He was a 100% legal gun owner. Not only did posses a license to carry concealed, he held an addition license that are available to security professionals that allows for additional firearms to be concealed. He also passed two individual NICS querries conducted by the FBI within the past two weeks. So unless Obama said no guns for radical muslims whose only black mark is a $135 ticket for an illegal right turn....
Ah I see now. He wants to create a "no buy" list for know ISIS sympathizers. So yeah, he does want a radical Muslim no buy list. First I have heard that.
I just came from a meeting today in the Situation Room in which I got people who we know have been on ISIL Web sites, living here in the United States, U.S. citizens, and we’re allowed to put them on the no-fly list when it comes to airlines, but because of the National Rifle Association, I cannot prohibit those people from buying a gun.
Stripping rights for visiting a website. Getting put on secret lists. If these men are so dangerous, why are they allowed to stay?
None the less, this guy wouldn't have been on that list. He was investigated and cleared several times by the FBI.
Working link.