An Explanation for the Rise of the Likes of Trump and Sanders

qazplm can't see it, but that doesn't mean it isn't happening...

Yes, clearly because Trump is getting a minority-plurality of one party's primary voters six months before the primary elections...he speaks for America.
And yes, Trump/Sanders, tomato/tomatoe.

Brilliant analysis.

By the way, if you actually read the article about what the "American people want"

They want Dems in charge of the House
They have higher fav ratings of the Dems than Reps
They want new spending by the Federal government
They want abortion legal in most cases
They oppose cutting off funding for PP
Tied between Obama and Reps
Insider and Outsider are within 3 pts of each other

Doesn't really say what the article wants it to say does it?

People are angry. Noooooo. This is totally new! Liberals think government is too conservative, conservatives think it is too liberal. Neither group is happy. Water is wet. Gravity pulls things down.

Trump is ahead because a plurality of one party has lost its mind. They will eventually sober up.
It's pretty obvious, that people are fed up with the status quo. We keep sending politicians to DC to fix the problems, after they assure us they will, if we vote for them, then they go about business as usual. Their sole function appears to be reelection, with no concern for what's in the best interests of the nation.

Trump, Sanders, Carsen and Fiorina are getting protest votes from an electorate that wants positive change.