Anyone know the rules for home games as far as audio?


Jul 18, 2006
Was wondering if people will get creative and blast music/fan noise while other team is on offense or play tricks and only play it sometimes or if the NCAA has put guidelines in place to control the environment.

I could see the Michigan coach pulling out a bag of tricks to surprise the Boilers who think the stadium will be quiet......

Just wondering......

Let's go Boilers step up and crush this hard schedule and prove we have arrived.
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Was wondering if people will get creative and blast music while other team is on offense or play tricks and only play it sometimes or if the NCAA has put guidelines in place to control the environment.

I could see the Michigan coach pulling out a bag of tricks to surprise the Boilers who think the stadium will be quiet......

Just wondering......

Let's go Boilers step up and crush this hard schedule and prove we have arrived.
You can't blast music with fans, don't know why you could without.
Is the BT dictating the percentage of fans allowed in individual stadiums or is that being done by individual schools?

I know Rutgers mentioned a couple of weeks ago that they were just allowing immediate families in this season. Not that it matters for Rutgers football attendance anyway.

I am hoping they will allow prerecorded fan noise to be pumped in on key plays like a real stadium atmosphere would be like. That might not be allowed either though.
Great question. Maybe they will allow piped in crowd reactions for touchdowns and first downs on offense and sacks and 3rd/4th down stops on defense. I can't imagine piped in noise being allowed pre snap.
How much insight do you need? The answer is pretty cut and dried.
Is it? Usually a source helps but to just say no because it was this way in the past so it will be this way in the future is not an answer.....

I think some may try to pipe in fan noises (like other sports are doing) and was wondering if the NCAA put out guidelines to restrict it.

We can assume you are possibly correct but we all know what assuming does........

Just looking for someone who may know something.