Hillary Clinton ordered investigation stopped on the Orlando shooter while at State Dept.

Feb 7, 2009
Big surprise here. Oh its just a coincidence. Hillary Clinton had the investigation stopped on the Orlando shooter. He was just on multiple terror watch lists. Hillary Clinton responsible for Benghazi, which was the cause of all the refugees invading western nations with intent to attack (and did officially). It happened on her watch under her control. She gets on TV and says Americans need to hand in their weapons immediately. She says America must surrender the nation. She says America must bow down and be her slaves. She also gets on TV and says we need open borders and need to accept refugees coming in from enemy nations. She imports ISIS people and then says hey America hand in your weapons you stupid lickers. As she cucks the country laughing in your faces because guess what? She was the one who stopped the FBI investigation into this guy and on top of that she got him off the terror watch list which is impossible once you are on it. Notice how now it is all "home grown"according to liberals. As they try to cuck America they say there is no such thing as "muslim" terrorism. What a cuck job liberals are. Trump called out Hillary so bad today. Trump made her look like the stupid frothing British agent witch she is.

Look at Trump just embarrass Hillary Clinton and basically called her out for high treason and Obama as well. ON VIDEO


Hillary Clinton’s State Dept. shut down an investigation into the mosque Orlando killer Omar Mir Siddique Mateen attended because it “unfairly singled out Muslims.”
The Fort Pierce Islamic Center, where Mateen worshipped several times a week, was under investigation by both the FBI and DHS as early as 2011 for ties to a worldwide Islamic movement known as Tablighi Jamaal which was linked to several terrorist organizations.
But the investigation was shut down under pressure from the Clinton-ran State Dept. and DHS’s Civil Rights and Civil Liberties Office out of fear of offending Muslims, according to recently retired DHS agent Philip Haney.

In other words, the FBI had limited options at stopping Mateen because it was ordered to back off its investigation into his mosque.
Both Clinton and the Obama administration have a history of enabling Islamic terrorism.
In 2012, Clinton’s State Dept. was backing al-Qaeda in Iraq, which morphed into ISIS, and other Islamic extremist groups as a proxy army to topple Syrian President Bashir al-Assad.
“The Salafist [sic], the Muslim Brotherhood and AQI [al-Qaeda in Iraq] are the major forces driving the insurgency in Syria,” a leaked memo between her State Dept. and the Pentagon stated. “The West, Gulf countries, and Turkey support [this] opposition, while Russia, China and Iran ‘support the [Assad] regime.’”

This secret document confirms that Clinton’s State Dept. – and the Obama administration in general – were directly responsible for the rise of ISIS, which is now targeting the West.
The former head of the Defense Intelligence Agency, Lieutenant General Michael Flynn, confirmed the document’s importance.
“I don’t know that [the Obama administration] turned a blind eye [to ISIS], I think it was a decision; I think it was a willful decision,” he said.
Clinton even admitted some responsibility.
“…The United States had – to be fair – we had helped create the problem we’re now fighting,” she said in an interview with Fox anchor Greta Van Susteren. “When the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan, we had this brilliant idea we were going to come to Pakistan and create a force on Mujahideen, equip them with Stinger missiles and everything else to go after the Soviets inside Afghanistan.”
“Now you look back [and] the people we’re fighting today, we were supporting in the fight against the Soviets.”
Additionally, on Oct. 1 President Obama authorized a shipment of guns to ISIS-linked militants in Syria – the exact same day he demanded more gun control in response to Umpqua Community College shooting in Ore.
“The approval came at a National Security Council meeting on Thursday,” CNN reported at the time. “…The President also emphasized to his team that the U.S. would continue to support the Syrian opposition as Russia enters the war-torn country.”
But as his administration admitted in the 2012 leaked memo, the “Syrian opposition” is predominantly jihadist militants – just like the Orlando killer.


Look at Clinton cuck congress. She says hey Congress you cuck faced loser you will bow down to the global takeover of the United States and not investigate the stand down order. "What Difference"....that right there is Hillary Clinton. GUILTY!
Lets not forget Bill Clinton was who ordered the investigation stopped on Osama Bin Laden. If there is a terrorist you best believe Hillary Clinton and her rapist Husband Bill, along with Obama and his cuck face, or Skull & Bones member George Bush are firmly protecting them and sabotaging any effort to stop their attack on America. These are hardcore traitors.

