Bernie Sanders viability


Gold Member
Feb 5, 2003
So, shocking as it may seem to some on here who think me to the left of Satan...on other, much more liberal websites, I've not been on the side of "Bernie the savior" which a vocal minority seems to have engaged in.

I think his appeal has about capped out. He's snarfed up the liberal, white, progressive vote, but Hillary remains strong with minorities and women (I'm talking Dem primary here). Since women alone make up slightly over half of all Dem primary voters, and minorities make up almost 40 percent, I see those two demographics as pretty much guaranteeing Hillary a win, all things being equal (that is something doesn't come along to make her significantly damaged or she commits some form of political hari kari).

Sander's supporters bring up Obama in 07, but Obama in 07 had access and appeal to the entire range of primary demographics, minorities, women, young voters...all of them were willing to listen to him, and he eventually won them over.

However, even then, Hillary still ended up winning the popular primary vote. She lost the nomination because Obama's team was smarter, and realized how the caucus delegate voters worked, and that you could end up with more delegates than your opponent even if you lost the statewide "popular vote." That's on her of course, but the point is she went up against an historic, dynamic campaigner, and almost won.

Bernie is not that. I like him. I'd vote for him in the GE, but I see no path to victory for him save a Hillary collapse.

Of course, if Trump goes independent or somehow wins the nomination, then the Dems can nominate anyone over the age of 35 and have a likely chance of winning.

So who here thinks Sanders is viable to win the primary? Or the GE?
So, shocking as it may seem to some on here who think me to the left of Satan...on other, much more liberal websites, I've not been on the side of "Bernie the savior" which a vocal minority seems to have engaged in.

I think his appeal has about capped out. He's snarfed up the liberal, white, progressive vote, but Hillary remains strong with minorities and women (I'm talking Dem primary here). Since women alone make up slightly over half of all Dem primary voters, and minorities make up almost 40 percent, I see those two demographics as pretty much guaranteeing Hillary a win, all things being equal (that is something doesn't come along to make her significantly damaged or she commits some form of political hari kari).

Sander's supporters bring up Obama in 07, but Obama in 07 had access and appeal to the entire range of primary demographics, minorities, women, young voters...all of them were willing to listen to him, and he eventually won them over. As Democrats, it's hard to lose elections, when you've locked up the dead, felon & illegal vote, but Democrats will somehow manage to do this too. If you could just swing the ET vote, maybe then?

However, even then, Hillary still ended up winning the popular primary vote. She lost the nomination because Obama's team was smarter, and realized how the caucus delegate voters worked, and that you could end up with more delegates than your opponent even if you lost the statewide "popular vote." That's on her of course, but the point is she went up against an historic, dynamic campaigner, and almost won.

Bernie is not that. I like him. I'd vote for him in the GE, but I see no path to victory for him save a Hillary collapse.

Of course, if Trump goes independent or somehow wins the nomination, then the Dems can nominate anyone over the age of 35 and have a likely chance of winning.

So who here thinks Sanders is viable to win the primary? Or the GE?

What you want/need is Elizabeth "Chief Running Scared" Warren. Comrade Sanders will never win the [D] primary. He's now about Hillary's age. America won't be ready [politically, election wise] for an open, card carrying socialist [as president] until the 2024 election, & by that time Bernie will be far too old for the youngsters who want, & vote for such people [politically]. The 2024 [& possibly 2020?] [D] presidential nominee will be a Latina/Latino, [who is being groomed now] fairly young, [as young as possible, over 35] politically savy, upwardly mobile, & silver tongued, probably from Texas [San Antonio Mayor?] or the Chicago political system. They will sweep through the political system, the [D] nomination, right to the presidency, with little opposition, from anyone of any political party. They will rule for two terms, at the end of the second term, you won't be able to recognize this country, forever more. Neither Hillary nor Trump will ever be president, Trump too off the cuff/politically incorrect, & Hillary too criminal in nature. Walker/Cruz vs Warren/Sanders 2016. As Democrat politicians, it's hard to lose elections when you've locked up the dead, felon, & illegal vote, but Democrats will somehow manage that too. If you could only swing the ET vote, maybe then?

Scott Walker will be the last Republican president, serving two terms, [2017-2025] & never again will liberals have to worry about the American conservative movement, only how to slow the inevitible slide from abject state controlled socialism, to, dictatorial, authoritarian communism. People will begin the great northern journey/movement/migration, to Canada, & soon, it too will slide into abject communism, failed social programs/experiments, & welfare for all, [good, voting liberals, socialists/communists & comrades] forever more.

Day by day, as China moves closer to capitalism, freedom & democracy, America moves to state controlled socialism, then to somthing far, far worse. Two ships passing in the night, one shunning capitalism, the other wanting more & more freedom, democracy & jobs. Take a good look around you, remember it well, for you shall never see these days again, nor shall anyone. "A rebirth is comming, an awakening, event horizon, & turmolt & darkness shall cover the earth. The land shall boil, the waters run over, & winds will sweep the globe. A silent quiet shall then consume the earth, & all it's inhabitants shall fear the end of days."

Want more? Give me $100 & I will tell you more. :)

Nancy Reagan did. :)
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Sanders has some great ideas . . but a lot of them have serious implementation problems. I'm sure we'd all love to live in the world of candy and rainbows, but it's not going to happen.

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