You absolutely do not need someone with a "legal Background," as in a J.D. What we do need is someone who knows when they need to involve legal and to what extent. Same way with finance. A lot of organizations are dysfunctional because they have week leadership that lets legal and finance takeover the management of the organization. Then the first things considered wrt every potential action are compliance and budgets -- as opposed to the risks of not taking action -- and the next thing you know, paralysis sets in and the organization loses its way in terms of achieving its objective, whether that be valuation creation, benevolent service, what have you. I've experienced this happening in several organizations in which I've worked, and IMO, this aptly describes the Purdue Athletic Dept. I would argue, Morgan's background is actually a disadvantage in terms of being an effective manager. Legal and finance are obstacles that good managers figure out how to satisfy, or overcome, while keeping their eyes on the ball (i.e., mission/vision or objective).