TREASON- Look at her cuck to the Saudi royalty arranging attacks on the US. Look at her coordinating the takeover of the United States. Oh she done did it sukazzz. She done did you sloppy idiots in real nice you cuck faced liberals.

HIGH TREASON - Bill & Hillary Clinton are foreign agents in the US government through the British Intelligence arm "Council on Foreign Relations". These are hardcore traitors. pages/Prior_Knowledge/Clinton_let_bin_laden.htm

President Clinton and his national security team ignored several opportunities to capture Osama bin Laden and his terrorist associates, including one as late as last year.

I know because I negotiated more than one of the opportunities.

From 1996 to 1998, I opened unofficial channels between Sudan and the Clinton administration. I met with officials in both countries, including Clinton, U.S. National Security Advisor Samuel R. "Sandy" Berger and Sudan's president and intelligence chief. President Omar Hassan Ahmed Bashir, who wanted terrorism sanctions against Sudan lifted, offered the arrest and extradition of Bin Laden and detailed intelligence data about the global networks constructed by Egypt's Islamic Jihad, Iran's Hezbollah and the Palestinian Hamas.

Among those in the networks were the two hijackers who piloted commercial airliners into the World Trade Center.

The silence of the Clinton administration in responding to these offers was deafening.

As an American Muslim and a political supporter of Clinton, I feel now, as I argued with Clinton and Berger then, that their counter-terrorism policies fueled the rise of Bin Laden from an ordinary man to a Hydra-like monster.

Realizing the growing problem with Bin Laden, Bashir sent key intelligence officials to the U.S. in February 1996.

The Sudanese offered to arrest Bin Laden and extradite him to Saudi Arabia or, barring that, to "baby-sit" him--monitoring all his activities and associates.

But Saudi officials didn't want their home-grown terrorist back where he might plot to overthrow them.

In May 1996, the Sudanese capitulated to U.S. pressure and asked Bin Laden to leave, despite their feeling that he could be monitored better in Sudan than elsewhere.

Bin Laden left for Afghanistan, taking with him Ayman Zawahiri, considered by the U.S. to be the chief planner of the Sept. 11 attacks; Mamdouh Mahmud Salim, who traveled frequently to Germany to obtain electronic equipment for Al Qaeda; Wadih El-Hage, Bin Laden's personal secretary and roving emissary, now serving a life sentence in the U.S. for his role in the 1998 U.S. embassy bombings in Tanzania and Kenya; and Fazul Abdullah Mohammed and Saif Adel, also accused of carrying out the embassy attacks.

Some of these men are now among the FBI's 22 most-wanted terrorists.

The two men who allegedly piloted the planes into the twin towers, Mohamed Atta and Marwan Al-Shehhi, prayed in the same Hamburg mosque as did Salim and Mamoun Darkazanli, a Syrian trader who managed Salim's bank accounts and whose assets are frozen.

Important data on each had been compiled by the Sudanese.

But U.S. authorities repeatedly turned the data away, first in February 1996; then again that August, when at my suggestion Sudan's religious ideologue, Hassan Turabi, wrote directly to Clinton; then again in April 1997, when I persuaded Bashir to invite the FBI to come to Sudan and view the data; and finally in February 1998, when Sudan's intelligence chief, Gutbi al-Mahdi, wrote directly to the FBI.
oh man that's nothing. Look what Assange is promising.
Julian Assange says Wikileaks will have "a very big year" as it will publish enough new information about Hillary Clinton to indict her. In an ITV interview about the Democratic presidential candidate, Assange said, "We have emails relating to Hillary Clinton which are pending publication." As it stands, about 32,000 emails from Clinton's private server have been leaked by Wikileaks. Assange has yet to comment on how many new emails will be released or when they will be published. While he thinks there will be enough to indict Clinton, he doesn't think it will happen under Attorney General Loretta Lynch. He does think "the FBI can push for concessions from the new Clinton government in exchange for its lack of indictment." Specifically, Assange revealed the leaked emails show that she overrode the Pentagon's reluctance to overthrow sovereign Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi in 2011, and that "they predicted the post-war outcome would be what it is, which is ISIS taking over the country."
oh man that's nothing. Look what Assange is promising.
Julian Assange says Wikileaks will have "a very big year" as it will publish enough new information about Hillary Clinton to indict her. In an ITV interview about the Democratic presidential candidate, Assange said, "We have emails relating to Hillary Clinton which are pending publication." As it stands, about 32,000 emails from Clinton's private server have been leaked by Wikileaks. Assange has yet to comment on how many new emails will be released or when they will be published. While he thinks there will be enough to indict Clinton, he doesn't think it will happen under Attorney General Loretta Lynch. He does think "the FBI can push for concessions from the new Clinton government in exchange for its lack of indictment." Specifically, Assange revealed the leaked emails show that she overrode the Pentagon's reluctance to overthrow sovereign Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi in 2011, and that "they predicted the post-war outcome would be what it is, which is ISIS taking over the country."

