Foreigner Actors trying to control the election

I guess we know who the EU supports, not that anyone should be alarmed.

Trump made a lot of those countries mad by expecting them to do what they were suppose to do at the end of WW2 which was to put forth 2% of their GDP to defense rather than have the USA pay for their protection. Think of all the presidents that could have done what Trump did to try to get them to fulfill their obligations
Trump made a lot of those countries mad by expecting them to do what they were suppose to do at the end of WW2 which was to put forth 2% of their GDP to defense rather than have the USA pay for their protection. Think of all the presidents that could have done what Trump did to try to get them to fulfill their obligations
Exactly. Big bad Orangeman making the socialists spend their money on weapons versus their social programs. How European of them to be upset about that! Then Russia attacks the Ukraine…🤔. Another example of Trump being one step ahead.