The architecture of this FBI decision on Hillary is clear what is being planned by (and for) the Clintons. When Bill Clinton was running for president (to be reelected in 1995) the foreign intelligence agencies working with clandestine black operations groups in the US and the FBI blew up the Federal Building in Oklahoma City. That effectively got Bill Clinton elected. Minus that event Bill Clinton loses the election.
Mind channels even admitted there were multiple explosive devices pulled out of the Oklahoma City building and the FBI local section chief went on TV and ADMITTED IT ON VIDEO. ON VIDEO.....yet TV news told you as well as staged court case that it was nothing more than a Rider Truck made with low tech fertilizer bomb (despite FBI ON local news admitting the local bomb squad pulled out multiple devices). Bill Clinton was elected president for a second term because of this attack.
Bill Clinton was in deep political trouble in April 1995. Six months earlier, voters had resoundingly rejected Democrats in the 1994 mid-term elections, giving the GOP control of both House and Senate. Polls showed the public viewed Clinton as weak, incompetent and ineffective. House Speaker Newt Gingrich and his GOP forces seized the initiative on virtually every significant issue, while Clinton appeared to be politically dead. The worst moment may have come on April 18, the day before the bombing, when Clinton plaintively told reporters, “The president is still relevant here.”
And then came the explosion at the Murrah Federal Building. In addition to seeing a criminal act and human loss, Clinton and Morris saw opportunity. If the White House could tie Gingrich, congressional Republicans and conservative voices like Rush Limbaugh to the attack, then Clinton might gain the edge in the fight against the GOP.
Morris began polling about Oklahoma City almost immediately after the bombing. On April 23, four days after the attack, Clinton appeared to point the finger straight at his political opponents during a speech in Minneapolis. “We hear so many loud and angry voices in America today whose sole goal seems to be to try to keep some people as paranoid as possible and the rest of us all torn up and upset with each other,” he said. “They spread hate. They leave the impression that, by their very words, that violence is acceptable.”
At a White House meeting four days later, on April 27, Morris presented Clinton with a comeback strategy based on his polling. Morris prepared an extensive agenda for the session, a copy of which he would include in the paperback version of his memoir, Behind the Oval Office. This is how the April 27 agenda began:
A. Temporary gain: boost in ratings — here today, gone tomorrow
B. More permanent gain: Improvements in character/personality attributes — remedies weakness, incompetence, ineffectiveness found in recent poll
C. Permanent possible gain: sets up Extremist Issue vs. Republicans
With this said look at the chess board right now. You got a ploy on the right. The FBI had investigated this case for months, but all the sudden a "secret interview" takes place on the eve of Bill Clinton SECRETLY meeting with the attorney general on her private plane. They are going to try and play the angry conservative against the FBI decision. In 1990's the Clintons were given a second term because of Oklahoma City Bill Clinton attacked talk radio and his political enemy that were generally religious common sense patriotic people concerned by his brash evil decisions he made during his term to wage war against America including selling nuclear technology, warhead designs, nuclear guidance chips, and naval technology to the enemy Chinese military. This is what they are planning to do. They are going to stage an attack and blame conservatives and they may tie in this FBI decision as an excuse. These people are dangerous traitors they are going to do anything they can to keep power.
The reason I see the cards coming out this way is because the FBI would never agree to meet secretly with Clinton right after Bill Clinton was caught meeting with the Attorney General. They are being flagrant and flamboyant about this. This was intentional. That should scare the living hell out of people. They don't make moves like this unless something is coming down the pike. Hillary has already publicly declared she wants men in "re-education camps". I am extremely concerned about this because it is so boldly done. Trump has got these people on the run. There is ZERO chance Hillary wins this election without either a terror attack, or equivalent staged event. 1) Why would the FBI "secretly meet" with Clinton with national news ADVERTISING THIS THE MORNING OF and 2) right after Bill Clinton is with the attorney general? This was deliberate psychological warfare. They are setting the deck for what they are planning.
Lets not forget the FBI ran the 1st bombing of the World Trade Centers before the Bush administration cleaned up Clinton's sloppy FBI work. AND THEY GOT CAUGHT LIKE THE KILLERS THEY ARE.
