Don't confuse YOU not knowing something

with there being no plan. Time will tell but don't panic just for lack of something else to do.

It may end up the Miles simply requested to not name a coach until after LSU's final game out of respect for his players and old staff.

Could be the Fleck is holding Purdie hostage and playing them for more money.

Maybe there is a surprising hire that is still coaching and didn't want to announce until he was able to speak to his current team after the regular season...heck, the Big 12 plays regular season games next week.

Could also be an OC who wanted to finish the regular season.

Also could be MBob has swung and missed continually over the last 6 weeks and Purdue is on option #5.

..... we'll all know more tomorrow
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I just want to know the source that kravik and others claim that they know something

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