There is nobody that it is more disappointed on this board than I am about yesterday's loss. As I reflect and try to put into perspective my near state of depression, I have gained a perspective I wish to share. For those of us who are parents you know of the feeling when your son or daughter tried so very hard to accomplish something, yet failed, and they look at you with teary eyes searching for affirmation as the essential ingredient for them to continue their development. We, as fans, in my opinion, are faced with the same situation regarding our football team. No one can deny that they gave their all, yet, in the end, failed. We can choose to ignore their tremendous effort and condemn them for losing and decide not to support them and not turn out to support them in the stands. Or, we can choose to express our affirmation by continuing to support them. I know that the Indiana State game is non-conference game and we should be expected to win as they being a lesser team, but don't you think that when the players on our team enter the field that day they will look-up into to the stands seeking affirmation that we as fans still believe they can be the team they wish to be? Yes, we can turn our backs and turn away from them as if trying to punish them and teach them a lesson which will most probably continue to fracture their very frail self-confidence. Or, we can turn out and support them registering by our mere presence that we have confidence. It has been my experience as a parent, that when I have demonstrated affirmation for my child when they had most needed it that I was rewarded by their perseverance in achieving success. I apologize if you think I am lecturing you, as I am only lecturing myself in terms what is the most responsible action for me to take to help our team win. I have chosen to be in the stands this week-end hoping that our players will notice me as I demonstrate my belief in them and they will reward me with their perseverance. Please join me if you can.