CBS Report

I think this is another sign that the regime media has read the tea leaves and recognized it had better start covering its own collective rear before the Biden House of Corruption caves in - as is looking increasingly likely based on the bank transfers from China brought forth by Rep. Comer's committee, the new IRS whistleblower, and so forth.
I think this is another sign that the regime media has read the tea leaves and recognized it had better start covering its own collective rear before the Biden House of Corruption caves in - as is looking increasingly likely based on the bank transfers from China brought forth by Rep. Comer's committee, the new IRS whistleblower, and so forth.
The MSM will do their damndest to cover, spin and whitewash this story. It's their obligation to the dem party to do so.
I guarantee there's closed door exec meetings at the MSM outlets where it's being discussed in very specific terms, what will and will not be covered about this story.