Data scientist DESTROYS the BLM narrative

That is grossly untrue. Where are the videos and the outrage of all these so called unarmed white people getting killed by police? Again, if it is true, why isn't anything done to stop this. Unarmed folks should not be dying at the hands of police. Almost all aren't justified. Some of the ones that are justified, the police officer, because of poor tactics, put himself in a position to use deadly force like the cop in Ferguson, MO.

Of course you had to find one of those black traitors to happily report that crap.
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That is grossly untrue. Where are the videos and the outrage of all these so called unarmed white people getting killed by police? Again, if it is true, why isn't anything done to stop this. Unarmed folks should not be dying at the hands of police. Almost all aren't justified. Some of the ones that are justified, the police officer, because of poor tactics, put himself in a position to use deadly force like the cop in Ferguson, MO.

Of course you had to find one of those black traitors to happily report that crap.
Is he a Gumbo , a Sambo , or an Uncle Tom?
That is grossly untrue. Where are the videos and the outrage of all these so called unarmed white people getting killed by police? Again, if it is true, why isn't anything done to stop this. Unarmed folks should not be dying at the hands of police. Almost all aren't justified. Some of the ones that are justified, the police officer, because of poor tactics, put himself in a position to use deadly force like the cop in Ferguson, MO.

Of course you had to find one of those black traitors to happily report that crap.
Grossly untrue, lol. So now your feelings trumps data? Three different studies have come to the same conclusion, but you think it's grossly untrue. You're a piece of work you know that.

There is no outrage because the media isn't making white people a victim class. The media is what created the BLM movement when you get down to it. They keep pushing a false narrative that the data does not support.
Grossly untrue, lol. So now your feelings trumps data? Three different studies have come to the same conclusion, but you think it's grossly untrue. You're a piece of work you know that.

There is no outrage because the media isn't making white people a victim class. The media is what created the BLM movement when you get down to it. They keep pushing a false narrative that the data does not support.
The media did not create the BLM movement. Cops killing unarmed black men did. You don't need the media to start movements. For the sake of argument that there are more white people killed by police, why are white people sitting back and letting it happen then? Again where are the videos of police killing white people? Where are the videos of police harassing white people?
The media did not create the BLM movement. Cops killing unarmed black men did. You don't need the media to start movements. For the sake of argument that there are more white people killed by police, why are white people sitting back and letting it happen then? Again where are the videos of police killing white people? Where are the videos of police harassing white people?
Lets forget armed/vs unarmed it is still almost a given that there is resisting arrest involved at least weapon or not. Why do black people resist arrest so much and create bigger problems for themselves?
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Lets forget armed/vs unarmed it is still almost a given that there is resisting arrest involved at least weapon or not. Why do black people resist arrest so much and create bigger problems for themselves?
If white people are the ones that get killed more by cops, then why do white people resist so much and create problems for themselves. Isn't that what y'all are trying to tell me?
If white people are the ones that get killed more by cops, then why do white people resist so much and create problems for themselves. Isn't that what y'all are trying to tell me?
Looking at sheer numbers vs % of the population isn't a true judge. In the current world no one cares neither does the news about a white person getting killed but black person is a ratings topper. Just look at your reactions. You never answer about the white unarmed woman killed by the black Somali cop. Did they drag her body all over the country and have vigils and parades and hand wringing over her? How long did they drag Floyd around and it was summer too had to be getting kind of ripe.
Looking at sheer numbers vs % of the population isn't a true judge. In the current world no one cares neither does the news about a white person getting killed but black person is a ratings topper. Just look at your reactions. You never answer about the white unarmed woman killed by the black Somali cop. Did they drag her body all over the country and have vigils and parades and hand wringing over her? How long did they drag Floyd around and it was summer too had to be getting kind of ripe.
I've commented a couple times about the black cop in Minneapolis. The last time I said that if he was my partner I would beat the crap out of him on the spot. If I recall, when the white lady, that called the police by the way, came running to the squad car, the black cop was in the passenger seat and reached across the face of the driver cop. He could have shot his partner in the face.

