Idiot strength coach


True Freshman
Jan 10, 2016
How can a representative of ESPN (Dakich) be getting into little high school arguments with IU's strength coach ? and he called him an idiot and a biotch on his show, really? Wow, makes the Big Ten look bad because he does all the Big Ten games and is ESPN's Big Ten guy. He quarreled with him pre-game on the court at Iowa and called him a "biatch" multiple times. Lyonel Anderson was calling Dakich a hater and that's where it started. Am I right with this or did Dakich have every right to go school-boy like that. Josh Bonhotal would never ever get caught up in that, nor Larry Clisby, nor any former Purdue player, radio announcer, nor anyone affiliated with Purdue (too much class for that).
Oh wow. Respect for Dackich just went down the drain. calling people names is not okay at any level. Kindergarten, college or otherwise.
Dakich does this to everyone, he's about as thin skinned as they come and why I can't stand to listen to him. Anyone that disagrees with him, he calls them out and makes fun of them, it's just sad and pathetic.
You pay way too much attention to the IU stuff. Take it elsewhere.

When is it ever a surprise that there is some sort of social controversy or inappropriate behavior involving one or more IU coaches? Just add this to all the following crap:
  1. Crean ("you destroyed the program" to the UM assistant)
  2. Sampson (It's just an extra phone call or 6, what's the big deal?... oh and that kid didn't really want to go to UI anyway)
  3. Davis (we just go to the same church)
  4. Knight (I saw an old lady that needed to sit down, on the other side of the court. I just gave her a chair)
You pay way too much attention to the IU stuff. Take it elsewhere.

When is it ever a surprise that there is some sort of social controversy or inappropriate behavior involving one or more IU coaches? Just add this to all the following crap:
  1. Crean ("you destroyed the program" to the UM assistant)
  2. Sampson (It's just an extra phone call or 6, what's the big deal?... oh and that kid didn't really want to go to UI anyway)
  3. Davis (we just go to the same church)
  4. Knight (I saw an old lady that needed to sit down, on the other side of the court. I just gave her a chair)
Love that you just gave a brief recap of about 30 yrs of Indiana basketball coaches to someone who pays too much attention to IU. And it doesn't seem odd coming from you.
Love that you just gave a brief recap of about 30 yrs of Indiana basketball coaches to someone who pays too much attention to IU. And it doesn't seem odd coming from you.
It's not like I had to go to any lengths to find this stuff. For an Indiana (state of) basketball fan like me, it is kind of like a slap in the face when it happens.

Watching Crean have that confrontation with the UM assistant, and then walk away with that smug smile on his face was more than enough to make me hide any IU sympathies around here. I mean, how the hell can you miss this stuff? It's like a train wreck all over TV! Anyone who watches college basketball could give you the same list.

Just everybody stop with all the IU crap! This is how and why you get people with 5 posts in 6 years coming on here and spewing more junk. They just wait for someone to post something about IU and then here they come. Just let them stay at Peegs and keep this board about everything PU.
It's not like I had to go to any lengths to find this stuff. For an Indiana (state of) basketball fan like me, it is kind of like a slap in the face when it happens.

Watching Crean have that confrontation with the UM assistant, and then walk away with that smug smile on his face was more than enough to make me hide any IU sympathies around here. I mean, how the hell can you miss this stuff? It's like a train wreck all over TV! Anyone who watches college basketball could give you the same list.

good point about the UM assistant,,, what was clap-i-tan's deal with him anyway. He had nothing to do with the phone calls. Halt! please don't respond to that. Clap-i-tan gets way too much pub.