So, as usual, GMM and I'm sure others, are skeptical at claims that the Ferguson PD was racist, or that the system there was biased against AAs.
So let's see what we have from the linked article (I'll even cut out the less egregious things):
• The Ferguson Court Clerk and a clerk in another city "'fixed' at least 12 tickets at each other's request.
• At the request of a Pine Lawn court administrator, the Court Clerk
recalled a warrant for a man applying for a police job in the nearby
• The Court Clerk ordered police to arrest a woman after she had asked questions in court.
• A relative of the Court Clerk asked if there was anything she could
do to help out with a $200 ticket. The Court Clerk replied, "your
ticket of $200 has magically disappeared!" The incident was one of
several in which the the clerk, along with other high-ranking Ferguson
officials, assisted "friends, colleagues, acquaintances, and themselves
in eliminating citations, fines, and fees."
From another link, summing up part of the DOJ report:
(I'm only linking quotes from the report, not analysis from buzzfeed).
In March 2010, for instance, the City Finance Director wrote to Chief
Jackson that "unless ticket writing ramps up significantly before the
end of the year, it will be hard to significantly raise collections next
year . Given that we are looking at a substantial sales tax shortfall,
it's not an insignificant issue." Similarly, in March 2013, the Finance Director wrote to the City
Manager: "Court fees are anticipated to rise about 7.5%. I did ask the
Chief if he thought the PD could deliver 10% increase. He indicated they
could try.""Partly as a consequence of City and FPD priorities, many officers appear
to see some residents, especially those who live in Ferguson's
predominantly African-American neighborhoods, less as constituents to be
protected than as potential offenders and sources of revenue."
" at the end of fiscal year 2009, the municipal court had roughly 24,000
traffic cases and 28,000 non-traffic cases pending. As of October 31,
2014, both of those figures had roughly doubled to 53,000 and 50,000
cases, respectively. In fiscal year 2009, 16,178 new cases were filed,
and 8,727 were resolved. In 2014, by contrast, 24,256 new offenses were
filed, and 10,975 offenses were resolved."
"Ferguson uses its police department in large part as a collection
agency for its municipal court," the report found. "Ferguson's municipal
court issues arrest warrants at a rate that police officials have
called, in internal emails, 'staggering.'"
"African Americans are more than twice as likely as white drivers to be
searched during vehicle stops even after controlling for non-race based
variables such as the reason the vehicle stop was initiated, but are
found in possession of contraband 26% less often than white drivers,
suggesting officers are impermissibly considering race as a factor when
determining whether to search."
This link includes all the various racist emails sent out about AAs. Which is easy to do when almost your entire force is white.
Finally (in this post, not in the report, there's tons more), there's this example/story:
Fired employees
So let's see what we have from the linked article (I'll even cut out the less egregious things):
• The Ferguson Court Clerk and a clerk in another city "'fixed' at least 12 tickets at each other's request.
• At the request of a Pine Lawn court administrator, the Court Clerk
recalled a warrant for a man applying for a police job in the nearby
• The Court Clerk ordered police to arrest a woman after she had asked questions in court.
• A relative of the Court Clerk asked if there was anything she could
do to help out with a $200 ticket. The Court Clerk replied, "your
ticket of $200 has magically disappeared!" The incident was one of
several in which the the clerk, along with other high-ranking Ferguson
officials, assisted "friends, colleagues, acquaintances, and themselves
in eliminating citations, fines, and fees."
From another link, summing up part of the DOJ report:
(I'm only linking quotes from the report, not analysis from buzzfeed).
In March 2010, for instance, the City Finance Director wrote to Chief
Jackson that "unless ticket writing ramps up significantly before the
end of the year, it will be hard to significantly raise collections next
year . Given that we are looking at a substantial sales tax shortfall,
it's not an insignificant issue." Similarly, in March 2013, the Finance Director wrote to the City
Manager: "Court fees are anticipated to rise about 7.5%. I did ask the
Chief if he thought the PD could deliver 10% increase. He indicated they
could try.""Partly as a consequence of City and FPD priorities, many officers appear
to see some residents, especially those who live in Ferguson's
predominantly African-American neighborhoods, less as constituents to be
protected than as potential offenders and sources of revenue."
" at the end of fiscal year 2009, the municipal court had roughly 24,000
traffic cases and 28,000 non-traffic cases pending. As of October 31,
2014, both of those figures had roughly doubled to 53,000 and 50,000
cases, respectively. In fiscal year 2009, 16,178 new cases were filed,
and 8,727 were resolved. In 2014, by contrast, 24,256 new offenses were
filed, and 10,975 offenses were resolved."
"Ferguson uses its police department in large part as a collection
agency for its municipal court," the report found. "Ferguson's municipal
court issues arrest warrants at a rate that police officials have
called, in internal emails, 'staggering.'"
"African Americans are more than twice as likely as white drivers to be
searched during vehicle stops even after controlling for non-race based
variables such as the reason the vehicle stop was initiated, but are
found in possession of contraband 26% less often than white drivers,
suggesting officers are impermissibly considering race as a factor when
determining whether to search."
This link includes all the various racist emails sent out about AAs. Which is easy to do when almost your entire force is white.
Finally (in this post, not in the report, there's tons more), there's this example/story:
There's tons more at the link along with a link to the actual report if you object to buzzfeed as a the summer of 2012, a 32-year-old African-American man sat in his
car cooling off after playing basketball in a Ferguson public park. An
officer pulled up behind the man's car, blocking him in, and demanded
the man's Social Security number and identification.
Without any cause, the officer accused the man of being a pedophile,
referring to the presence of children in the park, and ordered the man
out of his car for a pat-down, although the officer had no reason to
believe the man was armed.
The officer also asked to search the man's car. The man objected, citing his constitutional rights.
In response, the officer arrested the man, reportedly at gunpoint,
charging him with eight violations of Ferguson's municipal code.
One charge, Making a False Declaration, was for initially providing
the short form of his first name (e.g., "Mike" instead of "Michael"),
and an address which, although legitimate, was different from the one on
his driver's license. Another charge was for not wearing a seat belt,
even though he was seated in a parked car.
The officer also charged the man both with having an expired
operator's license, and with having no operator's license in his
The man told us that, because of these charges, he lost his job as a
contractor with the federal government that he had held for years.
Fired employees