China Has Been Accessing Obama Adminstration Emails Since 2010


Gold Member
Jul 30, 2001
New Haven, CT
According to a senior official, China has been accessing Obama Administration and other US government private emails since 2010. It is scary to think how much intel and national secrets have been stolen by the Chinese. What, if anything, can be done about this? Do you think the US is doing the same to the Chinese? Or the Russians?
According to a senior official, China has been accessing Obama Administration and other US government private emails since 2010. It is scary to think how much intel and national secrets have been stolen by the Chinese. What, if anything, can be done about this? Do you think the US is doing the same to the Chinese? Or the Russians?

I suspect whatever is done, we won't know about it, but the Chinese will...having said that, I'm not sure it's possible anymore to protect these things short of literally setting up an intranet with no contact to the outside internet at all. Hackers always seem to be able to get ahead, whether it is government or business trying to protect information. Whether it's hackers getting CC info from PS/XBOX, or Sony break-in, or WH emails, or what have you.

Even the DOD has been broken into several times. I don't think there is a way to fool-proof stop it.
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I suspect whatever is done, we won't know about it, but the Chinese will...having said that, I'm not sure it's possible anymore to protect these things short of literally setting up an intranet with no contact to the outside internet at all. Hackers always seem to be able to get ahead, whether it is government or business trying to protect information. Whether it's hackers getting CC info from PS/XBOX, or Sony break-in, or WH emails, or what have you.

Even the DOD has been broken into several times. I don't think there is a way to fool-proof stop it.
You may be right. There is no foolproof way right now - but I suspect that a foolproof way is being worked on.
You may be right. There is no foolproof way right now - but I suspect that a foolproof way is being worked on.

I'm sure they are trying, but I think at all levels you have to understand going forward that if it's really secret, important, maybe don't use an email to talk about it. Go in person, or over a secure line, or courier. It's less convenient, but a lot harder to crack.
I suspect whatever is done, we won't know about it, but the Chinese will...having said that, I'm not sure it's possible anymore to protect these things short of literally setting up an intranet with no contact to the outside internet at all. Hackers always seem to be able to get ahead, whether it is government or business trying to protect information. Whether it's hackers getting CC info from PS/XBOX, or Sony break-in, or WH emails, or what have you.

Even the DOD has been broken into several times. I don't think there is a way to fool-proof stop it.

You metioned in your own thread how to fool proof stop it. The only other thing I would mention is that when people(politicians/soldiers etc) break protocol, throw the kitchen sink at them. That would help ensure the intranet stays the intranet and not get invaded by outside parties.

And as for your post right above this where you mention use a secure line/carrier etc. That is pretty much exactly how insurgents/radical Muslims/etc operate a lot. Especially in Afghanistan. Now sure, readily admit they use twitter but a lot of their communicating/finances is done by hand/courier.
America has the worlds best hackers, programers, analyists, & virus protection, [US fed. gov., highest levels of course] & when we don't, you'll know it real soon. China is making the most & fastest progress in these areas, with Japan a close third. It's common knowledge, Russia, China, Iran, Guccifer & several others have been hacking into Hillary's private serverS for several years now. Google "Guccifer hacked Hillary". If we get a Republican president in 2016/2017, Hillary & co. will be charged, prosecuted, convicted, & sentenced for several felony violations, starting when she first took her Sec. of State office positioin. The crimes of Benghazi will forever more tie the criminal acts of Hillary, Obama, Rice, & co. together, forever. Hillary might have gotten away with her illegal serverS, destruction of gov. property/evidence, obstruction of justice, ect., ect..., if not for the 2012 Benghazi embassy terrorist attack. Huma Adedin is in real big trouble as well. It all goes away if a [D] wins the 2016 presidential election, & if a Republican wins, we'll have to build more federal prisons to house all the new [D] felons.
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The Americ
According to a senior official, China has been accessing Obama Administration and other US government private emails since 2010. It is scary to think how much intel and national secrets have been stolen by the Chinese. What, if anything, can be done about this? Do you think the US is doing the same to the Chinese? Or the Russians?
The Amerians & Japanese were in on the ground floor of hacking, & started the whole thing. If we weren't not only hacking everyone else, [including China] but getting the best of them, you'd have known it long ago, we all would have. Private hackers make the most money, take the most chances, & have the shortest lifespan. Often a gov., company, organization or private intity will contract out hacking jobs/operations. If not for our hackers, Iran's centrifuges would have given them the materials/uramium they now seek, years ago. If not for those hackers, we'd probably be warm, glowing, & highly radioactive about now, Israel as well. You don't have to be anything close to a genius to make millions in the hacking for hire field. Guccifer basically hacked Hillary & many others with hard work, common sense, & very low tech systems.
> Do you think the US is doing the same to the Chinese? Or the Russians?

