"I'm Not Trusting President Obama To Tell Me Whether To Vaccinate My Kids"

That's his choice. It's not a smart one, in my opinion, but it is his choice.

Now if his kids cause other kids to get sick because of not being vaccinated, then there will likely be a problem.
Here's another vaccine quote

"We've seen just a skyrocketing autism rate. Some people are suspicious that it's connected to the vaccines. This person included. The science right now is inconclusive, but we have to research it."


Barack Obama

There's nothing wrong with not trusting President Obama to tell you whether to vaccinate your kids or not. Sean Hannity's kids are vaccinated. Not because the government is smarter than us, but because he knows its the right thing to do.

Dr. Obama
Who's most likely to choose to not vaccinate their kids?

Progressives in places like Marin County, CA.

This year, 6.45 percent of Marin's kindergartners are not fully vaccinated against communicable diseases - with some schools showing rates of 50 percent or more, according to the state Department of Public Health. The county has long had the Bay Area's highest rate of "personal belief exemptions," allowing parents to lawfully send kids to school without all required vaccinations against diseases like measles, polio or whooping cough.

Measles outbreak highlights Marin vax dilemma
I genuinely do not understand how this is not considered neglect or child endangerment. If a parent can get charged with child endangerment for leaving their kids in the car while they run into a store, how does willingly exposing them to the possibility of pain, suffering and death not amount to the same thing.

Children are not capable of making these kinds of decisions themselves, and if their parents are unable to understand the importance of protecting their kids, then the parents shouldn't be making the decision.

It's going to get really sad when children start dying from preventable diseases because their parents are crazy and irresponsible.
Re: Here's another vaccine quote

Originally posted by GMM:
"We've seen just a skyrocketing autism rate. Some people are suspicious that it's connected to the vaccines. This person included. The science right now is inconclusive, but we have to research it."


Barack Obama

There's nothing wrong with not trusting President Obama to tell you whether to vaccinate your kids or not. Sean Hannity's kids are vaccinated. Not because the government is smarter than us, but because he knows its the right thing to do.
Oh crap - I read one of your posts and I actually agreed with it. Maybe I need to be vaccinated...

Seriously, though, if the narrative that conservatives are trying to push is that it is Obama who is telling them to vaccinate, then they are much stupider than I thought. It's not Obama, it's science. And to my knowledge, all of the research linking autism to vaccines has been debunked and discredited.
Re: Here's another vaccine quote

Seriously, though, if the narrative that conservatives are trying to push is that it is Obama who is telling them to vaccinate, then they are much stupider than I thought.

Its not. The stupidity is found in qazplm's post and the rest of the left with their pathetic "anti-science" attacks against the GOP. Hannity's quote is just common sense. Which of course to the left is a crime.
Originally posted by pastorjoeboggs:
I genuinely do not understand how this is not considered neglect or child endangerment. If a parent can get charged with child endangerment for leaving their kids in the car while they run into a store, how does willingly exposing them to the possibility of pain, suffering and death not amount to the same thing.

Children are not capable of making these kinds of decisions themselves, and if their parents are unable to understand the importance of protecting their kids, then the parents shouldn't be making the decision.

It's going to get really sad when children start dying from preventable diseases because their parents are crazy and irresponsible.
Children are already dying. You can see what it looks like when a child has pertussis (whooping cough) here.

10 infants had died of whooping cough in California through Oct. 2014.
Re: Most likely?

Well, based on the map in the link there is more of a pattern that fits the red/blue electoral map.

But we shouldn't necessarily go by the whole state since, especially in places like California, there are vast differences in behaviors among the people who live in each state. Feel free to provide more information but I get the strong impression that the parents most likely to choose not to vaccinate their kids are on the political left.

CDC map
Go to your own link

This person included was said as he pointed to someone in the crowd. President Obama has been pro-vaccination.
Re: Go to your own link

This person included was said as he pointed to someone in the crowd.

So? The rest of his quote gave credibility to the ant-vax crowd.

President Obama has been pro-vaccination.

Just like Sean Hannity.

Face it, the Democrats/MSM are trying to push this narrative that Republicans are against vaccinations and its failing miserably.
The problem is pseudoscience

The problem is when people place ideology, faith, and dogma ahead of scientific evidence.

Whether we're talking about vaccinations, GMOs, climate change, race, or evolution, many people are heavily influenced by a belief structure in favor of the evidence. You would be exhibit 1A of this phenomenon.
Climate change?

There's evidence for climate change? Who knew?!?!?