As far as Floyd, the popularity of that case was fueled by a couple of things. One, the public lynching was caught in broad daylight in clear video of the entire process. Then shown all over the world. Two, since it was shown all over the world, the floyd case culminated decades and decades of police brutality by police in the black community, that was never shown all over the world in one video. Many people white and black were outraged. You guys keep calling the riots BLM riots sans the looters but there were as many or more white people protesting in the streets.
I've commented a couple times about the black cop in Minneapolis. The last time I said that if he was my partner I would beat the crap out of him on the spot. If I recall, when the white lady, that called the police by the way, came running to the squad car, the black cop was in the passenger seat and reached across the face of the driver cop. He could have shot his partner in the face.

As far as Floyd, the popularity of that case was fueled by a couple of things. One, the public lynching was caught in broad daylight in clear video of the entire process. Then shown all over the world. Two, since it was shown all over the world, the floyd case culminated decades and decades of police brutality by police in the black community, that was never shown all over the world in one video. Many people white and black were outraged. You guys keep calling the riots BLM riots sans the looters but there were as many or more white people protesting in the streets.
Floyd was a felon hopped up majorly on dope. He was not an innocent victim. Should not have happened but I would choose my martyrs much more wisely. I agree lots of cops shouldn't be cops and screening needs to be better but Floyd wasn't just some random guy in the wrong place.
Floyd was a felon hopped up majorly on dope. He was not an innocent victim. Should not have happened but I would choose my martyrs much more wisely. I agree lots of cops shouldn't be cops and screening needs to be better but Floyd wasn't just some random guy in the wrong place.
Most of these killings wouldn't happen if all people would listen to and do what the cop tells you. If you resist it doesn't matter what ethnicity you are something bad is bound to happen armed or unarmed.
That is grossly untrue. Where are the videos and the outrage of all these so called unarmed white people getting killed by police? Again, if it is true, why isn't anything done to stop this. Unarmed folks should not be dying at the hands of police. Almost all aren't justified. Some of the ones that are justified, the police officer, because of poor tactics, put himself in a position to use deadly force like the cop in Ferguson, MO.

Of course you had to find one of those black traitors to happily report that crap.
Do you think cops wake up and say “I’m gonna kill an unarmed black person today”.
Most of these killings wouldn't happen if all people would listen to and do what the cop tells you. If you resist it doesn't matter what ethnicity you are something bad is bound to happen armed or unarmed.
It's amazing that something so simple would of kept Floyd alive.
Do you think cops wake up and say “I’m gonna kill an unarmed black person today”.
Nope, but they have pre-existing prejudices about black and brown people. Black people in a lot of situations are dehumanized. Just recently as the 70's and 80's there were people in Europe that believed that black people actually had tails. Back here in the US, a lot of cops seem to think that blacks have superhuman strength. Why do cops beat confessions out of blacks in custody? Why do they lie on official police reports when it comes to blacks in custody? Why Mr. no racism exists.
Nope, but they have pre-existing prejudices about black and brown people. Black people in a lot of situations are dehumanized. Just recently as the 70's and 80's there were people in Europe that believed that black people actually had tails. Back here in the US, a lot of cops seem to think that blacks have superhuman strength. Why do cops beat confessions out of blacks in custody? Why do they lie on official police reports when it comes to blacks in custody? Why Mr. no racism exists.
First, like you know about anything that happens to blacks since you're not one. Second, the rest of your post is just leftist nonsense you have been programmed to regurgitate.
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If white people are the ones that get killed more by cops, then why do white people resist so much and create problems for themselves. Isn't that what y'all are trying to tell me?

Here's the difference, I'll break it down into very simple terms so you can understand:
Fact: More white people, armed or unarmed, are killed by the cops than blacks.
The number of times police have to shoot an unarmed person compared to the number of police interactions doesn't even remotely reach the statistical significance. It's that rare.
Fact: the vast majority of people shot by cops were resisting arrest.

99% of white people don't believe cops shooting a suspect is racially motivated. Even when it's a black cop and white suspect.
Nope, but they have pre-existing prejudices about black and brown people. Black people in a lot of situations are dehumanized. Just recently as the 70's and 80's there were people in Europe that believed that black people actually had tails. Back here in the US, a lot of cops seem to think that blacks have superhuman strength. Why do cops beat confessions out of blacks in custody? Why do they lie on official police reports when it comes to blacks in custody? Why Mr. no racism exists.
You have a couple of issues:
You love to refer to things that happened 50-60 years ago and equate them with today.
You also watch way too much tv and assume something like forced confessions or lying on reports is something that every white cop does in every situation.

