We had the example of Drew Brees (and many others before him, but we haven't been to the Rose Bowl since him so I'll use him as the modern benchmark.
I mean, we're seriously having discussion about how good AA is. News flash, compared to Drew Beees he stinks. Curtis Painter? Godawful. Marve? Horrible. Henry? Please. Orton was no Brees.
Look, how all these QB debates over the years take place without considering the intangibles that made Brees the QB he is has always left me scratching my head.
The point isn't finding a Brees clone, it's recognizing the fact that a QB either has it or he doesn't.
People on here will fall on a sword for AA, or Etling last year. Fact is, they both had skills but not "it." And we wait and wait and wait and wait for some miraculous transformation to take place. It ain't happening.
So let's see what Blough has and stop wasting another minute hoping.
We've seen Drew Brees first hand, long before the rest of the world knew What he had. So with that kind of insight and experience, shouldn't we all be smarter about how good a good QB is supposed to be?
And because of Drew Brees (and other greats before him) we should have the highest expectations for QB in college football. Oh...wait...I forgot, Hazell and his running attack philosophy.
We had an identity, which may not be as cool as being a perennial contender...but it was OUR identity...and thanks to Morgan Burke, we seem to have even lost that.
But WE haven't lost sight of that fact which is why we shouldn't be wasting our time with QB play that isn't up to our standards.
Thank you, and good night.
We had the example of Drew Brees (and many others before him, but we haven't been to the Rose Bowl since him so I'll use him as the modern benchmark.
I mean, we're seriously having discussion about how good AA is. News flash, compared to Drew Beees he stinks. Curtis Painter? Godawful. Marve? Horrible. Henry? Please. Orton was no Brees.
Look, how all these QB debates over the years take place without considering the intangibles that made Brees the QB he is has always left me scratching my head.
The point isn't finding a Brees clone, it's recognizing the fact that a QB either has it or he doesn't.
People on here will fall on a sword for AA, or Etling last year. Fact is, they both had skills but not "it." And we wait and wait and wait and wait for some miraculous transformation to take place. It ain't happening.
So let's see what Blough has and stop wasting another minute hoping.
We've seen Drew Brees first hand, long before the rest of the world knew What he had. So with that kind of insight and experience, shouldn't we all be smarter about how good a good QB is supposed to be?
And because of Drew Brees (and other greats before him) we should have the highest expectations for QB in college football. Oh...wait...I forgot, Hazell and his running attack philosophy.
We had an identity, which may not be as cool as being a perennial contender...but it was OUR identity...and thanks to Morgan Burke, we seem to have even lost that.
But WE haven't lost sight of that fact which is why we shouldn't be wasting our time with QB play that isn't up to our standards.
Thank you, and good night.