Absolutely. We probably do it to just about every country in the world. It would be stupid if we didn't.

Here is a cool map of live attacks between various countries. It isn't specific to your question, but it's still cool to look at:
everyone spies/hacks everyone else. That's why I laugh when country A gets indignant that country B was spying on them, and then later it turns out that country B was spying itself. (I'm looking at you Germany).
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I suspect whatever is done, we won't know about it, but the Chinese will...having said that, I'm not sure it's possible anymore to protect these things short of literally setting up an intranet with no contact to the outside internet at all. Hackers always seem to be able to get ahead, whether it is government or business trying to protect information. Whether it's hackers getting CC info from PS/XBOX, or Sony break-in, or WH emails, or what have you.

Even the DOD has been broken into several times. I don't think there is a way to fool-proof stop it.

That is what they have already. The internal intelligence facilities are all in house. Everything is contained on an inside system because they know there is inherent risk when exposing any communication to a potential foreign government's signals intelligence pickup, no matter how well its encrypted. It is a self contained operation. Things that get put out on encrypted outside systems that are out on the periphery are done so deliberately. I can't possibly see how the president's email was hacked on their intranet. The people that designed this system aren't stupid. The people that use them though, these people such as Obama and Hillary are not loyal to the United States and have globalist interests. If they were compromised they were compromised because somehow they found information off the internal pathway and had it either forwarded or placed on a platform where it would be possible for outside infiltration. People like Obama try to mask it through necessity and it is most definitely through his cellphone or some mobile device where penetration would be more likely. I know the Blackberry is much more safely encrypted, but an iPhone has way too many security loopholes built into the processors themselves, and China manufactures these processors. I doubt a full forensic security analysis would even detect such a loophole. I wonder if his iPhone was some kind of decoy pandoras box for foreign intelligence services to penetrate. I thought I read a while back where he had switched over. Now right there would be a good place for the investigation of espionage to begin.
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That is what they have already. The internal intelligence facilities are all in house. Everything is contained on an inside system because they know there is inherent risk when exposing any communication to a potential foreign government's signals intelligence pickup, no matter how well its encrypted. It is a self contained operation. Things that get put out on encrypted outside systems that are out on the periphery are done so deliberately. I can't possibly see how the president's email was hacked on their intranet. The people that designed this system aren't stupid. The people that use them though, these people such as Obama and Hillary are not loyal to the United States and have globalist interests. If they were compromised they were compromised because somehow they found information off the internal pathway and had it either forwarded or placed on a platform where it would be possible for outside infiltration. People like Obama try to mask it through necessity and it is most definitely through his cellphone or some mobile device where penetration would be more likely. I know the Blackberry is much more safely encrypted, but an iPhone has way too many security loopholes built into the processors themselves, and China manufactures these processors. I doubt a full forensic security analysis would even detect such a loophole. I wonder if his iPhone was some kind of decoy pandoras box for foreign intelligence services to penetrate. I thought I read a while back where he had switched over. Now right there would be a good place for the investigation of espionage to begin.

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