Hey Noodle

LOL not anytime soon

I'm still very puzzled as to why Eric Kearney even made such a proposal, as he had to know that it was going nowhere fast. Even if you ignore the fact that the Republicans firmly control the Ohio legislature, it's just not something you do while the guy is still in office. For starters, do you remember what happened with the Michael A. Fox Highway? Personally, I would have no problem renaming it down the road (no pun intended), such as long after he is out of office. But not now.

I've always liked Eric Kearney. While our politics are pretty far apart, he is an incredibly nice guy and is very, very smart. It will be interesting to see what he ends up doing when his terms ends this year. I would like to think that his naming proposal was not a result of him angling for a jog in the President's administration--he's better than that, and, quite frankly, should not need to do something like that in order to be considered.