening NATO. Pretty soft huh?

Yeah, Russian minions like 20 year defense minister Lavrov often publicly contradicts Putin or says things Putin wouldn't approve of. Job security.

You won't believe it until Putin says so. Lol. Good for you. That ain't gonna happen for reasons obvious to everyone but you get to keep bringing it up and bragging about the win while looking like a fool. I'm enjoying it.

You've taken denialism to a new level.
What did she lie about regarding Charlottesville? I mean he said it.

And they aren’t hammering her in shit because it was Trump’s policy that separated the family. You really wanna go down that road? And to think, you’re one of the smarter magatards on the board.
Context matters.
Here's the transcript of the entire Trump interview when Trump said there were fine people on both sides.
Harris lied as she only took a small snippet of the actual sentence. Most people don't know that he was referring to people there to protest the removing of a statue as well as people from the alt-left (BLM, Antifa) who attacked the other side.

I'm happy to see you admit an exaggerated lie. X2 makes the math easy.

I'm not happy that there was an invasion of a sovereign country struggling to free itself from the invader and its authoritarian and corrupt strongman.

I am happy the US is playing the world's policeman in this case and supporting a young democracy.........and I have no problem with my tax dollars being spent.

We've been sending military supplies and weapons from stockpiles whose replacements get made by American workers.

I would think you would be more outraged by your tax dollars that are being spent on the interest on our national debt........approximately $900 billion this year........that neither party seems to want to address.

What Biden has done is bring together a coalition of countries to support Ukraine and stop Russia, against overwhelming odds, from absorbing Ukraine back into the motherland while also strengthening NATO. Pretty soft huh?

Yeah, Russian minions like 20 year defense minister Lavrov often publicly contradicts Putin or says things Putin wouldn't approve of. Job security.

You won't believe it until Putin says so. Lol. Good for you. That ain't gonna happen for reasons obvious to everyone but you get to keep bringing it up and bragging about the win while looking like a fool. I'm enjoying it.

You've taken denialism to a new level.
I don't want my tax dollars going to a foreign country (except Israel as they're fighting terrorists). Period. If Russia wins over Ukraine, that has little impact in the grand scheme of things.
Are you going to want the US to go to war with China it China decides to take over Taiwan by force?
Context matters.
Here's the transcript of the entire Trump interview when Trump said there were fine people on both sides.
Harris lied as she only took a small snippet of the actual sentence. Most people don't know that he was referring to people there to protest the removing of a statue as well as people from the alt-left (BLM, Antifa) who attacked the other side.

The "fine people lie" has been debunked a long time ago. Anyone saying it is not a serious person and shouldn't be given the time of day. In the same vain of how shameless Dem race baters, even ones in here, flame racism.
Are you going to want the US to go to war with China it China decides to take over Taiwan by force?
That is a key issue. The US is in two proxy wars right now. The smart thing for China to do is to invade Taiwan now when we have our hands full in the Mideast and Ukraine and a senile President who used the First Lady to run his only Cabinet meeting in the past twelve months. And we also have a VP running for President who brags about not having troops in combat zones.

Colin Meyer
Colonel, US Army (ret.)
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I guess you missed this from an earlier post.
Oh I read it. It has nothing to do with the meltdown you had though. So once again, feel free to provide some factual sources to back up your aggrieved white man claims. Should be easy for you, no?
I don't want my tax dollars going to a foreign country (except Israel as they're fighting terrorists). Period. If Russia wins over Ukraine, that has little impact in the grand scheme of things.
Are you going to want the US to go to war with China it China decides to take over Taiwan by force?
You're free to have your opinion on how your tax dollars are spent. I have mine.

Allowing a superpower to invade neighboring countries with no objection is not the world I want to live in. For all your crying about weakness, you don't seem to realize this is the ultimate example of it. By ignoring Russia's flagrant violation of international law, you only encourage others like China to do the same. You want to our foreign policy to be "tough " but you let Russia invade its neighbor with no consequences? You want to let China invade Taiwan?

What country would Russia have to invade for it to be important in the "grand scheme of things"? Estonia? Poland?

