Wouldn't that require more stuff....like the state of Arizona? That might make it a fair trade.Heard there are some in Gloomington that will trade you a live Clapper for the bobblehead!!!
It's actually a great trade. The bobblehead must be moved to cause it to bobble. The Clapper comes with perpetual motion and requires no batteries.Wouldn't that require more stuff....like the state of Arizona? That might make it a fair trade.
It's actually a great trade. The bobblehead must be moved to cause it to bobble. The Clapper comes with perpetual motion and requires no batteries.
I have a Dwight Shrute bobblehead that bears a striking resemblance to Tom Crean.I have an extra Keady bobblehead. I'm interested in trading for jbc or wooden.
If someone has something else cool, say, wooden's Letterman sweater, I suppose that would suffice.