House Committee on Space, Science & Tech


Oct 16, 2001
I'm not even sure you could call this anti-science. More like a complete lack of scientific understanding when it comes to the issue of climate change. Brought to you by Jon Stewart & The Daily Show.

Entire video is amusing, but the section on the House starts around the 3:00 mark.
Originally posted by Beeazlebub:
I'm not even sure you could call this anti-science. More like a complete lack of scientific understanding when it comes to the issue of climate change. Brought to you by Jon Stewart & The Daily Show.

Entire video is amusing, but the section on the House starts around the 3:00 mark.
I just got done watching this less than five minutes ago. It's mind-numbing how obtuse some people can be about this. Even if a person doesn't completely accept the science (which still blows my mind), at least think "well, let's play it safe."

This video, though . . .
They're not obtuse. They are bought and paid for.

Glad to see Indiana was represented so well. tic
Originally posted by beardownboiler:
Originally posted by Beeazlebub:
I'm not even sure you could call this anti-science. More like a complete lack of scientific understanding when it comes to the issue of climate change. Brought to you by Jon Stewart & The Daily Show.

Entire video is amusing, but the section on the House starts around the 3:00 mark.
I just got done watching this less than five minutes ago. It's mind-numbing how obtuse some people can be about this. Even if a person doesn't completely accept the science (which still blows my mind), at least think "well, let's play it safe."

This video, though . . .
At least Paul Broun from GA is gone. He left this little gem during his tenure on the committee.
Originally posted by Beeazlebub:
Originally posted by beardownboiler:
Originally posted by Beeazlebub:
I'm not even sure you could call this anti-science. More like a complete lack of scientific understanding when it comes to the issue of climate change. Brought to you by Jon Stewart & The Daily Show.

Entire video is amusing, but the section on the House starts around the 3:00 mark.
I just got done watching this less than five minutes ago. It's mind-numbing how obtuse some people can be about this. Even if a person doesn't completely accept the science (which still blows my mind), at least think "well, let's play it safe."

This video, though . . .
At least Paul Broun from GA is gone. He left this little gem during his tenure on the committee.
Why is it that there's always some stereotype-enforcing element to videos about young-earth creationists? In this one, we see a young-earth creationist speaking in front of dozens of decapitated deer . . . . People get angry when others make fun of them or their beliefs . . . . and yet they do things like this that play right into the stereotype.

I've never understood religious zealots and this drive to completely deny science. It's just . . . mind boggling. And then they wonder why they get stereotyped as nut-jobs.

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