Imagine if two conservative FNC talk show hosts hadn't paid their taxes

Lien Forward

This phrase was in the comments section, and it's too funny not to share, irrespective of politics.

I have zero sympathy for folks who wilfully don't pay their taxes. Once I went through a period of being way behind on filing returns, but I always made sure they had their money.

The only situation I can think of that conjures even a little sympathy is if the tax bill arises from a transaction where the money to pay it never was in my possession, like inheriting a valuable stake in a private company, or a valuable patent portfolio that is not yet performing, or any other valuable-but-difficult-to-monetize possession. They you have to come up with money or sell something, which might not be easy to do. But I doubt this is typically the situation or the situation in the referenced case.
Yeah, that's pretty clever

Thank goodness it came from the comments section so I don't have to credit you!

To be fair, it's incredible that either of those two nutjobs even earns an income, so I could why they wouldn't feel the need to pay taxes.