You and qaz just keep trying to shift the focus away from the culpable. Ain't gonna work.
Re: Climate change?

Originally posted by GMM:
There's evidence for climate change? Who knew?!?!?

You and qaz just keep trying to shift the focus away from the culpable. Ain't gonna work.
I'm doing nothing but pointing out facts.

You accept scientific evidence when it fits within your ideological view, and you deny it when it doesn't.

Is Rand Paul a liberal?
Re: Climate change?

I'm doing nothing but pointing out facts.

What facts are there to support the narrative pushed by qazplm and the Democrat/MSM complex?

You accept scientific evidence when it fits within your ideological view, and you deny it when it doesn't.

Back at ya.

Is Rand Paul a liberal?

No, why? Is he opposed to vaccines?
IIRC, surveys done on the issue have generally indicated that...

there is not much correlation between vaccination rates and political views. You also have to be careful about how the survey is worded. For example, while Republicans are more likely to believe that vaccination should be by parental choice rather than government mandate, that does not correlate with the vaccination rate. I recall seeing surveys which asked the question in this way, with people commenting that the results show that Republicans are more likely to oppose vaccinations than Democrats. There is nothing illogical about opposing government-mandated vaccinations, yet still making sure that your children are fully immunized.

One of the significant issues is that there tend to be pockets where the non-vaccination rate is very high. That can lead to big problems when something hits a school in one of those areas.
I'm not either

Yet, every one of my kids, despite their loud protests, is fully immunized, per the recommendation of their pediatrician (not to mention common sense and science).

I don't know what else Hannity said or the context, but the quote in your subject line makes perfect sense to me.

I suppose that's true. I've just seen more prominent people on TV, who are on the left politically, who've espoused the link between vaccines and autism. Doesn't really matter though because the narrative the MSM/left is pushing right now is bogus.
Re: OK

Originally posted by GMM:
I suppose that's true. I've just seen more prominent people on TV, who are on the left politically, who've espoused the link between vaccines and autism. Doesn't really matter though because the narrative the MSM/left is pushing right now is bogus.
You're right. But it's probably because the people getting air time on the issue tend to be liberals. Based on things my own friends and family members have posted on facebook about vaccines, GMOs, dieting, etc., ignorance and gullibility on such issues seem to ignore political divides. I am continually amazed at some of the crazy things posted on facebook by friends whom I consider to be of at least average, if not above-average intelligence.
always has been!

Originally posted by Beeazlebub:
The problem is when people place ideology, faith, and dogma ahead of scientific evidence.

Whether we're talking about vaccinations, GMOs, climate change, race, or evolution, many people are heavily influenced by a belief structure in favor of the evidence. You would be exhibit 1A of this phenomenon.
The clowns who push the "science is settled" meme are the biggest offenders.

Usually it's the big government-types.

There are many of the leftists who post here who would be exhibit 1B of this phenomenon.
Sure, as long as he can.......

......blame Republicans for them having these diseases in the first place. Then, he can pose as their savior.

Do you really want to deny these poor people the health care they deserve???
"Instead, state legislatures need to end both religious and personal
exemptions to the requirement that children be vaccinated in order to
attend public schools. A strict vaccine requirement - without loopholes
- is all it would take to reduce the numbers of unvaccinated children
to levels that would allow us to maximize protection for everyone."
Does that apply to illegal immigrants?

You know, the children the Obama administration has dispersed all over the country so they can attend public schools on our dime. Does the "strict" vaccine requirement prevent them from attending public schools? Of course not.

That would "racist".

The VDOE memo reiterated the requirement that school divisions "must immediately enroll homeless students" and must do so regardless of whether or not they are able "to produce the records required for enrollment."

"In addition, division superintendents cannot exclude from school attendance those homeless children who do not provide the requisite health or immunization information required of other students," the memo continued. "School divisions must immediately refer the student to the school division liaison required to assist the student in obtaining necessary physical examinations or proof of completion of immunizations."

This post was edited on 2/5 11:59 AM by GMM

Immigrant Children to Be Classified as 'Homeless'
You have wealthy friends in L.A.?


When actors play doctors on TV, that does not make them actual doctors. And that does not mean they should scour some Internet boards, confront their pediatricians, and demand fewer vaccinations for their children, as some Hollywood parents in Los Angeles have apparently been doing.


In some schools, up to 60 to 70 percent of parents have filed these PBEs, indicating a vaccination rate as low as that of Chad or South Sudan. Unlike in Santa Monica, however, parents in South Sudan have trouble getting their children vaccinated because of an ongoing civil war.