No outrage for the interest cost on the national debt?
Oh I read it. It has nothing to do with the meltdown you had though. So once again, feel free to provide some factual sources to back up your aggrieved white man claims. Should be easy for you, no?
Did you listen to the reporter and her research?
That's where she describes how the Haitians got to Logansport, the burden they are causing for the schools, health resources and police.
What Biden has done is bring together a coalition of countries to support Ukraine and stop Russia, against overwhelming odds, from absorbing Ukraine back into the motherland while also strengthening NATO. Pretty soft huh?
I concur with many of your points but this comment really distorts the situation in Europe. Ukraine is not in NATO. The European nations should be providing ALL of the military aid to Ukraine simply as a matter of self-preservation. What Biden has done is to make Uncle Stupid the cash cow yet again just as the US has done for the past 75 years in NATO.

I served in European NATO nations for five years, three in Munich and two in Vicenza, Italy. Those two nations enjoyed a higher standard of living than we do in the US yet, at the time I was there, neither of them ponied up their pledged 2% of GDP for defense. My CO liked to joke, "The only way the Russians are coming through the Fulda Gap is if we send some buses to East Germany, load 'em up with Russian soldiers and bring 'em to Munich for Octoberfest."

And this "overwhelming odds" statement is uninformed. The reason that Ukraine was able to stop Russia is that the Russians failed to realize that state-of-the-art anti-tank missiles have made tank warfare obsolete. Over 200 Russian tanks have been destroyed and the Ukrainian anti-tank missiles had a 92% kill rate on the first launch.

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You're free to have your opinion on how your tax dollars are spent. I have mine.

Allowing a superpower to invade neighboring countries with no objection is not the world I want to live in. For all your crying about weakness, you don't seem to realize this is the ultimate example of it. By ignoring Russia's flagrant violation of international law, you only encourage others like China to do the same. You want to our foreign policy to be "tough " but you let Russia invade its neighbor with no consequences? You want to let China invade Taiwan?

What country would Russia have to invade for it to be important in the "grand scheme of things"? Estonia? Poland?

No outrage for the interest cost on the national debt?
what international law are you referring to that Russis is violating? Is it the same law that the Palestinians, Lebanese and Iraqis are violating?
As for weakness, Biden is the perfect example. It's not coincidence that we had global peace and stability under Trump and now with Biden/Harris, we have 2 wars and a potential third. The bad actors in the world take advantage of weakness which is what Biden represents.
what international law are you referring to that Russis is violating? Is it the same law that the Palestinians, Lebanese and Iraqis are violating?
As for weakness, Biden is the perfect example. It's not coincidence that we had global peace and stability under Trump and now with Biden/Harris, we have 2 wars and a potential third. The bad actors in the world take advantage of weakness which is what Biden represents.
It's when the armed forces of one country enter and taking control of another country without it's consent. Are you now gonna deny Putin did that?

It's not a coincidence? Then you would have to provide some evidence that Biden caused these wars or trump prevented them. This is where you say Hamas was too afraid of what trump might do if they attacked Israel lol. You think they are more worried about trump than the Israelis? You think Hamas wouldn't love to have us waist deep in their conflict?

"We" have two wars? Since when does MAGA care about the rest of the world? We give away our tax dollars to them. They send all their criminals and mentally ill scum to our country. Globalism is evil. They're all taking advantage of us. Why do you care about wars overseas? You don't care about Ukraine unless you can use it as a political play.

Terrorists and dictatorships all over the world quake in their boots at the thought of trump in the WH. He won't do anything to punish Russia for just wait for the next war started by somebody..........that isn't a murderous dictator that he looks up to of course. Trump will be tough on them.
It's when the armed forces of one country enter and taking control of another country without it's consent. Are you now gonna deny Putin did that?

It's not a coincidence? Then you would have to provide some evidence that Biden caused these wars or trump prevented them. This is where you say Hamas was too afraid of what trump might do if they attacked Israel lol. You think they are more worried about trump than the Israelis? You think Hamas wouldn't love to have us waist deep in their conflict?

"We" have two wars? Since when does MAGA care about the rest of the world? We give away our tax dollars to them. They send all their criminals and mentally ill scum to our country. Globalism is evil. They're all taking advantage of us. Why do you care about wars overseas? You don't care about Ukraine unless you can use it as a political play.