ON VIDEO....Get ready the Clinton's as foreign intelligence assets inside the heavily infiltrated government are clearly setting the deck for a staged event to help propel and distract from Hillary Clinton's INCREDIBLE TREASON.
Mind channels even admitted there were multiple explosive devices pulled out of the Oklahoma City building and the FBI local section chief went on TV and ADMITTED IT ON VIDEO. ON VIDEO.....yet TV news told you as well as staged court case that it was nothing more than a Rider Truck made with low tech fertilizer bomb (despite FBI ON local news admitting the local bomb squad pulled out multiple devices). Bill Clinton was elected president for a second term because of this attack.
Bill Clinton was in deep political trouble in April 1995. Six months earlier, voters had resoundingly rejected Democrats in the 1994 mid-term elections, giving the GOP control of both House and Senate. Polls showed the public viewed Clinton as weak, incompetent and ineffective. House Speaker Newt Gingrich and his GOP forces seized the initiative on virtually every significant issue, while Clinton appeared to be politically dead. The worst moment may have come on April 18, the day before the bombing, when Clinton plaintively told reporters, “The president is still relevant here.”
And then came the explosion at the Murrah Federal Building. In addition to seeing a criminal act and human loss, Clinton and Morris saw opportunity. If the White House could tie Gingrich, congressional Republicans and conservative voices like Rush Limbaugh to the attack, then Clinton might gain the edge in the fight against the GOP.
Morris began polling about Oklahoma City almost immediately after the bombing. On April 23, four days after the attack, Clinton appeared to point the finger straight at his political opponents during a speech in Minneapolis. “We hear so many loud and angry voices in America today whose sole goal seems to be to try to keep some people as paranoid as possible and the rest of us all torn up and upset with each other,” he said. “They spread hate. They leave the impression that, by their very words, that violence is acceptable.”
At a White House meeting four days later, on April 27, Morris presented Clinton with a comeback strategy based on his polling. Morris prepared an extensive agenda for the session, a copy of which he would include in the paperback version of his memoir, Behind the Oval Office. This is how the April 27 agenda began:
A. Temporary gain: boost in ratings — here today, gone tomorrow
B. More permanent gain: Improvements in character/personality attributes — remedies weakness, incompetence, ineffectiveness found in recent poll
C. Permanent possible gain: sets up Extremist Issue vs. Republicans
With this said look at the chess board right now. You got a ploy on the right. The FBI had investigated this case for months, but all the sudden a "secret interview" takes place on the eve of Bill Clinton SECRETLY meeting with the attorney general on her private plane. They are going to try and play the angry conservative against the FBI decision. In 1990's the Clintons were given a second term because of Oklahoma City Bill Clinton attacked talk radio and his political enemy that were generally religious common sense patriotic people concerned by his brash evil decisions he made during his term to wage war against America including selling nuclear technology, warhead designs, nuclear guidance chips, and naval technology to the enemy Chinese military. This is what they are planning to do. They are going to stage an attack and blame conservatives and they may tie in this FBI decision as an excuse. These people are dangerous traitors they are going to do anything they can to keep power.
The reason I see the cards coming out this way is because the FBI would never agree to meet secretly with Clinton right after Bill Clinton was caught meeting with the Attorney General. They are being flagrant and flamboyant about this. This was intentional. That should scare the living hell out of people. They don't make moves like this unless something is coming down the pike. Hillary has already publicly declared she wants men in "re-education camps". I am extremely concerned about this because it is so boldly done. Trump has got these people on the run. There is ZERO chance Hillary wins this election without either a terror attack, or equivalent staged event. 1) Why would the FBI "secretly meet" with Clinton with national news ADVERTISING THIS THE MORNING OF and 2) right after Bill Clinton is with the attorney general? This was deliberate psychological warfare. They are setting the deck for what they are planning.
Lets not forget the FBI ran the 1st bombing of the World Trade Centers before the Bush administration cleaned up Clinton's sloppy FBI work. AND THEY GOT CAUGHT LIKE THE KILLERS THEY ARE.
ON VIDEO....Get ready the Clinton's as foreign intelligence assets inside the heavily infiltrated government are clearly setting the deck for a staged event to help propel and distract from Hillary Clinton's INCREDIBLE TREASON.
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