CBS News will not cross President or big advertisers

May 25, 2013
Article of a book by a former CBS news reporter on how CBS news would not broadcast much that made Obama or the Democrats look bad. My point, you cannot trust the main stream media to report fairly what is really going on. They will only report what makes the democrat agenda look good. Do not trust what you hear on the network news!

Book by former CBS reporter about CBS news.
Anyone who thinks the major networks have ever been anything but cheerleaders for the left just simply hasn't been paying attention.
"Madam Secretary"

The entertainment industry is the most powerful re-enforcer of leftwing ideas in this country. Sometimes its the most powerful promoter of leftwing ideas.

The entertainment division of CBS is spending tens of millions of dollars to make "Madam Secretary" which is basically a Hillary Clinton campaign commercial. Doesn't the left love to complain about corporate money in politics? Yes, they do. But they're lying. They're perfectly fine with corporations that produce the news and television shows we watch. That is, as long as they're making left-leaning products. Same goes for the music and movie corporations.

Remember Valerie Plame? Yep, the MSM highlighted that non-story for over a year. Hollywood even made a movie about it. Think the MSM or Hollywood will focus Sharyl Attkisson's story? Don't bet on it.

"This is outrageous. Worse than anything Nixon ever did. I wouldn't have believed something like this could happen in the United States of America," Attkisson quotes the source saying.

Yes, but Nixon was Republican while Obama is a Democrat. Nothing to see here.
Re: "Madam Secretary"

Agreed. Madam Secretary is a poor show. At least Tea Leoni is better-looking than Hillary, but could CBS have been any more transparent in creating and promoting this show and their own left-leaning interests?
Just so everyone is clear

She leaves the national network and immediately goes to work for the Heritage Foundation's "The Daily Signal."

So, in a nutshell, conservative reporter laments liberal bias of media.
No surprise

You're OK with the liberal bias of the MSM which claims to be objective.

Does the Heritage Foundation hide its bias? No, it doesn't. Does CBS? Well, it doesn't do a good job of hiding it but it certainly won't admit it.
Re: No surprise

Originally posted by GMM:
You're OK with the liberal bias of the MSM which claims to be objective.
Ironically, the only TV media outlet I can ever recall claiming to be objective was Fox News back in the "Fair and Balanced" days.
I'd say CNN claims to be objective

there is no such thing as an objective media source of course. The best they can do is try to be objective as best they can.