Hedge fund manager Marc Mezvinsky (Chelsea Clinton's hubby) actually bought Greek bonds!

Ol' Sid.

"But newly released emails from 2012 show that she and Clinton Foundation consultant, Sidney Blumenthal, shared classified information about how German leadership viewed the prospects for a Greek bailout. Clinton also shared “protected” State Department information about Greek bonds with her husband at the same time that her son-in-law aimed his hedge fund at Greece."

Obama wanted him as far away as possible for a reason...not that we didn't already know, but now...woof.

Martha Stewart did time for this.

Spin time.
That article is such a propaganda spinoff. This is why you have to be extremely careful because anything these mainstream media outlets report is what cannot be hidden anymore. In those cases they misreport and distort to protect the New World Order. The media is a total psychological war against the United States. What really happened is that Hillary was running austerity political lobbying on behalf of Goldman. Gutting the Greek markets was the intentional goal. It is the global plan. It isn't an accident. it isn't like poor Clinton's son in law. These are Communist agents foreign spies here to conquer the United States, and Western Civilization. Western Civilization is their ULTIMATE ENEMY. Watch Carroll Quigley. This is Bill Clinton's mentor who managed their secret records and taught at Georgetown. This has been planned for a very long time. She is just executing the mission.

All nations are under austerity right now with varrying degrees. Any losses were just collateral damage. The intent was to gut the Greek market with one arm as a sacrificial piece with the front company for the larger proprietor to come in and bet the opposite way. Greece was a total takeover operation. It is basically a vandal coming in and looting blowing the safe doors off and then tossing bags of cash onto a pirate ship. Austerity is the gutting of the people of the country and the bargaining of all the valuable property to the globalist Illuminati. Nevertheless it is good to expose just how evil and twisted this woman really is. She is a HARDCORE Communist. She is a neocon Trotskyite in the University of Chicago sense of the word. A total enemy to the United States.


"But in the Greek case the US bankers devised a special kind of swap with fictional exchange rates. That enabled Greece to receive a far higher sum than the actual euro market value of 10 billion dollars or yen. In that way Goldman Sachs secretly arranged additional credit of up to $1 billion for the Greeks.

This credit disguised as a swap didn't show up in the Greek debt statistics. Eurostat's reporting rules don't comprehensively record transactions involving financial derivatives. "The Maastricht rules can be circumvented quite legally through swaps," says a German derivatives dealer.
But in the Greek case the US bankers devised a special kind of swap with fictional exchange rates. That enabled Greece to receive a far higher sum than the actual euro market value of 10 billion dollars or yen. In that way Goldman Sachs secretly arranged additional credit of up to $1 billion for the Greeks."
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