And lo, it is these very same L.A. neighborhoods that are experiencing a resurgence of diseases like whooping cough, otherwise known as pertussis. Measles cases have also hit a high in California this year.

Wealthy LA Schools' Vax Rates Low as South Sudan's
It all comes down to

"I'm Not Trusting President Obama ________________ ".

You could put virtually anything after those words and have a viable argument.

The man doesn't even have a passing acquaintance with the truth.

When members of the Liberal media say that, the self proclaimed "Most Transparent Administration in History", is the LEAST transparent they've ever seen, it's clear that Obama is in trouble. His support in the media and among Democrats is starting to crumble, because no one believes or trusts him.

So you are saying if Obama told you to do something you already do and already think is a great idea (getting immunized), you wouldn't trust him?

And that makes sense to you.
Re: always has been!

Originally posted by Purdue85:

Originally posted by Beeazlebub:
The problem is when people place ideology, faith, and dogma ahead of scientific evidence.

Whether we're talking about vaccinations, GMOs, climate change, race, or evolution, many people are heavily influenced by a belief structure in favor of the evidence. You would be exhibit 1A of this phenomenon.
The clowns who push the "science is settled" meme are the biggest offenders.

Usually it's the big government-types.

There are many of the leftists who post here who would be exhibit 1B of this phenomenon.
Usually the "science is settled" crowd, doesn't want any more examination of their pet theories, for fear of them being debunked.

When it comes to immunizations or any medications for that matter, you have to keep in mind that we all have somewhat different body chemistry. Some medications may be wonder drugs for us, but they may have a long list of side effects for someone else. That's why you get about two pages of warning with any prescription drug you buy.

What complicates matters even more, is that your body chemistry can change during your life. When I was 10, a friend and I were wrestling near the edge of his yard. It was Summer and we were shirtless. The next day, my friend was a big red blister from his beltline to the top of his head. We had been rolling around in poison ivy. I found out that I must have been immune to it, since I had no blisters at all.

When I was 17, I was working at a ski lodge during the Summer and was tasked with clearing away a lot of brush along a horseback riding trail. It was hot, so I took off my shirt. A Crabapple tree was covered with a lot of vines, that I removed and burned. The next day, I found out my immunity to poison ivy had expired. Bottom line, don't assume that you're immune to something for your entire life, just because you were once. I guess that also makes a strong case for booster shots, as well.
Re: Here's another vaccine quote

Originally posted by pastorjoeboggs:

Originally posted by GMM:
"We've seen just a skyrocketing autism rate. Some people are suspicious that it's connected to the vaccines. This person included. The science right now is inconclusive, but we have to research it."


Barack Obama

There's nothing wrong with not trusting President Obama to tell you whether to vaccinate your kids or not. Sean Hannity's kids are vaccinated. Not because the government is smarter than us, but because he knows its the right thing to do.
Oh crap - I read one of your posts and I actually agreed with it. Maybe I need to be vaccinated...

Seriously, though, if the narrative that conservatives are trying to push is that it is Obama who is telling them to vaccinate, then they are much stupider than I thought. It's not Obama, it's science. And to my knowledge, all of the research linking autism to vaccines has been debunked and discredited.
That is NOT the narrative that any Conservatives are pushing. That's just qazplm's attempt to make it look that way, by taking one statement out of context.

In reality, I suspect most, if not all Conservatives do not believe or trust Obama, since he has not proven to be the least bit trustworthy.

For the future, please don't call Conservatives stupid. We're not the ones that put Obama into the Whitehouse. The Liberals are going to have to live down his lack of judgment and leadership for decades to come. If you can't see the negative impact he's having on the country and the world, then you may have to step in front of a mirror to see stupid.
You're missing the point.

Hannity's kids are vaccinated. He's just voicing his lack of trust for ANYTHING Obama has to say.

Context matters.
Originally posted by pastorjoeboggs:
I genuinely do not understand how this is not considered neglect or child endangerment. If a parent can get charged with child endangerment for leaving their kids in the car while they run into a store, how does willingly exposing them to the possibility of pain, suffering and death not amount to the same thing.

Children are not capable of making these kinds of decisions themselves, and if their parents are unable to understand the importance of protecting their kids, then the parents shouldn't be making the decision.

It's going to get really sad when children start dying from preventable diseases because their parents are crazy and irresponsible.
You swallowed qazplm's bait, hook, line and sinker. He gave you that quote without any context.

Hannity's comment was an expression of lack of trust for Obama, NOT an argument against vaccinating kids.

It appears qaz is as trustworthy as Obama....

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