America has the worlds best hackers, programers, analyists, & virus protection, [US fed. gov., highest levels of course] & when we don't, you'll know it real soon. China is making the most & fastest progress in these areas, with Japan a close third. It's common knowledge, Russia, China, Iran, Guccifer & several others have been hacking into Hillary's private serverS for several years now. Google "Guccifer hacked Hillary". If we get a Republican president in 2016/2017, Hillary & co. will be charged, prosecuted, convicted, & sentenced for several felony violations, starting when she first took her Sec. of State office positioin. The crimes of Benghazi will forever more tie the criminal acts of Hillary, Obama, Rice, & co. together, forever. Hillary might have gotten away with her illegal serverS, destruction of gov. property/evidence, obstruction of justice, ect., ect..., if not for the 2012 Benghazi embassy terrorist attack. Huma Adedin is in real big trouble as well. It all goes away if a [D] wins the 2016 presidential election, & if a Republican wins, we'll have to build more federal prisons to house all the new [D] felons.