Hillary Clinton armed ISIS and handed them the country. She did it so that America could be attacked. ISIS is nothing more than Al Qaeda with a new name to confuse the foolish voters. ISIS (Al Qaeda) is a proxy army for Hillary and her foreign masters to attack America through plausible deniability to avoid retaliation. That is how the globalists are going to bring down Western Civilization. The government (Obama) sneaks in their ISIS army terrorize the Christians. Keep in mind this has been happening all over the world, and Obama insisted ISIS be brought to America. He is a filthy traitor.



Obama arranged for ISIS to come to America on UPS planes and bussed by Homeland Security directly to terrorism communities in the United States to meet their handlers. Notice ISIS attacks and they call for gun bans at the same time. We get attacked by ISIS, Hillary says America needs to surrender their weapons. Think of the magnitude of an equation like that and how that can ONLY mean one thing. Once they disarm the America people, that is when ISIS will probably be given the ok by the State Department run by British Intel to detonate a nuclear weapon or some kind of weapon of mass destruction. That cannot happen before Americans are disarmed because Americans would restore the country with arms. Though when Hillary disarms the country she can conduct mass round ups and the country would love it because they wouldn't want another city to go down. This is when UN troops would be brought over from Cuba and other enemy nations to occupy the United States and break it up into international sectors as the UN has called for. Once guns have been taken out of Americans hands, ISIS will likely be given the green light by Hillary and her technocratic overseers to probably detonate a small scale nuclear somewhere in the United States. Philadelphia would be the likely target. Then they would be able to circle the wagons on the Patriots as well and equate them in with ISIS even though in reality Patriots are further from ISIS than even Christians. Its why they want the guns so bad. Hillary has spent her entire political career terrorizing the west and finding ways to disarm the United States, along with giving US nuclear secrets to foreign enemy powers. The Saudi royalty has given her 25 percent of her entire campaign finances. Hillary Clinton is paid off by foreign enemy nations. China was Bill Clinton's contributor.

More amazing is the fact that we have been attacked TWICE now by ISIS people that Hillary Clinton DIRECTLY blocked FBI investigations into. Not to mention it was Bill Clinton who let Osama Bin Laden go. Even though 911 was planned by the traitors inside the US government with foreign intelligence and the hijackers are alive today, Bin Laden was running logistics for Al Qaeda (now ISIS) before he died of kidney failure. Bill Clinton protected Bin Laden. So if one believes Bin Laden did do 911, then that is 3 attacks directly aided by the Clinton's. Hillary Clinton should be arrested for high treason. That proves unequivocally that these attacks were somehow coddled, planned, and ran by these clandestine operations as a way to terrorize the American public for globalist political aims. 2 of the largest terrorist attacks on US soil were aided by the Clintons. That is incredible.




Donald Rumsfeld, the US defence secretary, sat on the board of a company which three years ago sold two light water nuclear reactors to North Korea - a country he now regards as part of the "axis of evil" and which has been targeted for regime change by Washington because of its efforts to build nuclear weapons.
Mr Rumsfeld was a non-executive director of ABB, a European engineering giant based in Zurich, when it won a $200m (£125m) contract to provide the design and key components for the reactors. The current defence secretary sat on the board from 1990 to 2001, earning $190,000 a year. He left to join the Bush administration.

The reactor deal was part of President Bill Clinton's policy of persuading the North Korean regime to positively engage with the west.

The sale of the nuclear technology was a high-profile contract. ABB's then chief executive, Goran Lindahl, visited North Korea in November 1999 to announce ABB's "wide-ranging, long-term cooperation agreement" with the communist government.

The company also opened an office in the country's capital, Pyongyang, and the deal was signed a year later in 2000. Despite this, Mr Rumsfeld's office said that the de fence secretary did not "recall it being brought before the board at any time".


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