I'm still waiting for people like you to hold people like Mike Brown, Freddy Grey and George Floyd accountable for their actions. Because had they decided not to be law breakers, they wouldn't have had run ins with LE.
You have a couple of issues:
You love to refer to things that happened 50-60 years ago and equate them with today.
You also watch way too much tv and assume something like forced confessions or lying on reports is something that every white cop does in every situation.

I'm still waiting for people like you to hold people like Mike Brown, Freddy Grey and George Floyd accountable for their actions. Because had they decided not to be law breakers, they wouldn't have had run ins with LE.
With Freddie Gray, you are find with cops purposely driving erratically so that the handcuffed suspect can bounce around and get injured? Gray's back was fractured. Freddie Gray wasn't resisting while handcuffed, by himself in the vehicle wasn't he? This was just a few years ago, not 50.

I guess you are fine with cops sodomizing suspects with broom sticks while in custody? That is what they did to Abner Loiuma in NYC.
According to your logic more white people in police custody are sodomized than blacks, right?
Nope, but they have pre-existing prejudices about black and brown people. Black people in a lot of situations are dehumanized. Just recently as the 70's and 80's there were people in Europe that believed that black people actually had tails. Back here in the US, a lot of cops seem to think that blacks have superhuman strength. Why do cops beat confessions out of blacks in custody? Why do they lie on official police reports when it comes to blacks in custody? Why Mr. no racism exists.
Progress is never made by dwelling in the past.
With Freddie Gray, you are find with cops purposely driving erratically so that the handcuffed suspect can bounce around and get injured? Gray's back was fractured. Freddie Gray wasn't resisting while handcuffed, by himself in the vehicle wasn't he? This was just a few years ago, not 50.

I guess you are fine with cops sodomizing suspects with broom sticks while in custody? That is what they did to Abner Loiuma in NYC.
According to your logic more white people in police custody are sodomized than blacks, right?
Again you take the side of a criminal. Gray was arrested at least 18 times and distributed drugs in the black community. He did more harm to other people in the black community by drug distribution than the police did to him. How many lives did Gray help ruin? The Freddie Grays of the world are a detriment to others and you want to stand up and be concerned for their well being. Maybe be concerned for the well being for the lives these type of criminals are destroying.
Progress is never made by dwelling in the past.
Your dad must not have told you this. If you don't know your history you are bound to repeat it. I'm responding to posts, particularly from the likes of bonefish1 who keep bring up old stuff like Freddie Gray, Floyd and others. I dictate old events to remind people why black people have these views.
So you are fine with Gray being tossed around in the cop vehicle? And Loima being sodomized with a broom stick? You guys are the ones who say whites are killed more. So are whites being sodomized by police more than blacks?
So you are fine with Gray being tossed around in the cop vehicle? And Loima being sodomized with a broom stick? You guys are the ones who say whites are killed more. So are whites being sodomized by police more than blacks?
So two instances and it's now it's every cop doing it to every black person out there? Do you not hear yourself? I mean you are comparing being killed to sodomy. It's stunning the levels of reaching you go to in order to justify your ignorance.
So two instances and it's now it's every cop doing it to every black person out there? Do you not hear yourself? I mean you are comparing being killed to sodomy. It's stunning the levels of reaching you go to in order to justify your ignorance.
These are 2 instances that got national attention. This part of my point that y'all can't seem to understand. This stuff have been going on in the black community with cops for decades way before video cameras and media attention. Mistreatment of blacks in custody thay still go under the radar.

Let me ask you that no one else wants to answer. For the sake of argument that unarmed whites are killed more, why do y'all tolerate that if it were true?
Let me ask you that no one else wants to answer. For the sake of argument that unarmed whites are killed more, why do y'all tolerate that if it were true?
I'm not white unlike you, so you are better suited to answer this than me.
Your dad must not have told you this. If you don't know your history you are bound to repeat it. I'm responding to posts, particularly from the likes of bonefish1 who keep bring up old stuff like Freddie Gray, Floyd and others. I dictate old events to remind people why black people have these views.
My Dad has told me plenty. My Dad is a PROUD Black man who would never sign up for a site like this to post what you post. My Dad also knows that if you don’t know history, you are bound to repeat it. You seem set on undoing the progress we’ve made from our past and that’s not right. You do not represent a Black viewpoint as you say. Not even close.
With Freddie Gray, you are find with cops purposely driving erratically so that the handcuffed suspect can bounce around and get injured? Gray's back was fractured. Freddie Gray wasn't resisting while handcuffed, by himself in the vehicle wasn't he? This was just a few years ago, not 50.

