Big problems with Wind and Solar


Gold Member
Oct 5, 2004
Valparaiso, IN

Some key takeaways:

1. Above 35 degree latitude (southern Tennessee) the energy to produce a solar panel is greater than that panel will produce over its lifetime (25 years)

2. Using the EPA's own numbers, after trillions of dollars spent, wind and solar implementation increases total C02 production due to the immense inefficiency of ramping up and down backup power when it isn't sunny and isn't windy.

3. If every Lithium battery plant in the world built batteries 24/7 365 days a year, it would take 1000 years to produce enough for 2 days of U.S. energy use.
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Some key takeaways:

1. Above 35 degree latitude (southern Tennessee) the energy to produce a solar panel is greater than that panel will produce over its lifetime (25 years)

2. Using the EPA's own numbers, after trillions of dollars spent, wind and solar implementation increases total C02 production due to the immense inefficiency of ramping up and down backup power when it isn't sunny and isn't windy.

3. If every Lithium battery plant in the world built batteries 24/7 365 days a year, it would take 1000 years to produce enough for 2 days of U.S. energy use.
A single solar panel can generate 1.5kwh or greater a day. 1 is demonstrably false.
A single solar panel can generate 1.5kwh or greater a day. 1 is demonstrably false.
No it isn't. The amount each can produce each day is not equal in all places on Earth. It goes down the further away you get from "direct" sunlight and or the less sunny day's you get. More northern states, for example, have less sunny days and less "direct" sunlight.
No it isn't. The amount each can produce each day is not equal in all places on Earth. It goes down the further away you get from "direct" sunlight and or the less sunny day's you get. More northern states, for example, have less sunny days and less "direct" sunlight.
Yes I understand that. I went through the math for you on that on a previous conversation about the sun's energy hitting the Earth. Most solar panels will recoup their manufacturing energy within 1000 to 1500 days of operation. It's fake news man.
Yes I understand that. I went through the math for you on that on a previous conversation about the sun's energy hitting the Earth. Most solar panels will recoup their manufacturing energy within 1000 to 1500 days of operation. It's fake news man.
I disagree. I think you're falling into the same trap that the wind turbines do. They always say what a panel, turbine etc will produce, but the actual production is nowhere near that due to a myriad of factors. Wind isn't blowing, cloudy/rainy, shorter days, etc. When it's raining, for example, a solar panel is only producing at about 10% efficiency. Max of 25% when cloudy and that's being generous. Wind turbines usually produce on average about 1/4 their potential. I'm guessing it's similar with solar panels.

Also, most places that talk about the cost of building the panels don't include the cost of the mining, refining, etc.
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Nothing like a bitter cold front to open eyes to the fallacies of the pixie dust liberal policies of the Green movement that Biden is pushing. Even the dolt John Kerry has bailed out.
Flying off in his private jet to less greener pastures?

Or maybe in that giant yacht he's got?

He'll be back one way or another. He loves to fly around in his private jet to a weekly climate conference somewhere on the globe and pretend that people pay attention to him.