Terrorists and dictatorships all over the world quake in their boots at the thought of trump in the WH. He won't do anything to punish Russia for just wait for the next war started by somebody..........that isn't a murderous dictator that he looks up to of course. Trump will be tough on them.
Since you are still in favor on sending tax dollars and support to the Ukraine, would you be on board to send your son to fight for them?
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An incredibly stupid question. Happy Friday.
Hard to understand why you support the war then. Many young sons have died on both sides with the country being destroyed. Seems like a fight with consequences more than the end result.
Hard to understand why you support the war then. Many young sons have died on both sides with the country being destroyed. Seems like a fight with consequences more than the end result.
Oh ffs. Do you support Israel in their war with Hamas? Why haven't you sent your sons?

No Americans are dying in Ukraine .........yet you think I should send my son because I support Ukraine in the war. There's not various levels of support right? You're almost as silly as R who thinks I should go fight myself if I believe in the war.
Oh ffs. Do you support Israel in their war with Hamas? Why haven't you sent your sons?

No Americans are dying in Ukraine .........yet you think I should send my son because I support Ukraine in the war. There's not various levels of support right? You're almost as silly as R who thinks I should go fight myself if I believe in the war.
I support Israel. Half the world seems to want them gone. Ukraine was part of Russia. Now they want it back. Don’t know how bad it was for Ukraine under Russia. Just seems senseless in the war for so many with deaths and destruction. How bad could it have been for Ukraine? Now that the country is destroyed and hundreds of thousands deaths just don’t think it could have been that bad.
Hard to understand why you support the war then. Many young sons have died on both sides with the country being destroyed. Seems like a fight with consequences more than the end result.
And it sounds like you're starting to parrot trump as instructed. Ukraine is gone. The cities are destroyed. You can never replace the cities and towns. Gone forever.

This is the setup. Denigrating Ukraine. Russia is powerful and doesn't lose wars. The Euros aren't paying. Harris wants to send your kids to Ukraine to die.

Lie after lie. Exaggerate everything.

I support Israel. Half the world seems to want them gone. Ukraine was part of Russia. Now they want it back. Don’t know how bad it was for Ukraine under Russia. Just seems senseless in the war for so many with deaths and destruction. How bad could it have been for Ukraine? Now that the country is destroyed and hundreds of thousands deaths just don’t think it could have been that bad.
There you go again. The country is destroyed. It's not. Where are you getting your info? Who are you listening to?

If you support Israel in their war you should send your son there to fight. Or does that only apply to me?

Yeah, it couldn't have been that bad under Putin. The same guy who invaded your country and has targeted civilians. 30,000 civilian casualties. I doubt Putin and his oligarchs would have continued to steal all the wealth from the natural resources they have and all the food they produce. Why should Ukraine have the right to be free and control their own destiny? Democracy is overrated right? Shouldn't we have the right to tell them how they can live?

You should be freakin ashamed. Can't BELIEVE you actually typed "How bad could it have been for Ukraine (to live under Putin's rule)? You've proven over and over you can't think straight when it comes to trump. This statement is yet another example. Whatever he says is good. Yet you're the loudest mouth on the board accusing others of believing what they're told.
And it sounds like you're starting to parrot trump as instructed. Ukraine is gone. The cities are destroyed. You can never replace the cities and towns. Gone forever.

This is the setup. Denigrating Ukraine. Russia is powerful and doesn't lose wars. The Euros aren't paying. Harris wants to send your kids to Ukraine to die.

Lie after lie. Exaggerate everything.

The city’s are destroyed. They can be replaced. Human lives lost are lost and can’t be replaced. You must have a cavalier attitude on these lives as long as it doesn’t affect you personally. And here again is a mention of Trump. I never mentioned him or that boob you voted for.
I support Israel. Half the world seems to want them gone. Ukraine was part of Russia. Now they want it back. Don’t know how bad it was for Ukraine under Russia. Just seems senseless in the war for so many with deaths and destruction. How bad could it have been for Ukraine? Now that the country is destroyed and hundreds of thousands deaths just don’t think it could have been that bad.
Dude WTF is wrong with you.
Dude WTF is wrong with you.
Right, those hundreds of thousands of deaths are just collateral damage in the cause of more profits for the mil-industrial complex.

At least you are consistent in your view that collateral damage is just the price the damaged and killed must pay to support your beloved establishment.
There you go again. The country is destroyed. It's not. Where are you getting your info? Who are you listening to?

If you support Israel in their war you should send your son there to fight. Or does that only apply to me?

