Another Obamacare insurer bites the dust.

You people crack me up. Just like only Nixon, rabid anti communist, could go to China, only Obama, AA and perceived political liberal, could force that neoliberal piece of crap onto the American public. Guess what, another nonprofit bought the dust in this free market capitalist health care system where insurers are the gate keepers for all Americans now. Health insurance is now in a place where and only the strong survive, isn't that the America you want? Have wanted since Nixon? Won't this eventually lead to cheaper health care once the posers are weeded out? I mean insurers are a business and don't businesses always do what's right?

Ya'll remind, with this constant bitching about ACA, of the woman with her two hitler youth sons who tag along on the journey the family takes fleeing west, away from the red army, at the end of WWII Germany in the book German Boy. She is an allegory who when last seen is having an emotional breakdown coming to terms with the ideology she believed in and the realities they have traveled through and starkly existing all around them.
Primary problem is that the newly insured under Obamacare, especially those who couldn't get insurance due to pre-existing conditions, become "heavy users" as soon as they get coverage under Obamacare. Thus the actual cost of Obamacare is far greater than projected back when it was a political football.

Same thing will happen with "free tuition". If Hillary rams this through Congress, you'll see every public school in the nation jack up their tuition costs.
Remember that the end game with Obamacare is single payer government run health care. In this stage they want the insurance companies and state exchanges to fail so they can blame it on the insurance companies, etc.
but it's cheaper and you can keep your doctor!
Annual premiums edged beyond $17,500 for an average family.
Honestly, I would not criticize Obamacare if it worked. But it doesn't work. America was sold a bill of goods by Nancy Pelosi and her Nancyboy at MIT.

The previously uninsured quickly became heavy users under the AFA. This is true of those with pre-existing conditions and the otherwise previously uninsured. Both groups made a frontal assault on the system as soon as they got in and it hasn't stopped, kinda like We Got Some Big Time Payback for the mofos.

I support medical care for all Americans. I support a guaranteed job for all Americans. I support free tuition at state/public colleges for all Americans. All three concepts have been rejected as "too liberal". Please note my emphasis upon "AMERICANS".
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It doesn't matter what the poll results are. Obamacare is fiscally unsustainable. Two thirds of the co-ops are gone and two of the top three insurers in the nation are getting out. With this record of abject failure, it's hard to imagine a Republican Congress pumping more money into it.

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