Difference in current football practice video interviews


Jul 6, 2018
I just watched two different press conference interviews with Graham Harrell after this summer's second practice. As in the past, there is a night and day difference between them Have a look at the quality professional Gold and Black video- and then watch the Boiler Upload amateur one- . Such a world of difference. In the better one all questions can be clearly heard and there is minimal background noise. This is probably because of the use of better audio equipment, and also where the person making the recording stands, with standing to the speaker's right minimizing background noise. And filming from the side instead of the front should be an obviously seen problem.
I just watched today's interviews from practice, and wow, there's a world of difference.

It's obvious that it is now filmed with an actual camera and separate microphone, and also filmed from in front and not way off to the side. I don't know if this was preplanned or my comments caused it, but the improvements were immense, and thanks for them! I have only one further comment, other questioners could not be clearly heard. Is it possible to have a microphone that can pick up surrounding human-range sound better to hear this, or that can be switched to do so. Though of course it's nice not hearing other disruptive background noise. Perhaps Purdue also helped with this with eliminating that disruptive sound during interviews.

Again, thanks.