Yeah, it couldn't have been that bad under Putin. The same guy who invaded your country and has targeted civilians. 30,000 civilian casualties. I doubt Putin and his oligarchs would have continued to steal all the wealth from the natural resources they have and all the food they produce. Why should Ukraine have the right to be free and control their own destiny? Democracy is overrated right? Shouldn't we have the right to tell them how they can live?

You should be freakin ashamed. Can't BELIEVE you actually typed "How bad could it have been for Ukraine (to live under Putin's rule)? You've proven over and over you can't think straight when it comes to trump. This statement is yet another example. Whatever he says is good. Yet you're the loudest mouth on the board accusing others of believing what they're told.
Biden and his hacks should be ashamed, not that he is capable of that.

"Chollet’s remarks confirm suspicions by many critics who believe the Biden administration wasn’t doing enough — including offering to deny or delay Ukraine’s NATO membership — to prevent Russia from launching a war against Ukraine. "

Right, those hundreds of thousands of deaths are just collateral damage in the cause of more profits for the mil-industrial complex.

At least you are consistent in your view that collateral damage is just the price the damaged and killed must pay to support your beloved establishment.
Oh stfu, you unserious clown.
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Right, those hundreds of thousands of deaths are just collateral damage in the cause of more profits for the mil-industrial complex.

At least you are consistent in your view that collateral damage is just the price the damaged and killed must pay to support your beloved establishment.
How do you square your support for trump who, as you well know, is all about increasing military spending which benefits the very military industrial complex you live to admonish?
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How do you square your support for trump who, as you well know, is all about increasing military spending which benefits the very military industrial complex you live to admonish?
Not to mention the shilling these guys are doing for Putin. They’re saying “here, Vlad, it’s all yours because my broken brain tells me if we don’t give money to Ukraine I’ll have $2 gas”.
"Chollet’s remarks confirm suspicions by many critics who believe the Biden administration wasn’t doing enough — including offering to deny or delay Ukraine’s NATO membership — to prevent Russia from launching a war against Ukraine. "
That is correct. For 20 years, Putin had warned that any former Warsaw Pact country joining NATO would be considered an act of war. Two years ago, Biden called his bluff with Ukraine and that's when Putin launched the invasion.
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So if Trump is buddies with Putin why did he do this a few months in after Putin helped get him elected?

And why did Biden do this favor for a thug a few months in?

Quick Quiz Cap'n Cut-n-Paste Redux, who is the only president of the 21st century that did not experience a Russian invasion of another country.
Stop it, you're going to make @BB62 brain explode. Putin loves Trump and Trump loves Putin. Everyone knows it was Trump that stopped the Keystone pipleline and allowed the Nordstream pipeline to be completed helping Putin. Err wait....
I support Israel. Half the world seems to want them gone. Ukraine was part of Russia. Now they want it back. Don’t know how bad it was for Ukraine under Russia. Just seems senseless in the war for so many with deaths and destruction. How bad could it have been for Ukraine? Now that the country is destroyed and hundreds of thousands deaths just don’t think it could have been that bad.
Ukraine was part of the Soviet Union. Until 1991, and since then it has most certainly not been part of Russia.

With that logic, are you also fine with Putin reclaiming Estonia, Moldova, Lithuania, Latvia, Georgia, etc? After all they were "part of Russia."
How do you square your support for trump who, as you well know, is all about increasing military spending which benefits the very military industrial complex you live to admonish?
He does not want to spend it to support mass death and destruction in Europe.
Not to mention the shilling these guys are doing for Putin. They’re saying “here, Vlad, it’s all yours because my broken brain tells me if we don’t give money to Ukraine I’ll have $2 gas”.
Predictably, you miss the point. Trump is saying, 'here, wealthy Europe, it is on your continent, pay for your own defense instead of ripping off American taxpayers."
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Ukraine was part of the Soviet Union. Until 1991, and since then it has most certainly not been part of Russia.

With that logic, are you also fine with Putin reclaiming Estonia, Moldova, Lithuania, Latvia, Georgia, etc? After all they were "part of Russia."
Are they members of NATO?
Yes, it is your bad.There is nothing to suggest the "rumor" was made up. Neither you nor I have any way to determine if the rumor was true or not, you pretentious fool.

Haitians were photographed carrying dead Canadian geese from local ponds, but no photos of the kitty killings.

The title of the video is incorrect. These weren't Haitians, but Africans. It is in Ohio though and clearly cats on the grill.