ecouch,Yes. They are both criminals.
It sickens me that liberals rally around the brand name, Clinton.
The fact that we are staring down a Clinton v. Bush/Trump election makes me want to leave the country forever.
Or maybe it's not a conspiracy theory at all, qazplm. In this day and age, what is the likelihood that a father and two of his sons would all be selected to run for President?It's cute when left and right conspiracy theories can come together.
Come on, the "powers that be" can position the people they want in the places they want them, and can "leak" information about their opponents to try and hurt their chances, but they can't directly control the polls and likely can't directly control how well or how poorly the candidates run their campaigns or mitigate poor decisions the candidates made in the past.What are the odds that two sons of a President, both of whom were governors of very large states, might each eventually run for President?
Pretty darn high I'd say.
What are the odds that Hillary Clinton, an unusually accomplished First Lady, former Senator and Secretary of State might run for President? Pretty darn high.
If it were a conspiracy, Bush would be running a wee bit better than he is, and Hillary wouldn't be in a dogfight with an avowed Socialist.
Or maybe she really did kill Vince Foster to cover up her lesbian love affairs.
I mean who really knows these things?
It's cute when left and right conspiracy theories can come together.
It is also cute when folks blatantly carry the water.
I'm not a conspiracy theorist. You don't have a defense for the Clinton criminal machine.
Everyone who is running is getting their campaigns financed by someone. Having a lot of money does not necessarily equate to "PTB."
Sanders seems to be doing just fine money-wise right now and he's not taking any Super PAC money and his funding is all small donations. Trump is self-financed at this point.
Sure, money talks, but that's the result of a Supreme Court that said money = speech and mostly unfettered what folks can give. If the Dems ruled the world, there would be greater restrictions. So this isn't a "there's no difference between the parties here" situation.
Everyone who is running is getting their campaigns financed by someone. Having a lot of money does not necessarily equate to "PTB."
Sanders seems to be doing just fine money-wise right now and he's not taking any Super PAC money and his funding is all small donations. Trump is self-financed at this point.
Sure, money talks, but that's the result of a Supreme Court that said money = speech and mostly unfettered what folks can give. If the Dems ruled the world, there would be greater restrictions. So this isn't a "there's no difference between the parties here" situation.
so basically you've played the uber extreme cynic card....everyone really just works for the Man, Obama, Sanders, Clinton, doesn't matter.
I'll bite. The nation has become increasingly polarized and the politicians on both sides are bought and paid for by the special interests favored by their party. Politicians do things for their own self interests (and their well-paying benefactors, both in the USA and abroad) and there seems to be increasingly little regard for the well-being of the USA as a nation.How are we "decaying?" Decaying from what?
I'll grant you the fact that we are ignoring our infrastructure because anti-government deficit hawks don't want to spend money on anything, but that's been a battle most of our existence.
Our economy is not at it's worst anymore, certainly never got to Great Depression levels, and it's still one of the best in the world.
Our military still leads.
Still a leader in tech, culture, etc.
It's not like individual rights are any worse of a place than in history, or that race, gender or LGBT issues are worse, in fact the last is at an apex.
I don't like plenty about the government, but I don't see an institution inherently more corrupt than the 70s, or the 60s or the 50s or the 40s...the focus of that corruption changes for sure. Where it was say anti-minority in one era, it becomes anti something else in this era.
We've ALWAYS been pro-corporation. Like from the very start.
I'm just wondering what golden age or even silver age America folks point to when decrying the current iteration as somehow corroding or falling apart.
You have a real knack for oversimplifying things. The political world is very different today relative to the days of Teapot Dome and the Rockefellers. The political world is very different today than when Nixon was the 1800s one senator beat the crap out of another with a the Senate.
Government corruption? Teapot Dome called, it would like to have a word with you. Rockefeller and all of the other huge magnates basically ran this country in the late 1800s and early 1900s.
The concept of thinking about the US as a nation, rather than as an individual collection of loosely joined states is only about the last fourth of our existence as well.
You suffer from what a lot of folks suffer from...a belief that history only really matters going back about 20-30 years or so.
Sure, the country is more polarized than say when Tip and Reagan cut deals together...but not necessarily moreso than say when the President of the United States was effectively spying on the Democratic Party.
I'd prefer bipartisanship. I'm more than happy to take half a loaf. And certainly mostly we don't see that as possible, but on issue after issue, one side tries to do half a loaf, and the other side says nope. Now, I think there are folks on that other side that WOULD compromise (Boehner, even McConnell) but they are too afraid of their extreme edge and being primaried.
You have a real knack for oversimplifying things. The political world is very different today relative to the days of Teapot Dome and the Rockefellers. The political world is very different today than when Nixon was President.
Today, foreign interests hold greater sway in American politics than ever before. The Supreme Court (Citizens United) basically made it ok for foreign interests to participate in the American politic system and contribute huge sums of money for their pet causes. They are able to buy and sell Ds and Rs. Our enemies can have access and political patronage never conceived of in the past.
In the past, this kind of business would have been considered at best un-Patriotic, at worst treasonous and downright criminal.
But I guess this is all fine and dandy from your Progressive purview...
How are we "decaying?" Decaying from what?
I'll grant you the fact that we are ignoring our infrastructure because anti-government deficit hawks don't want to spend money on anything, but that's been a battle most of our existence.
Our economy is not at it's worst anymore, certainly never got to Great Depression levels, and it's still one of the best in the world.
Our military still leads.
Still a leader in tech, culture, etc.
It's not like individual rights are any worse of a place than in history, or that race, gender or LGBT issues are worse, in fact the last is at an apex.
I don't like plenty about the government, but I don't see an institution inherently more corrupt than the 70s, or the 60s or the 50s or the 40s...the focus of that corruption changes for sure. Where it was say anti-minority in one era, it becomes anti something else in this era.
We've ALWAYS been pro-corporation. Like from the very start.
I'm just wondering what golden age or even silver age America folks point to when decrying the current iteration as somehow corroding or falling apart.[/QUOT
Haha. Anti government deficit hawks? Hard to tell if one is being serious? What is the debt now? 20 trillion or getting close to it? The issue is not spending it is that spending is not spent on infrastructure.
One can argue with interest rates and basically more money should have been raised through debt. The issue was and is, all of these "shovel ready jobs' that the money was allegedly going to was going everywhere but there. And when money being spent is sold as one thing but spent on another it makes it tough to raise anymore money.
Running numbers, like it or not, our economy in the USA, is basically built upon financial engineering. Hate to break it to you, but it is anything but ok.
And while I think our military with a little bit more spending, stopping personnel cuts, and adding about 30,000 more troops(army only, other services not sure) can be strong, the politics in the USA prevent it from being so.
Everyone who is running is getting their campaigns financed by someone. Having a lot of money does not necessarily equate to "PTB."
Sanders seems to be doing just fine money-wise right now and he's not taking any Super PAC money and his funding is all small donations. Trump is self-financed at this point.
Sure, money talks, but that's the result of a Supreme Court that said money = speech and mostly unfettered what folks can give. If the Dems ruled the world, there would be greater restrictions. So this isn't a "there's no difference between the parties here" situation.
Wow, you can be really skewed by your political party when it comes to thinking critically. Ok, I can buy the statement that the Supreme Court said that money = speech and giving is unfettered.
But acting like the Dems are all against it is a complete joke. Obama dominated Wall Street funding in 08, and reports now are Clinton is doing well with them and in fact GS paid the Clinton's a ton of money for 'speeches' even as she was in SoS role.
you're undying hatred is sad actually.qazplm's undying support for the Clintons is too funny. Tells you all you need to know.
you're undying hatred is sad actually.