How on earth does DJ Durkin keep his job?

My guess is they couldn't fire him with cause. I heard yesterday that the training staff does not report to him. It reports to the AD's office. And that Durkin had previously asked for his own training staff dedicated to football, but that it was denied. So Maryland probably doesn't have a leg to stand on for cause. Quite honestly, I'm surprised the AD hasn't been under fire.
Heard the university President was told to reinstate him or be fired. Plans to retire in the next year.
Heard the university President was told to reinstate him or be fired. Plans to retire in the next year.
Heard this evening he has in fact been let go as a result of public outcry.
More turmoil in that program . . . May end up a blessing for the Loosiers.
Sounds like some politicians got involved and the student body was going to hold a massed vigil tomorrow night to honor the dead player and protest Durkin.

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