I guess you are fine with cops sodomizing suspects with broom sticks while in custody? That is what they did to Abner Loiuma in NYC.
According to your logic more white people in police custody are sodomized than blacks, right?
Do you know Freddie Greys background? Do you have the slightest idea? Or, is your only care that a black guy died in police custody?

would you want your boys to emulate Freddie Grey?
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Your dad must not have told you this. If you don't know your history you are bound to repeat it. I'm responding to posts, particularly from the likes of bonefish1 who keep bring up old stuff like Freddie Gray, Floyd and others. I dictate old events to remind people why black people have these views.
Mike Brown assaulted a cop and was trying to get his gun out of his hand. What should the cop had done?
Grey was a gang banging drug dealer with a very long rap sheet. It was only a matter of time until a rival gang member put a bullet in his head.
These are 2 instances that got national attention. This part of my point that y'all can't seem to understand. This stuff have been going on in the black community with cops for decades way before video cameras and media attention. Mistreatment of blacks in custody thay still go under the radar.

Let me ask you that no one else wants to answer. For the sake of argument that unarmed whites are killed more, why do y'all tolerate that if it were true?
Because the vast vast vast majority of people killed by cops have chosen a life of crime and poor decisions. Do that enough times and eventually it proves fatal. Resist arrest and the likelihood of a bad outcome goes up even higher.
Mike Brown assaulted a cop and was trying to get his gun out of his hand. What should the cop had done?
Grey was a gang banging drug dealer with a very long rap sheet. It was only a matter of time until a rival gang member put a bullet in his head.
As far as Mike Brown, in my opinion the cop used poor police tactics that put himself in position to have to use deadly force.

As far as Gray, you and others don't want to answer my question. Renember, Gray was obviously not resisting as he was handcuffed in the back of the police wagon. Was it ok for the cops to purposely drive erratic that caused his injuries?

As far as Loima, is it ok for cops to stick a broomstick up his butt while he was handcuffed?
As far as Mike Brown, in my opinion the cop used poor police tactics that put himself in position to have to use deadly force.

As far as Gray, you and others don't want to answer my question. Renember, Gray was obviously not resisting as he was handcuffed in the back of the police wagon. Was it ok for the cops to purposely drive erratic that caused his injuries?

As far as Loima, is it ok for cops to stick a broomstick up his butt while he was handcuffed?
So, now Mike Brown isn’t responsible for his actions of assaulting the cop? Why didn’t Brown just go on his way. Remember, he had just robbed a store earlier in the day.

As for Grey, he was a detriment to society. He was a gang banging drug dealer with an extensive arrest record. He clearly had no intentions of abiding by societies rules. Do I cared that’s dead? No, not one bit. Not even a little.
But, you’re more upset about Brown and Grey than all the children killed in the hood every year.
So, now Mike Brown isn’t responsible for his actions of assaulting the cop? Why didn’t Brown just go on his way. Remember, he had just robbed a store earlier in the day.

As for Grey, he was a detriment to society. He was a gang banging drug dealer with an extensive arrest record. He clearly had no intentions of abiding by societies rules. Do I cared that’s dead? No, not one bit. Not even a little.
But, you’re more upset about Brown and Grey than all the children killed in the hood every year.
You are stil avoiding my questions.

Should cops be sticking broomsticks up the butt of people in custody?
Should cops drive the cop vehicle erratically to cause injury to the handcuffed suspect?

This stuff happens more to blacks in police custody more than whites.
You are stil avoiding my questions.

Should cops be sticking broomsticks up the butt of people in custody?
Should cops drive the cop vehicle erratically to cause injury to the handcuffed suspect?

This stuff happens more to blacks in police custody more than whites.
No, of course they shouldn’t.
Should someone like Freddie rey be allowed to walk the streets after being arrested over 20 times?

do you believe cops are sodomizing blacks with broomsticks on a regular basis?

I’ll bet you my paycheck that 98% of people killed by the cops, black or white, have a criminal record.