American Military Generals call for Obama's arrest for HIGH TREASON

Feb 7, 2009
High ranking US military officials are calling for the immediate arrest of Obama for HIGH TREASON. What a punk Obama is with his ugly ears. What a traitor that guy is. Because people it takes a lot for an admiral or a general to come out and call Obama out for his treason publicly. But this is exactly what they are doing. This is SERIOUS.

These are SERIOUS times we all live in. Let me ask this. Is it still a conspiracy theory now? I remember being laughed out years ago talking about this. It isn't so funny though anymore when now GENERALS AND ADMIRALS ARE SAYING IT.

(TPNN) – Retired 4-Star U.S. Navy Admiral James A. “Ace” Lyons, speaking at the National Press Club in January, says that under Obama’s guidance, the Obama Regime has been infiltrated by the Muslim Brotherhood terrorism front group, saying that the radical anti-freedom organization has penetrated every U.S. security agency. Admiral Lyons said that “the transformation of America has been in full swing ever since 2008,” the year Obama was elected based upon his campaign promise to “fundamentally transform America.”

Speaking about Obama’s refusal to attend the recent march in France, reportedly attended by more than 50 world leaders to condemn Islamic terrorism following the gruesome murders of cartoonists who had the audacity to lampoon Islam, Admiral Lyons said that act was a “signal to Islamic Jihadis,” and is “one of many signals he sent over the years while in office.”

“There’s no question we got a hell of a job ahead of us,” Admiral Lyons said. “With the Muslim Brotherhood penetration in every one of our national security agencies, including all our intelligence agencies,” he proclaimed.


Admiral Lyons said that our “lead intelligence agency” is “headed by a Muslim convert,” a reference to Obama CIA head John Brennan.

The new GOP majority in both houses of Congress were elected to “stop the transformation of America, not to see how they could work with the president.”

Admiral Lyons asserted that there is no such thing as radical Islam, but that “Islam is Islam.”

“The threat is Islam. Let’s make no mistake about it. There’s no such thing as radical Islam,” Lyons asserted.

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Another high ranking general has come forward that Obama is guilty of high treason and has been plotting war and working with foreign powers and ISIS to levy war against the United States. Its quite obvious and sad that the pathetic public has to rely on waiting to hear this from the highest ranking marine in the United States before they stop their sniveling. But the reality is so dire that not only the most famous Naval Admiral in US history but also the highest ranking marine general have come forward that Obama is a filthy traitor and that he is a foreign asset operating the US government from within to destroy the United States.

Its about restricting US citizens access to guns, but nobody wants to talk about why Obama insisted hardcore terrorists inside the border unchecked, no documentation, red carpeted terrorists inside the boundaries. His solution, as always, to attack the rights of normal Americans and to get their guns so the extermination can begin. Nobody wants to ask why did the Naval admiral say they were being red carpeted inside US intelligence agencies at all levels. That is a serious charge coming from not the fat faced ugly arrogant professor with his pot belly hanging out with his sniveling froth in denial blindly but rather the most respected admiral in US history.

Marine Corp General James Amos risked his career by doing something virtually unheard of within the top ranks of the military – he spoke out against the Obama Administration at a Brookings Institute event in June.

What makes General Amos’ statement such a huge bombshell, is the fact that he is the top Marine in the country – the Commandant of the Marine Corp.
Retired Lt. Col. Oliver North told Fox News’ Megyn Kelly that what Amos said was “very important.” North believes Amos made his statement intentionally, because he “realizes that the finest military that’s ever existed on this earth is being systematically dismantled” by Obama. “We won’t be able to protect our citizens or our interests around the globe,” added North.

If you recall, on Feb. 10, the State Department decided to suspend all operations at the embassy and initiate an evacuation after the country was overrun by Iranian-affiliated Shiite Muslim rebels.

But that order itself was apparently not good enough for Obama, who also demanded that the Marines first destroy all their weapons, including the personal arms they were carrying. This means that they were left at the mercy of the Yemenis until they finally made it out of the country.

“It is my opinion that is an intolerable position … to be in a very dangerous situation, and depend on trusting the very people who have put us in that very dangerous situation to not do us any harm while we turn over all our weapons,” Rep. John Kline, himself a former Marine officer, opined during the committee hearing, according to the Marine Corps Times.
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Oh that is all. This General says the president just needs arrested for high treason. Think of how disgraced all these scoffers are who scoffed and laughed at true Americans trying to warn the US public for 10 years, and now all the scoffers are thought of as disgraced slobs for the rest of the their lives by the public.

But maybe the potbelly bald guy knows more arrogant frothing in the class room with a laugh sigh as he snivels.

Maj. Gen. (Ret.) Paul E. Vallely stated recently during a radio interview that President Obama should be “arrested for treasonous activities.”

Vallely, while a guest on the Real Side radio program earlier this month, stated above anything else that Obama should be held accountable for his sympathies for the Muslim Brotherhood in particular and his actions regarding the Benghazi tragedy. The retired general said one group that should hold the president’s feet to the fire are high-ranking members of the military.

The program’s host, Joe Messina, asked whether Obama would just replace those military leaders with others who agree with him, as he has done several times in the past.